Storyboard P is a dancer raised in Brooklyn. It would be an understatement to say that he goes beyond street dance. His style of dancing even challenges the most elementary laws of physics, defying gravity and moving in such counterintuitive ways that one can only assume that his body acts as a portal into another dimension. An Afrofuturist universe where time and space fold under the dancing feet.

Storyboard has defined his dance style as “mutant”, drawing inspiration from a variety of subcultural forms as heterogeneous as Jamaican dancehall, flexing from his native Brooklyn, West Coast krumping, the Old Way voguing that LGTB teens used to dance at the Christopher Street pier, or even the mechanical movements of stop-motion animation. His voracious curiosity has led him to collaborate with artists and filmmakers including Kahlil Joseph, Arthur Jafa, Flying Lotus and Jay-Z.

For his performance at CA2M, Storyboard P will alternate between freestyle improvisation and storytelling, exploring the body as a source of empowerment and self-affirmation in the face of loss and structural violence.

This performance will weave together biography, survival, and urban science fiction.

Free entrance until full capacity is reached

This performance has been organised on the occasion of Madrid’s international contemporary art fair, ARCOmadrid 2018, whose curatorial programme this year gravitates around the question of The Future.


Activity type
Target audience
Anyone interested
24th february, 2018 / 20.00H
Attendance open and free while places last