July, 2021
Performance27 may – 1 july
As a Picnic Society, the CA2M invites several curators each year to design a program for the terrace of the Center. Every Thursday from the end of May to the beginning of July our terrace will become a space in which we will develop a program of activities in which the physical and the sound are mixed with the educational and participatory.
Image Symposium5, 6 and th JULY
One year later, the question that underpins these conferences, challenges us, if possible, even more directly For which bodies, for what histories. In the face of the general uncertainty and the absolute lack of historical precedence that we are going through, this question confronts us with the contingency of history in the materiality of our bodies given the very violence that a brutal and savage irruption like this pandemic entails. We are confident that the curatorial threads - which were once amassed with rigour and care, and which are now being taken up again with the understanding of a vital transformation - continue to make sense.
Young boysFROM 6 TO 9 DE JULY
At the end of every school year we like to think of a different way of starting the summer.