Publications Archive

  • Discoteca Flaming Start

    Primera exposición individual en España de la agrupación de artistas transdisciplinar Discoteca Flaming Star. Con Cristina Gómez Barrio y Wolfgang Mayer como fundadores y principales componentes, el grupo se agranda o se reduce, convirtiéndose en una especie de lugar de encuentro que se va trasladando y cambiando según el recorrido de sus performances.

  • Gustos, colecciones y Cintas de video

    Gustos, colecciones y cintas de vídeo fue una muestra que reunió 22 piezas en soporte vídeo de 21 artistas, pertenecientes todas ellas a la Colección de Arte Contemporáneo de la Comunidad de Madrid y otras colecciones privadas madrileñas especializadas en este medio.

    Nicolas Bourriaud: “Algunos trabajos son ahora time-specific del mismo modo que en los sesenta empezaron a ser site-specific. Nuestro mundo se ha convertido en un inmenso disco duro, abarrotado de las imágenes que tomamos con los incontables dispositivos que nos permiten grabarlas y retenerlas. Nuestra realidad diaria está hecha de esas imágenes, de espectros, como habría dicho Derrida”.

  • Catálogo Francesc Ruiz "Panal"

    Francesc Ruiz's first major exhibition at a state museum in Spain is a retrospective and an exhibition of new works.

  • Aquí trabaja un artista. Entre el museo y la escuela
    Artist at Work 2014-2015

    In the 2014-2015 school year we started a project of artist residencies in primary schools with the purpose of integrating within the official curriculum a series of art projects that would take place throughout the whole duration of the school year. We believed that it was essential to view the school as a space of experimentation where, by means of implementing methodologies coming from art, we can posit a vision of education that takes into account other forms of productivity other than those that schools have been subjected to in the official plans. 

  • No sabíamos lo que hacíamos
    Readings on Education
    Presentation of publication by CA2M Education Department

    After several failed attempts, we can finally announce the presentation of We didn’t know what we were doing. Readings on education, a publication explaining some of the practices developed for and by CA2M’s education department. This publication compiles not just texts, but also a good number of group dialogues which bring into play a way of working that understands dialogue, constant research, experimentation and investigation as the basic pillars of educational work.

  • Lecturas para un espectador inquieto

    The book Arte actual. Lecturas para un espectador inquieto [which we could translate roughly as Art Today. Readings for an Edgy Viewer] is a compilation of essays by experts in art theory and practice on recurrent issues within art over recent decades, including: the viewer´s position vis-à-vis art today and its institutions; the construction of the modern subject and its crisis; gender issues; art in a global world; and the connections between aesthetics and politics.

  • Pirámides

    The department’s first cinematographic production, Pyramids, is an audiovisual investigation on the project by the El Banquete collective within the Artist at Work programme. The documentary is a tool for encouraging spaces for reflection on artistic and educational practices as well as on other challenges facing collective work.

  • Agua de borrajas. Colección de colecciones

    After a long slow time spent in conversations and encounters with amateur collectors connected with the museum, we are now launching a publication about some of the things they have been telling and showing us. We invite you to read, observe and get involved in these collections.

  • Agua de borrajas. Posters

    Agua de Borrajas and the artists-in-residence in the Acento programme have jointly produced a publication that rounded off the three-day event in which each one presented their own piece. The outcome are seven A1 posters making up a Manual of Instructions that that wishes to put the body of the actions to the test at home.