Editorial project

Editorial project

A box of fanzines published by women, a shelf of books classified by weight or colour, an envelope with tiny publications... A library can be almost anything.

Last year, along with Sonia and Andrea, the librarians at CA2M, we started a collaborative project to create an archive of art publications with art students at IES Europa secondary school and to investigate the possibilities for self-publishing. The project consisted in moving the discarded holdings from the CA2M library. Art students took the books, catalogues and fanzines to their classes. Once there, we started a process to construct the shelving for the library and to imagine other possible ways of activating it. However, the project was cut short by the confinement imposed because of COVID-19.

This year we propose picking up the project where we left off. To create a strange and unsuspected library based on these and other holdings. Together with the art students, we will rethink what a collective archive actually means and we will question the logic of a library in order to generate a new narrative. The project seeks to develop new possibilities from creativity and resistance, to bring students into closer contact with contemporary creation and to create new bonds of collaboration between departments and institutions.

During confinement, we wanted to continue developing this project remotely. To this end, we invited Andrea Galaxina to think of a proposal to send to the students. Taking the form of a tutorial, Andrea prepared this fanzine to think of the creative possibilities of self-publishing.

Read Editar con nada. Una pequeña guía práctica (y un poco teórica) para hacer fanzines. (Publish with nothing. A brief practical (and a little theoretical) guide to making fanzines).

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A box of fanzines published by women, a shelf of books classified by weight or colour, an envelope with tiny publications... A library can be almost anything.

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2 horas y 20 minutos a 20 metros de profundidad
2 hours and 20 minutes at a depth of 20 metres
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Is it a cycle?

We are going to do things that last, that take time and that need time. We will make sure that whatever it is that is coming down the line will find us with our hands busy. This year we want to actually make the paper on which next year’s education notebook will be printed, so that we are engaged in the present and with what comes later. And also to pick up again what we have not been doing or doing just a bit, looking at how the plants in the roof terrace change and make an almanac of all those cycles, return to the Europa secondary school and its art workshops. To resume and to do again.

Agua de Borrajas is a joint publishing project run by CA2M’s education department and the Roma printers.

More information: educacion.ca2m@madrid.org / 912 760 225


Agua de Borrajas is a joint publishing project run by CA2M’s education department and the Roma printers. We are going to do things that last, that take time and that need time. We will make sure that whatever it is that is coming down the line will find us with our hands busy.

Publishing project
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Agua de borrajas, Colección de colecciones
Agua de borrajas
Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?

After a long slow time spent in conversations and encounters with amateur collectors connected with the museum, we are now launching a publication about some of the things they have been telling and showing us. We invite you to read, observe and get involved in these collections.

Agua de Borrajas is a publishing project created by CA2M’s education department in conjunction with the Roma printers.

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Activity type
Miércoles 22 de mayo

After a long slow time spent in conversations and encounters with amateur collectors connected with the museum, we are now launching a publication about some of the things they have been telling and showing us. We invite you to read, observe and get involved in these collections.

Categoría cabecera
Agua de Borrajas
Agua de Borrajas. A Collection of Collections
More information and contact
Is it a cycle?