All Those Who Walk for Walking's Sake

Reading group on the book "Wanderlust"
Grupo de lectura. Wanderlust

Moderated by Eva Garrido and Marta van Tartwijk

We avoid touching, fluids and drops of saliva. We cover our mouth, our nose and hands. Our reading group over the last few years has explored the oddities of the body and queer bodies. Now that reality is like science fiction, we will turn our attention to the aliens, vampires and bearded women which we have met along the way.

Last year, Birds Fuck in the Air endeavoured to address and think about the different textures of desire and its strange manifestations. Given the unforeseen imposition of the prohibition of touching, a distance was established that nonetheless could perhaps increase the idea of eroticism. And how lovers start to write to each other. We write a lot. Even distances become elastic and we can feel something touching us, that words and tongues walk all over us.

The task of writing, like desire, is perhaps always an unfinished task. One writes to continue writing. The stroller, by definition, is not going anywhere in particular, but is driven by the mere desire to walk. Going nowhere in order to maybe eventually arrive somewhere.

Among our desires as a group, this year we wish to recover one, to read a single book. Perhaps it is the right moment to think together about distances and the potential of strolling. This motor action of putting one step forward and then the other, to take our bodies to different places, opens up a horizon of possibilities and readings to discover the world through the body and the body through the world.


Upcoming sessions: 24 September, 15 October, 5 November, 16 November and 17 December at CA2M and the Delirio bookstore in Móstoles. There we will plan a series of routes based on the book Wanderlust. Una historia del caminar, by Rebecca Solnit.

The only requisite for taking part is to have read the texts before each session and to take part with a participative spirit.

More information: / 912 760 227

Activity type
Reading Group
17.00 - 20.00 horas
Jueves alternos, 24 septiembre 2020 - Junio 2021