Data Protection
Entity responsible for data processing
Registered office: see
Data Protection Officer Contact:
How is my information processed, and for what purpose?
To comply with EU Regulation 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data, your data will be processed for the following purposes: Informing people about cultural activities. Statistics.
What is the legitimate basis that makes the data processing legal?
GDPR 6.1 a) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.
Article 26.1.20 of Organic Law 3/1983, of 25 February, on the Statute of Autonomy of the Region of Madrid.
How do you exercise your rights? What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of data if you so wish. You may also request that the processing of your personal data be restricted, object to the processing of your personal data and request data portability where appropriate. You also have the right not to be subject to an individual decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling.
According to Law 39/2015, the GDPR and Organic Law 3/2018, you may exercise your rights through our Digital Register or On-Site Register, or through the forms and venues described in Article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, preferably using the application form entitled ‘Exercising your personal data protection rights’.
Processing operations involving automated decisions, including profiling, with legal or other relevant effects
None used.
How long will we keep your personal data? The personal data provided will be kept for the following period:
The data will be kept indefinitely unless you request its deletion or exercise your right to object.
With whom will your data be shared?
No one.
Right to withdraw consent to processing at any time:
Where processing is based on explicit consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.
Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you are not satisfied with the processing of your personal data.
Type of data that is being processed
Personally identifying data.
Data source
The data subject: subscription to the CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo newsletter and registering for the centre’s activities (if you have requested information by filling out the appropriate form).
Additional Information
You can consult additional and detailed information, as well as the applicable data protection regulations, at the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You can also find information about the aforementioned Data Controller’s Processing Activity Register here: