Current Exhibitions

  • Asunción Molinos

    Déjà Vécu is her first solo exhibition in a public institution in Madrid. The exhibition is the result of an in-depth exchange between the artist and the curator over the past five years, during which they set out to critically review historical narratives, cultural hierarchies and the construction of collective identity in the context of the Iberian Peninsula.

  • Tere Solar

    The exhibition focuses on two large installations that encapsulate the research carried out by Teresa Solar Abboud over the last few years. Conceived specifically for the CA2M Museum, the exhibition is like a dialogue between the fictitious and the real, where different narratives in process propose new forms and plastic finishes, contrasting the effects of nature with industrial aesthetic finishes of smooth and shiny finishes.

  • Emily Jacir

    Linz Diary, by the artist Emily Jacir, is a series of colour photographs taken in 2003 to capture the artist’s action which consisted of walking around a fountain in Linz Square, in Austria.

  • Angela de la Cruz

    Many of Ángela de la Cruz’s paintings are presented as extended bodies with clear physicality as she twists the canvases, scratches the fabric or manipulates the supports. This makes each of her works a container of stories where paint takes on a physical and spatial presence.

  • Eva Fabregas

    Eva Fàbregas envisions interaction with art through sensorial experience. Her sculptures, made of soft, ethereal materials like fabric and air, often include sound and beckon us to draw closer through the senses, to discover them through touch, generating an intimacy in which affect can flow.

  • Ixone Sádaba

    Ixone Sádaba questions the meaning of images and what photography can do now that it has lost its status as an instrument to document reality. Her artistic practice is inspired by Foucault’s thesis about truth as a historical construct and by the distinction between objects and things that Heidegger proposed, which states that an object turns into a thing when it can no longer be used for the purpose it is customarily given.

  • An Wei

    An Wei Lu Li has created a specific pictorial installation for the cafeteria at the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Museum, with the sponsorship of Cervezas Alhambra

  • elena alonso

    Al cuidado de las pequeñas sombras (In the care of the small shadows) is a site-specific installation created by Elena Alonso for the terrace of the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Museum, consisting of four sculptures conceived as a bat shelter.

  • Allan Kaprow. Comfort Zones. Junio 1975_CA2M, 2018

    CA2M is now implementing the #Unmetroymedio project, which consists in getting artists who are resident in the Region of Madrid to explain to us what they are working on during confinement. Availing of the domestic means at hand, they will express their ideas through texts and images or will simply tell us how they are and talk about the possible futures that face us. 

  • Manuel Saiz

    Let’s Think Positive came about in 2003 as part of the exhibition If Alive that Manuel Saiz presented at the Museu de L’Empordà in Figueres, Girona. The idea behind the exhibition was the beginning of the preparations for his future 65th birthday on the 10th of January 2026.

  • Usos infinitos. Intervención permanente en la señalética del CA2M. Dora García

    Among the various artistic interventions contingent on the exercises in architectural acupuncture begun in autumn 2016 at CA2M, Dora García has conceived an exhibition which takes the form of new signage in a permanent intervention that involves all the art centre’s various spaces.

Future Exhibitions

Santiago Sierra

The Museo CA2M is presenting the first solo show by the artist Santiago Sierra in a Madrid institution. This exhibition consists of a compilation and analysis of one of the most common resources in the practice of Santiago Sierra (Madrid, Spain, 1966) throughout his entire artistic career: pictures of people facing the wall, like inverse ‘portraits’ in which the subject’s identity is negated or dissolved in anomie.

Sol calero

The Guanábana project, Sol Calero’s first solo show to be held at a Madrid institution, brings together some of the main features of her work, like constructions of collective spaces where much of her output and her interest in architecture and design coalesce, and murals, a technique she has used since the start of her career where fried foods, vegetation and votive offerings become graphic resources and repeated symbols.


Past Exhibitions

Ana Gallardo

This exhibition is based on accumulated malaises and ghosts that have haunted Ana Gallardo since well before she became the artist that she is. However, more than a narrative of overcoming or the culmination of a formal and existential process, the artworks that make up this journey spanning several decades of production brim with passion and non-conformism.

Adolfo Schlosser

Schlosser's work anticipates some of the interests and trends in sculpture today, such as the ecological dimension and the constant research into organic materials that are barely intervened, in the same way that his work goes beyond reflecting on the landscape to reflect on the experience of the landscape that the artist tries to transfer to the exhibition space.

Susana Solano

The sculptor Susana Solano held her first solo exhibition at the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona from 2–20 April 1980. Given the title Escultures i dibuixos (Sculptures and Drawings), the exhibition occupied the space reserved for younger artists, which today would be classed as an artist-run space, with a faster turnover than the more leisurely intervals typical of an institutional framework.

Cristina Garrido

The work of Cristina Garrido (Madrid, 1986) revolves around the study of the contemporary art system and how it assigns certain values related to different factors and players that can mean their legitimisation in this sector.

Juan Muñoz

This exhibition commemorates the 70th anniversary of the birth of Juan Muñoz (Madrid, 1952-Ibiza, 2001), perhaps the internationally best-known Spanish artist of recent decades, following his dazzling career from his first exhibition in 1984 to his untimely death at the age of 48.


Attention to diverse bodies and desires has been a hallmark of the programming of the Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo since its foundation fifteen years ago. The performance possibilities of bodies and the unprecedented social choreographies emerging from their communities are a core focus of the institution. Over time, this celebration of difference and celebration of minority voices has gradually permeated the collections.

Exhibitions Publications


Con motivo de la muestra Asunción Molinos Gordo. Déjà Vécu. Lo ya vivido, en el Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo entre el 17 de febrero y el 25 de agosto de 2024, comisariada por Andrea Pacheco González, y como resultado de una revisión crítica los relatos históricos, las jerarquías culturales y la construcción de la identidad colectiva en el contexto de la península ibérica.

teresa Solar

Teresa Solar Abboud es el catálogo realizado con motivo de la exposición monográfica de Teresa Solar Abboud  Pájaro sueño de máquina, celebrada en el Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, entre el 17 de febrero y el 1 de septiembre de 2024.

libro Juan Muñoz

Todo lo que veo me sobrevivirá, que recoge el doble proyecto retrospectivo de las exposiciones Todo lo que veo me sobrevivirá celebrada en la Sala Alcalá 31 y En la hora violeta, todavía visitable en el Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, ambas con motivo del setenta aniversario del nacimiento de Juan Muñoz.

El Testigo. Teresa Margolles

The Witness is the title of Teresa Margolles’ exhibition at the CA2M MUSEUM, curated by María Inés Rodríguez. The exhibition provides an overview of her recent work via a series of work produced over the last five years. It sends us on a circular path, both real and figurative, that loops around the recent history of Ciudad Juárez.

catalogo utray

This exhibition catalogue brings together the works on display, documents, photographs, and texts by Mariano Navarro, María Escribano, María Vela Zanetti and Miguel Cereceda; a writing and poetry anthology by the artist himself; and testimonials by Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Chema Cobo, Fernando Huici, Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Borja Casani, Mireia Sentís, José Luis Gallero, Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart, Clara Díaz-Aguado, Lola Moriarty, José Tono Martínez, Fernando Castro and Domingo Sánchez Blanco.

Portada Cecilia

CA2M and Turner are producing the Spanish reprint of this book, published in Rotterdam by Kunstinstituut Melly. 

This monograph addresses one of the most multifaceted and fundamental artists in the world of Latin American contemporary art today.


Javi Cruz has a lot to do with the forms of production currently taking place in Madrid that define its contemporary cultural scene today

Querer parecer noche

Querer parecer noche brings together different forms of artistic production in Madrid. Its creations are split between a longer tradition of historical nostalgia and the current histrionic moment, with their different sensibilities and ways of living, where the 'local' is built on the fine line between those who live there and those who are passing through.