Tere Solar

The exhibition focuses on two large installations that encapsulate the research carried out by Teresa Solar Abboud over the last few years. Conceived specifically for the CA2M Museum, the exhibition is like a dialogue between the fictitious and the real, where different narratives in process propose new forms and plastic finishes, contrasting the effects of nature with industrial aesthetic finishes of smooth and shiny finishes.

Asunción Molinos

Déjà Vécu is her first solo exhibition in a public institution in Madrid. The exhibition is the result of an in-depth exchange between the artist and the curator over the past five years, during which they set out to critically review historical narratives, cultural hierarchies and the construction of collective identity in the context of the Iberian Peninsula.

Angela de la Cruz

Many of Ángela de la Cruz’s paintings are presented as extended bodies with clear physicality as she twists the canvases, scratches the fabric or manipulates the supports. This makes each of her works a container of stories where paint takes on a physical and spatial presence.

Emily Jacir

Linz Diary, by the artist Emily Jacir, is a series of colour photographs taken in 2003 to capture the artist’s action which consisted of walking around a fountain in Linz Square, in Austria.

Next Activities


    Open from Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 to 21:00 h. Closed on Mondays and on 24th, 25th and 31th December and 1th and 6th January .


    nuestras colecciones

    A collection encompasses the present continuous, past perfect and future perfect. The Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo houses the Contemporary Art Collection of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, now called the CA2M Collection, and the ARCO Foundation Collection.