Letra Q

r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q.
Schools are places where forms of interrelating and identity are produced. At times, the classroom is governed by a set of rules based on a binary vision of gender, sex and sexuality that limit any other possibility of being in the world. School is not only a place for transmitting learning, but also a place where we learn what things should be like, and what can and cannot be done. This reality is based on a homogenising and normalising ideology that underpins the space and relationships. How can teachers intervene to question this experience of normalisation and ensure that the classroom is a place where each individual can express him or herself freely?

Conscious of the difficulty and the importance of working with these issues in schools, this year we wanted to convey what we have learned in the queer workshops with students to this space for teachers, and to generate new forms of learning through practice. With the help of queer pedagogy and certain artistic strategies, we will imagine ways of joint construction of a classroom where diverse subjectivities coexist and where sexual, racial, functional, religious and other forms of difference are not viewed as a problem. Staying clear of any form of essentialism that reproduces exclusion and violence, we will address how queerness shows us that the order we have naturalised is not fixed, that our positions change and can be displaced and are full of possibilities.

Minimum of 4 people per group

