Taller de verano

Aimed at teachers and people interested in education


La Casa is a large, broad, diverse, complex and elaborate project full of ramifications, formats and works, which Aitana Cordero has been working on for the last three years.

La Casa is a quest, a deal, an adventure, a disaster of one’s own making, a practice that refutes that “always is never possible.”

The intimacy of touching a space and allowing a space to touch you. The art of demolition, the choreography involved in laying foundations, the movement of the bird building its nest, the consistency of ruins. Destruction as a constructive ritual.

This workshop or encounter proposes corporal training around the notion of building and living in togetherness. We will relate these practices to our experience in the classroom or in educational or learning spaces, taking into account not only the “what”, but also the “how.”

We’ll play with notions such as the physicality of building, the creation of spaces, the inhabitable, home, collaboration, intimacy, tiredness, repetition and cooking.

Touching, smelling, moving, studying, questioning, updating ourselves, we will construct and knock down ideas and spaces, as a practice aimed at being together, as a way to recycle a certain hope and create a new meaning of what could be inhabitable.

We’ll ask ourselves these questions

What alternative spaces could emerge from the confrontation of shared wishes and from the action of building and breaking?
Where will that leave comfort, roots, intimacy, sharing?
What if putting down roots were a three-dimensional activity, also in motion?
What if our fluids were able to put together bricks that will later be walls, rooms, buildings, streets, neighbourhoods, cities, countries, continents, worlds, universes, constellations…?
In this workshop we will walk, sweat, dance, build, destroy, invent corners, hideouts, shells and amulets, we’ll taste, there will be silences, hollows, voids, tiredness and many objects.

Aitana Cordero is choreographer, creator, performer and pedagogue. Since 2000 she has been developing her own projects as pieces, installations, performances, choreographies, events, films, videos, texts, cooking proposals, and “things”, which she has presented in many European, North-American and Asian cities. Since 2001 she combines her research and artworks with an intense teaching activity in private schools and universities. She also creates theatre works and “company and observation” in processes of other choreographers or creators. You can find her many universes here:

In previous years we held performance and education workshops with Los Torreznos, Tania Bruguera, Pere Faura, Itziar Okariz, Norberto Llopis, Nilo Gallego, Dora García, Aimar Pérez Galí and Luz Broto.

10:00 ̶ 14:00
Dates header text
9 - 12 JULY 2018