- pensamiento
- ACENTO 2017

The goal of the Artists in Residence programme, run jointly by La Casa Encendida and CA2M, is to support creation and research focused on art work engaging with the body and performance.
Acento is a project held within the Artists in Residence framework in which some of the projects conceived and developed during the 2016 programme will be presented during a two-day event. The idea is to facilitate a meeting place with the artists in the 2017 programme. At the event the two organising institutions wish to place the accent on ideas that arose during the artistic experimentation using the body, understanding it as the social body and a political construct that produces knowledge through the sentient.
The artists selected in 2016 were: Lilli Hartman & Pablo Durango, Gérald Kurdian, Norberto Llopis & Paz Rojo, Julián Pacomio & Miguel del Amo, Claudia Pagés, Quim Pujol and Silvia Ulloa
At CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo
20:00: Julián Pacomio & Miguel del Amo: ESPACIO HACEDOR
If there is an empty space between two equal parts, then that is the Espacio Hacedor (Making Space).
Espacio Hacedor is a research project which explores the identification, analysis and architectural construction of possible spaces to be found between an original and its copy. Our interest lies in the aesthetic potential of the space located between two almost identical products. We accept that the process of copying or remaking a product, of whatever type, has two inevitable consequences: firstly, the copy not only produces a new product differentiated from the original, but it also produces a third result in the joint interpretation of the original and its copy (1 + 1 = 3). The second consequence is that it opens up the possibility of identifying an invisible image between two images. This is what Espacio Hacedor is all about.
The project is conceived in conjunction with the work of Jorge Luis Borges, Agustín Fernández Mallo and Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, approaching the theatrical, literary, conceptual and architectural work of the aforementioned artists from the perspective of the body.
Julián Pacomio graduated with a BA in Fine Arts in Salamanca. Among his most outstanding works are My Turin Horse, Psicosis Expandida and Espacio Hacedor, performing art projects that experiment with the idea of the copy, remake, translation and appropriation of the material of others.
Miguel del Amo graduated with a BA in Architecture from ETSA, Valladolid and Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem. His interest in architecture and design is rooted in various aspects of these disciplines, ranging from the most functional to the least explored.
21:30: Quim Pujol. FREGOLI
Leopoldo Fregoli was one the most celebrated quick-change artists in history. During his performances he kept changing his appearance at lightning speed, impersonating dozens of different characters in one show. The critic Sebastià Gasch said of him: “Fregoli impersonated over one thousand characters of all genders, types and classes (…) Fregoli introduced into theatre the first inklings of the themes of our time.” The Italian actor was also a major reference for Joan Brossa and for avant-garde theatre. This project engages with Fregoli and the avant-garde in order to celebrate the ability to transform ourselves, being in motion and its endless possibilities.
What have we still to learn from Fregoli? In this series of transformation acts, the actor never changes his appearance.
Quim Pujol is a writer, curator and artist. He works on the boundaries between writing, the performing arts and contemporary art. His latest works are Trance colectivo (2014), ASMR del futuro (2015) and Fregoli (2016).
Admission free while places last
At La Casa Encendida. Patio
22:00: Hot Bodies (Stand up) by Gerald Kurdian & Trk_X
Hot Bodies (Stand up) is a live show by Gerald Kurdian with two electronic instruments, a sampler and a vocoder, and the participation of a female choir created for the occasion. Borrowing from the idioms of opera, stand-up comedy, choreography and documentary, the libretto contains seven songs and two danced interludes, the adventurers of an antihero called Tarek X as he makes his way through the sexual revolutions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Gerald Kurdian is a musician, composer and radio artist who explores performativity and critiques contemporary art by means of various different mechanisms.
Admission: €5. Tickets on sale at ticketea.com, at 902 044 226 and at Casa Encendida from 10:00 to 21:45