
The administration of fear, the discourses of hate, and the common experience of shock are other ways of speaking about the control that neo-liberalism exerts upon our bodies. Although Brian Massumi considers today that fear is an ontogenetic concept, we can think about a kind of “passion” that concerned us since the beginning of modernity when Hobbes proposed the binomial fear-security as the basis for the state’s authority. As for the shock, Walter Benjamin had already situated his experience (shockerlebnis) at the heart of modern life, considering that its reception had become the rule. All these ideas lead us to work with images, which may help us understand the “now” as a crystal of time.

We use the word management in relation with fear for its double meaning. On the one hand, there are works which criticise and analyse the production and handling of shock/fear via images (and the devices on which they can be displayed). On the other, there are those which question how to bring about, from the worlds of art and thought, this kind of operation whilst resisting the politics of fear.

We welcome papers dealing with this state of affairs, through general analyses, case studies regarding artistic practice or concrete events, genealogies, as well as visual or curatorial essays. We expect them to meet the editorial requirements of the journal, included in the guidelines of Re-visiones.

Papers should be submitted by 15th July 2015

The digital magazine Re-Visiones is a yearly, indexed, bilingual publication in which previously unpublished recent works in Spanish on visual theory, art history and art research are published. CA2M, as an observer entity involved in the promotion of the research and development project I+D VISUALIDADES CRITICAS: REESCRITURA DE LAS NARRATIVAS A TRAVES DE LAS IMÁGENES  (HAR2013-43016-P, Ministry for the Economy), undertakes this collaboration with Re-Visiones with a view to helping to promote and support the research conducted in this field. Which is why one of CA2M's missions is to foster and support image-related research. The Centre's own collection along with the Jornadas de Estudio de la Imagen organized by Madrid's regional government and held yearly since 2009 are just two examples, perhaps the most outstanding, of their work in relation to image.

Author’s Rights and Creative Commons

Authors publishing in Re-Visions are subject of keeping their authorial rights over their work. Unless stated otherwise, the distribution of articles in Re-Visions is done under the following Creative Commons license, allowing for free distribution and public communication with the mandatory condition of referring to the original source and author, and excluding any commercial use and its utilisation in derivative works without being properly cited.

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