- pensamiento

Signalling a context before an extract is an action of configuration, an exercise in emergence. This dynamic validates propositions where actions, gestures and statements are read and recognised from the legibility facilitated by that which argumentative doxa calls “context”. However, the material condition of these same elements enables us to uncover other ways of speaking of a context. A novel that begins, like the title of Una novel que comienza the only book by Macedonio Fernández published while alive, is a statement of a beginning and conditions the movement of reading and the reception of a story. This plural and subjective narration throws light on various forms of partaking in a context. Diego Vecchio, Alejo Ponce de León, Karina Peisajovich, María Moreno and Pablo Schanton will rethink some of the “living materials” with which Argentinian art arrives at different works and positions. The sole intention of breaking down this stock of materials in first person is to share ideas about the keys to participation; fields of relationships in which art hinges around the idea of community, literature, music, the construction of the artist and the productive surplus value that emerges through affectivity.
16:00: Presentation by Mariano Mayer
16:30: Diego Vecchio
17:00: Alejo Ponce de León
17:30: Karina Peisajovich
18:00: María Moreno
18:30: Pablo Schanton
Curated by Mariano Mayer
Admission free