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Sesión continua
SCHOOL YEAR 2014 – 2015

This school year, we also offer third year primary school groups the chance to take part in a complementary workshop session in their school. This way, the groups will participate in an initial session in CA2M in which they will focus on the Morning Session (screening and direct animation workshop) followed by a film with camera workshop and stop motion in the classroom.

Taller cine sin cámara
2013 – 2014 ACADEMIC YEAR

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

Alguien me escucha
2012 – 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR

This workshop is within the scope of the CA2M long-term activities developed for  educational centers, in particular with those schools surrounding CA2M, with the intent to strengthen collaboration ties with diverse educational agents. For a second year, the activity targets third year students from primary education schools closest to CA2M. This time, La Sonidera will lead this project.

Cine sin cámara
TUESDAYS 10:30 – 12:45 H.

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

Myriad Reflector

Myriad Reflector is an exhibition exercise into the nocturnality. Conceived as a multilayered score unfolding through time, the contributions of artists —composed by light, sonic, rhythmic, smell, haptic, and choreographic elements— intermingle in a kaleidoscopic display defined by disorientation, refractive perspectives, and sensual textures.

Martin Wong

Malicious Mischief is the result of exhaustive research into the artist’s life’s work with a view to expanding its narrative and recognition among European audiences, spanning from his early creations on the East coast to his work in the late-90s before he died from AIDS-related illness. 

Todos los martes del 17 de octubre de 2017 al 8 de mayo de 2018


La Escuelita at CA2M is an informal school, a living research organism transversal to the art centre that operates as a laboratory for non-traditional forms of production and transmission of knowledge. A programme of low intensity strange studies, a formless mass of experiences and knowledge, a device for promiscuous learning.

Gonçalo Sena

This fountain is made through a twofold transformation of materials sourced from nature. Firstly, marble—the material par excellence of classical sculpture—is a previously cut piece which was perhaps originally destined for industrial use.