Schools are places where forms of interrelating and identity are produced. At times, the classroom is governed by a set of rules based on a binary vision of gender, sex and sexuality that limit any other possibility of being in the world.
Experience-based practices involve a much higher level of learning that those focused on the transmission of given knowledge. That is why, at the end of the academic year we organise a summer workshop for teachers with the goal of exploring the educational potential of action and ways of constructing knowledge that can come from action.
This workshop will be taking a critical approach to some of the possibilities for creative action that the open spectrum of identity brings to artistic practices today.
The dance technique of Contact Improvisationwas introduced during the seventies and then began to spread worldwide in the following decade of the eighties.
To plan a performance as if it were a crime. To choose the location, to think about the attitudes, to consider possible setbacks, and to set our watches are only some of the actions and decisions we need to tackle.
This new education project consists of thinking about the patios in education centers and possible interventions in them. These leisure spaces can provide the perfect context from which to reflect on the educational experience and the problems inherent to their architecture at present.
Es una Onda, transporta perturbaciones en el espacio, llegará lejos, 13 caballos nómadas de potencia, batería nueva, ha dormido siempre en garaje, tuneada a más no poder, puedes elegir pasar la ITV o tirarte al monte, también negociable cualquier posibilidad intermedia
During this 20-hour workshop, CA2M keeps on its line of work focusing on education and reflection regarding the educative uses of bodywork and performance language.