
Yabba, de María Jerez. Foto: Bernhard Müller
Querer parecer noche

As always, we are caught between desire and appearances, between the wanting and seeming of a Spanish night that does not allow us to see fully. Between the legacy of our historical nostalgia and the present of our histrionic moment, it is in the baroque, in brownish-grey, in oiliness, where we will find ways to negotiate with a painful and elusive tradition.

Usos infinitos. Intervención permanente en la señalética del CA2M. Dora García
Dora García. Infinite uses

Among the various artistic interventions contingent on the exercises in architectural acupuncture begun in autumn 2016 at CA2M, Dora García has conceived an exhibition which takes the form of new signage in a permanent intervention that involves all the art centre’s various spaces.