
Borrador para una trama en curso. Cabello/Carceller
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Through interdisciplinary practices, the artists offer alternatives to conventional narratives about socio-political minorities, including discussions about the role of contemporary artistic production. 

Manuel Saiz
Capsule Collection: Manuel Saiz

Let’s Think Positive came about in 2003 as part of the exhibition If Alive that Manuel Saiz presented at the Museu de L’Empordà in Figueres, Girona. The idea behind the exhibition was the beginning of the preparations for his future 65th birthday on the 10th of January 2026.

Catálogo Francesc Ruiz "Panal"
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Francesc Ruiz's first major exhibition at a state museum in Spain is a retrospective and an exhibition of new works.

Javi Cruz Trémula

Trémula is an exhibition by the artist Javi Cruz (Madrid, 1985). It is also the story of a populus tremula—the scientific name for the tree commonly called trembling aspen– which was planted in the 1980s beside the building where he grew up and still lives today in the district of San Blas and was chopped down last year because of a disease. The night when it was felled, Javier took around 500 kg of it up to his apartment and a few days later, with the help of his friends Jacobo and Lorenzo, he loaded the biggest truck he was able to drive with more.

Andrés Jaque. Acupuntura
Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation. ACUPUNCTURE

Architect Andrés Jaque’s studio, the Office for Political Innovation, has been in charge of carrying out a series of architectural acupuncture interventions at the museum. These actions, which have been taken to ease the pain in the institution's body at specific points like the façade and the central atrium, have allowed CA2M's architecture to be adapted for the uses assigned to its spaces for different activities and programmes.

Wilfredo Prieto
Wilfredo Prieto

This monographic exhibition, the first a Spanish museum ever dedicated to this young Cuban artist, presents a great number of his recent works in addition to some pieces created especially for the exhibition. Its includes installations, sculptures, objects, interventions, performances and drawings.

Estación experimental
Experimental Station

Estación experimental fue una exposición que presentó la obra de aquellos artistas para los que la razón de su trabajo es un impulso irrefrenable que les conecta con la parte más pura de la investigación científica. Desviándose de las directrices preestablecidas en el arte contemporáneo, estos creadores compartían en su trabajo una cierta fascinación por temas extra-artísticos, por lo que sucede dentro del campo de lo real pero también en el más allá.

Colección III
Collection III

The first and third floor of the Centre, as well as other common spaces, are allocated to this exhibition. It is an heterogeneous compilation of techniques and topics. Amongst the pieces of the show, we can identify paintings, sculptures, engravings, photographs and installations as well as a wide range of video works.

Gregor Schneider
Gregor Scheneider

In Dead End, Gregor Schneider’s project for CA2M, the artist has situated himself in a theoretical no man’s land at the point of contact between the vestiges of the traditional house that once occupied the site of the museum in Mostoles and the present building itself. Visitors wend their way through a vast, enclosed labyrinth of pipes that extend throughout the centre.

Walead Besthy
Walead Besthy

Walead Beshty: A Diagram of Forces features an overview of the work of this artist through a selection of his works from the past ten years. Using the intersections between the three overlapping grid systems present in the floor plan of the CA2M, Beshty will design an exhibition that has both a physical and conceptual experience of “in-betweenness” evidenced in the sharp angles, abrupt turns, and off-kilter placements of the walls.