
The building features an air-conditioning system through which it is possible to maintain the humidity and temperature levels required to stabilise and slow down the natural ageing of the materials that make up the pieces.

Environmental conditions are monitored with a Testo Saveris 2 Wi-Fi data logger. Via WLAN, the individual receivers automatically and continuously report the temperature and relative humidity at specific time intervals and send the data to the testo Cloud (online data storage) via its WLAN. They are also equipped with an alarm system in case values exceed or drop below the set values. They are used both on all the floors of the building and in the on-site warehouses, and can be also used inside display cases if necessary.

Our main objective is to keep these values as stable as possible, since one of the basic pillars in preventive conservation is to avoid fluctuations as these can cause alterations in organic and inorganic materials. The building’s design allows a great source of natural light into the exhibition rooms, particularly on the 2nd and 3rd floors, as one of the walls is made entirely of glass. To avoid the accumulation of photochemical effects, the light that enters is controlled by ultraviolet filters, in addition to being monitored with the appropriate light sources and measured by lux meters.

When artworks are moved or transported to an external exhibition, we draw up pertinent questionnaires to ensure that the environmental values that we maintain in our institution will continue to be respected in the various rooms where the loaned pieces are to be exhibited. Artworks on loan are always accompanied by a conservation report that allows us to monitor the piece in terms of time and space. It is a priority that it should be in optimum condition to allow it to be exhibited both in the centre itself and away from it.
