Pere Fauna

Pere Faura (Barcelona, 1980) is a dancer and choreographer. He has studied music, theatre, ballet and audiovisual communication. Between 2002 and 2006, he studied choreography at the School for New Dance and Development in Amsterdam. In 2009 he started the Amsterdam Master of Choreography at Amsterdam School for the Arts (AHK). He has participated in several projects as a dancer with choreographers like Jérôme Bel (The show must go on) and Ivana Muller (While we were holding it together) and has worked in many projects as a choreographer.

After some warm-up exercises to stir physical conscience and creative imaginary, we will study the elements implied in a striptease that are also present in eductive action, such as the lenguage of suggestion, the power of persuasion or the construction of illusion in order to perform poetic stripteases as an artistic and political practice to lay bare our own habits and cover them with new tools and landscapes.

With this 20-hour workshop the CA2M keeps on investigating education and educative uses of the body and the language of performance. Indeed, one of the lines of work of the Centre is to focuse on the body as a place to build knowledge. Guided by Pere Faura, we will reflect on education and art as political practices intending to trigger new impulses and searches for new forms of imagination not yet under control.

Dates header text
4 – 8 JUL 2011