December 9th, 6:30 PM Free admission until capacity is reached.
Since early 2020, Esther Rodriguez Barbero and Marta Echaves have been developing what they call the "máquina de desconocer (the unknowing machine)", a practice of writing choreography to overcome thresholds and invoke what is there, though absent. What is this thing that is present even though we cannot see it? Can we relate to and receive vibrations from the absences that haunt us? How do we approach other perceptions of subtlety, that which goes beyond the hegemonic logic that delimits how we are supposed to look at and understand what happens between life and death? What was initially a research and creation technique, gradually became an intimate encounter and a kind of shared language: through movement and the relationship with space, emerged a kind of automatic writing that resonated with what the body moved as well as the location where the practice took place. The "unknowing machine" appears as a way of accompanying oneself in the face of personal loss and when dealing with the difficulties of naming certain experiences. It is also a machine that makes it possible to generate narratives in the face of socially imposed silences and encrypted legacies.
Throughout November, different events will be held at the CA2M space, with previously selected guests, and on December 9th this practice will be open to the general public to discuss the questions raised by this experience and to share concerns and feelings about absences and our relationship with death.
Esther Rodríguez Barbero. Choreographer, performer and architect. She researches through her artistic work. Her work moves between choreography, stage work, storytelling, performance and architecture, employing principles associated with these disciplines to design spatial and social practices. She trained in contemporary dance whilst simultaneously studying architecture and went on to do a UCLM Masters in Stage Work and Visual Culture and a Post-Masters in Advanced Studies in Performance and Stage Design in Brussels. Her research addresses the relationships between body, space, place from the perspective of dance and movement, with curiosity for the unknown as the driving force. Invocations is a practice that, together with the performance installation Do Bodies Dream With Electromagnetic Organs? is part of the creative process for her performance piece ALLÁ.

Invocaciones, by Esther Rodriguez Barbero. Picture: Trisan Perez Martin