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Audiovisual project
2016 — 2017 SCHOOL YEAR

CA2M has invited the filmmaker Pili Álvarez and the researcher Mercedes Álvarez to undertake research on the project by the El Banquete collective within its Artist at Work artist-in-residence programme. The goal is to produce an audiovisual work that will examine the project’s critical and practical challenges. . 

Retratos Ewa Lyberten, 1988. Fernando Suárez Cabeza. Foto: Pedro Agustín

Espacio P was founded back in 1981 in a ground floor premises at number 11, Calle Núñez de Arce, in the centre of Madrid, near Plaza Santa Ana. During its first year it was used for rehearsals and workshops in all kinds of practices related with the body, like corporal expression, performance and dance

Aquí trabaja un artista
2016 — 2017 SCHOOL YEAR

The project will involve the whole school, focusing on the work of two different years in primary school as well as the parents who wish to be involved. Together we will all imagine new forms of functioning and of intervention in the space in a primary school.

Aquí trabaja un artista
2016 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR

4 minutes and 300 metres is all that separates us from the nearest public school. The closeness with the art centre means that its teachers, students, and parents are part of the very fabric of the museum itself. 

Aquí trabaja un artista

As part of our ongoing long-term policy, this school year we ran three artist residencies in three public schools on the outskirts of Madrid: María Jerez in CP Parque Aluche, the El Banquete collective in CP Juan Pérez Villamil and Amalia Fernández in CP Beato Simón de Rojas, these last two in Móstoles.

Taller ruido y ciudad 2016

Can silence be fun? In this one-session school workshop Nilo Gallego and Magda Labarga will help us to explore the possibilities of listening, rhythm and noise, as well as their connections with the city and urban life.

Usos infinitos. Intervención permanente en la señalética del CA2M. Dora García

Among the various artistic interventions contingent on the exercises in architectural acupuncture begun in autumn 2016 at CA2M, Dora García has conceived an exhibition which takes the form of new signage in a permanent intervention that involves all the art centre’s various spaces.

Aquí trabaja un artista
SCHOOL YEAR 2015 — 2016

During this school year María Jerez, accompanied by an artist who does not speak Spanish, will attend the school with the intention of getting the children to teach the language to this “illiterate” individual; as such, this process will turn the usual logic and roles of teaching inside out. For this project, the artist and her companion will explore along with the children how a language can arise from the encounter between people who do not speak the same language.