2nd Ideas Management Office

2 Oficina de Gestión de Ideas

CA2M’s Education and Public Activities department will take on the functions of a customer services department, inasmuch as undertaking an effective management of ideas, at its offices located at no. 23 Avenida de la Constitución in Móstoles.

We were going to provide people with support in the overall structuring, drafting, analysis, planning and compliance of their projects or goals, as long as they entered within the field of this Oficina de Gestión de Ideas (Ideas Management Office), a field which admittedly was and is extremely broad. The remit would be similar to the first iteration of the Ideas Management Office implemented by Isidoro Valcárcel Medina at Galería Fúcares in Madrid between 26 February and 26 March 1994, an experience recorded in 2019 in a joint publication between CA2M and the publishers Entreascuas, with a report on all the cases resolved during that first office, which had remained unpublished up until then.

As an essential element of this 2nd Office, we were also going to bring on board a team of professionals made up of members of the aforementioned department, María José́ Ollero, and Isidoro Valcárcel Medina as special advisor.

After carefully evaluating the possible implementation of the Office under the present circumstances, and consulting our advisor and first precursor, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, we have come to the conclusion that we cannot implement such a complex undertaking telematically. According to the advisor: “I don’t have an email or smartphone. I profoundly detest the idea of teleworking. I worked on the phone back in 1973 but it was not under the regime of teleworking... just wait and we will make a more human office.”

The 2nd Oficina de Gestión de ideas will open to the public from 28 September to 2 October from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

You can also send us your ideas before 30 September.
_ Postal address: 2ª OGI CA2M, Avenida de la Constitución 23, 28931 Móstoles
_ Email: educacion.ca2m@madrid.org

2ª Oficina de Gestión de Ideas

2nd Ideas Management Office


CA2M’s Education and Public Activities department will take on the functions of a customer services department, inasmuch as undertaking an effective management of ideas, at its offices located at no. 23 Avenida de la Constitución in Móstoles. We were going to provide people with support in the overall structuring, drafting, analysis, planning and compliance of their projects or goals, as long as they entered within the field of this Oficina de Gestión de Ideas (Ideas Management Office), a field which admittedly was and is extremely broad.

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From 28 September to 2 October from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
2nd Ideas Management Office
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