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Costa Badía

Fantasy, high heels, pink, interlude, prosthesis, accessibility, the norm perverting the norm: this is the world of Costa Badía (Madrid, 1981) which will take over the ground floor of Museo CA2M from 26 January.

June Crespo

June Crespo understands sculpture as an exercise that enables her to bring together seemingly opposed qualities. Her works partake equally of the petrean and the perishable, the mechanised and the manual, the abject and the sensuous. The convergence between materials and motifs creates a vocabulary that seems interpretable as a contradiction.

Jon Mikel

The first one-man show to be held in an institutional art centre since the year 2003. Many of the sculptures materially specify some of those possibilities in a series of gestures in the body of the building, in the form of in situ documentation exercises.


Attention to diverse bodies and desires has been a hallmark of the programming of the Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo since its foundation fifteen years ago. The performance possibilities of bodies and the unprecedented social choreographies emerging from their communities are a core focus of the institution. Over time, this celebration of difference and celebration of minority voices has gradually permeated the collections.

disco- relatoria Julián Mayorga
The triangle

Here you can listen to the disc-relation El triángulo made by Julián Mayorga as a result of what happened in the listening project between a school, a conservatory and an experimental choir of the museum in the 2019-2020-2021 academic year, which was extended by the pandemic and which brought thousands of unheard and spectacular sounds.

De ida y vuelta
Teacher training

A few years ago we started a collaboration project with teachers from the Enterarte group. This year we will continue this collaboration. We believe that it is critical to underscore the importance of passion and the work of this group of teachers and to continue thinking about the relationships between the museum and the school, opening up processes of research into artistic languages.

Visitas posicionadas
Positioned visits


At the beginning of 2020 we will be opening the exhibition Absurd Humour: A Constellation of Folly in Spain and, similarly to other occasions, we have invited an artist to prepare what we call a Positioned Visit. This time Alba Rihe has created an audio-guide that will take us on a trip through the exhibition.

Artistas en residencia 2020
Artists in residence


Artistas en residencia is a programme organised jointly by La Casa Encendida, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo and, from 2020, MACBA, whose goal is to support creation and experimentation focused on performative work with the body.