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Hacerse invisible / Vivir en clase / Parar el tiempo
From January 2021

This year it strikes us as absolutely necessary to continue placing desire at the very core in order to confront this uncertainty of the body that it is our lot to live through and perhaps to thus learn how to breathe better.

Aquí trabaja un artista. Nuria Mora
Accompaniment, research and account

This publication is the outcome of the work undertaken in Artist at Work, CA2M’s art residency programme in schools. It is the result of the research and an account of a project that lasted almost three months and 20 sessions at the Beato Simón de Rojas school in Móstoles, with the guest artist Nuria Mora and the rest of the team at the museum’s education department.

The Hirayama Fireworks
Popular university
23 October, 6 and 20 NOVEMBER

Exercises in disorientation. Three trips to extraordinary places

We have been left exposed, without a sense of time or the certainty of touch. Our realities have been turned on their heads, upsetting our sense of direction. We want to take advantage of this fluctuation to explore the art of uncertainty, the unknown and the unpredictable, but also what is already being inscribed in the landscape for some time now. We propose pushing the boundaries of the Region of Madrid to see the museum from a distance by visiting places that generate surroundings which allow us to imagine in an unfettered way.

Agua de borrajas. Posters

Agua de Borrajas and the artists-in-residence in the Acento programme have jointly produced a publication that rounded off the three-day event in which each one presented their own piece. The outcome are seven A1 posters making up a Manual of Instructions that that wishes to put the body of the actions to the test at home.

Agua de borrajas. Colección de colecciones

After a long slow time spent in conversations and encounters with amateur collectors connected with the museum, we are now launching a publication about some of the things they have been telling and showing us. We invite you to read, observe and get involved in these collections.


The department’s first cinematographic production, Pyramids, is an audiovisual investigation on the project by the El Banquete collective within the Artist at Work programme. The documentary is a tool for encouraging spaces for reflection on artistic and educational practices as well as on other challenges facing collective work.

Lecturas para un espectador inquieto

The book Arte actual. Lecturas para un espectador inquieto [which we could translate roughly as Art Today. Readings for an Edgy Viewer] is a compilation of essays by experts in art theory and practice on recurrent issues within art over recent decades, including: the viewer´s position vis-à-vis art today and its institutions; the construction of the modern subject and its crisis; gender issues; art in a global world; and the connections between aesthetics and politics.

No sabíamos lo que hacíamos
Readings on Education
Presentation of publication by CA2M Education Department

After several failed attempts, we can finally announce the presentation of We didn’t know what we were doing. Readings on education, a publication explaining some of the practices developed for and by CA2M’s education department. This publication compiles not just texts, but also a good number of group dialogues which bring into play a way of working that understands dialogue, constant research, experimentation and investigation as the basic pillars of educational work.