
First of all, we should explain that besides meaning ‘crazy’ or ‘mad’, the Spanish word loca from the title of this workshop “Volvernos Loca” is also used to describe “effeminate” homosexual men and is roughly equivalent to the English terms ‘sissy’ or ‘flaming queen’.

Sometimes when we are really interested or enthusiastic about something we say that we are “mad” to do it. This “going mad” is also a queer space where we stop being who we were and do what we have never done before.

It takes very little to make us go mad: a body, desire, to imagine how, what, when, and also a little bit of listening. To go out onto the streets together and run, run like mad. Go mad at school, in class, in the museum. Mad with joy, with pleasure, with longing to have a good time. Going mad so as not to end up mad.

A two-session workshop using action and performance to think from a queer perspective about ways of being that are beyond binary categories and fixed definitions of identity.

Final cycle of secondary school.

Schedule: the first 2-hour session to be arranged with the school. The second session from 11:00 to 13:30 at CA2M.

Maximum number of students: 30.

Activity type
Secondary and High School
Target audience
Young people from 13 to 18
More information and contact