DANZÓNICO 2020-2021


Picture: Sue Ponce.

Now that normality has become the strangest of things and we know that strangeness is normal, we adapt like chameleons to propose an activity aimed at primary school students.

Danzónico moves into outdoor spaces. Carnival is now held in darkness. The new fertile space gives birth to the most fantastic beings in the galaxy: creatures with impossible bodies that howl, scream and chirp with sounds never heard before by human ears. The new organism gives off dancing lights and is driven by a communal desire, expressed in the bond between the bodies. Bodies that touch each other through light. Darkness and light go hand in hand.

Danzónico is a workshop-laboratory in which we will generate our own carnival. We will transmute ourselves into sound beings, into magnificent creatures with fantastic movements. A laboratory in which we will transform our desires, our fears, our longings, our best qualities into an animal from outer space that inhabits a museum. A laboratory that lets desires flow free, to re-imagine our movements, to understand ourselves as part of an organism that transcends our own individual bodies; to subvert our assigned roles and to create new ones, new realities that allow us to question the reality we live in and how we experience it, through sound, movement and visuals. A carnival that is always different every time.

This activity was conceived to adapt to the current circumstances we are living through.

Fotografías: Sue Ponce.
Directed to
Children from 8 to 12
10:30-12:30 h
Dates header text
April- May2021
Danzónico 2021
Event Date
Enrolment free