- educacion

CA2M has invited the filmmaker Pili Álvarez and the researcher Mercedes Álvarez to undertake research on the project by the El Banquete collective within its Artist at Work artist-in-residence programme. The goal is to produce an audiovisual work that will examine the project’s critical and practical challenges. It is viewed as a kind of device for the critical analysis of an art project at a school. The film will be based on sequences recorded as live cinema that follow up the main characters: teachers, artists, educators and students.
As the students begin to appropriate the space and the pyramid begins to gain in presence, conflicts start to arise that not only affect the children involved in the construction of the pyramid. The frictions question other agents in the school that are affected by the autonomy of the group that inevitably questions the existing power structures in the school.
This audiovisual proposal looks into film’s ability to evince and to take part in educational processes and thus multiply the ways in which practices that operate on an relational level can be followed, shared and explored.
The process of postproduction will be finished during this school year and the film will be presented and distributed in 2017.
Programme for primary schools with the support of Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso

The department’s first cinematographic production, Pyramids, is an audiovisual investigation on the project by the El Banquete collective within the Artist at Work programme. The documentary is a tool for encouraging spaces for reflection on artistic and educational practices as well as on other challenges facing collective work.