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Exposición Pedro G. Romero. Foto: Sue Ponce

Archivo F.X by the artist Pedro G. Romero (Huelva, 1964) is a collection of documentation “in construction”, comprising more than one thousand images and files that are, on one hand, an archive of images of anticlerical political iconoclasm in Spain and also, on the other, and cast under the same light, a mirror held up to the radical projects of the modern vanguard from Malevich to Rothko, from Dada to the Situationists.

Schwammtürme (Spongetowers), 1995-2016, Jochen Lempert. Foto: Roberto Ruiz

The work of Jochen Lempert (Germany, 1958) engages with photography from the optic of research and visuality, very often with the intention of questioning the criteria behind a search for the truth and the models that shape the world. 

Exposición Julia Spínola en CA2M. Fotografía: Arantxa Boyero

Julia Spínola (Madrid, 1979) develops her practice across the fields of sculpture and drawing. In her works, the continuous references to text and to performance give rise to systems of correspondences that operate as approximations to a single theme based on the relations set in place between figures, objects and movements. 

Danzónico 2018

This is a workshop to create our own carnival; to transform ourselves into sonic beings, into wonderful creatures with fantastic movements. A workshop that encourages desires to flow freely, to reimagine how we can move, how we can dream; to create other roles and new realities that allow us to question—through sound, visuals and movement—our surrounding reality and how we live in it.

Elements of Vogue, 2017. Picture: Arantxa Boyero

Elements of Vogue. A case study of radical performance is the first exhibition that reviews the history of Afro-American performance in Spain and the first internationally on the history of voguing. The exhibition takes voguing, a popular Afro-Latin and queer dance, as a case study to understand the emergence of the pose as a form of resistance and its ability to articulate new social formations.

Ruido y ciudad

This activity is aimed at groups of primary school children and their teachers, who will have an opportunity to take part in an action in which communication exists, but in an alternative way, and where attention is based on logics other than conventional ones: What would happen if adults didn’t ask us to be quiet for the next two hours?

Una exposición coreografiada CA2M, 2017. Foto: Patricia Nieto

A Choreographed Exhibition consists solely of movements. It showcases works choreographed for the exhibition by international artists, choreographers and musicians.

Exposición Miguel Trillo CA2M, 2017. Foto: Andrés Arranz

Miguel Trillo. Doble exposición revisits the artist’s first two solo exhibitions, held at Galería Ovidio (PopPurri. Dos años de música pop en Madrid) in 1982 and at Sala Amadís (Fotocopias. Madrid-London) in 1983. The idea behind the project is to rethink the displays which Trillo used to exhibit his work, removed from the more conventional methods employed to show photography in the few spaces receptive to the discipline back in the early eighties.