- education

Photography: María Eugenia Serrano Díez
Now that normality has finally become strange and we know that strange is normal, we want to celebrate it and continue thinking about it from our bodies (mine and others) and try out new ways of being and of being together. To see how we can touch each other without touching and, with the help of art, to infect each other with ideas, with ways of doing, copying each other, imitating what works for our well-being.
Now that everything can be different, we will support each other and create chains of queer transmission so that each one of us can be who they want to be and have their own space.
Divided into two sessions, this workshop experiments through action and performance.
Maximum number of students: 30

Wood, sparks and a gust of wind
At the beginning of each new school year the education team at CA2M and the Pablo Neruda vocational education and training school meet up again. And we always have the same feeling that we don’t know exactly what is going to happen.