All Those Who Walk for Walking's Sake
Nuestro grupo de lectura en los últimos años se ha acercado a las rarezas del cuerpo y a los cuerpos raros. Ahora que la realidad es de ciencia ficción, evocamos a las alienígenas, vampiras y barbudas que han andado con nosotras este camino.
Speechless Visits 2020
We have abandoned the voice on our performative walkthroughs in order to let silence speak for itself. A silence that is able to talk and tell others what only the body is able to tell.
An Amateur Choir 2020
Un coro amateur es un proyecto de creación en el que cualquier tipo de voz es bienvenida a participar. Este coro no se conforma con cantar solo canciones sino que quiere abarcar todos los sonidos del universo.
The Triangle: Project with CEIP Federico García Lorca
This year we started a new artist residency project in collaboration with the Federico García Lorca School in Móstoles.
The Triangle. Project with Rodolfo Halffter Municipal Conservatory
This year, with the assistance of Paloma Carrasco, we are going to adorn this silent calm with tiny improvised sounds. Paloma invents with the body and space, plays the piano and the cello, and she also dances with them.
This year it strikes us as absolutely necessary to continue placing desire at the very core in order to confront this uncertainty of the body that it is our lot to live through and perhaps to thus learn how to breathe better.
This publication is the outcome of the work undertaken in Artist at Work, CA2M’s art residency programme in schools. It is the result of the research and an account of a project that lasted almost three months and 20 sessions at the Beato Simón de Rojas school in Móstoles, with the guest artist Nuria Mora and the rest of the team at the museum’s education department.
Exercises in disorientation. Three trips to extraordinary places
We have been left exposed, without a sense of time or the certainty of touch. Our realities have been turned on their heads, upsetting our sense of direction. We want to take advantage of this fluctuation to explore the art of uncertainty, the unknown and the unpredictable, but also what is already being inscribed in the landscape for some time now. We propose pushing the boundaries of the Region of Madrid to see the museum from a distance by visiting places that generate surroundings which allow us to imagine in an unfettered way.