Associations, organizations and groups of up to 10

Associations, organizations and groups of up to 10


We have abandoned the voice on our performative walkthroughs in order to let silence speak for itself. A silence that is able to talk and tell others what only the body is able to tell. We will explore the museum without saying anything but remaining attentive to everything, inventing a way of walking while at once looking at and listening to everything. We will follow the trail of those who went before us, and we are going to intensify the moment by emptying it of words.

Activity type
Saturdays 12:30 with prior appointment
Acceso notas adicionales

More information and appointments: / 912 760 225


We have abandoned the voice on our performative walkthroughs in order to let silence speak for itself. A silence that is able to talk and tell others what only the body is able to tell.

Categoría cabecera
Visitas sin hablar
Speechless Visits 2020
Is it a cycle?