Huerto 2025

Picture: Sue Ponce.

This year, after a decade working together in the vegetable garden, we want to focus on experiences that give you the skills and confidence you need to cultivate a vegetable garden on your own. Whether for your private vegetable garden or our collective one on the Museo CA2M roof terrace, we’ll cover everything you need to achieve your goal and carry out a large-scale project with self-assurance. We’ll also run other workshops related to nature and environmental conservation from the perspective of our cities.

Roof Terrace Garden is a space where different generations come together to learn, build and share knowledge for the collective creation of a new urban model based on ecological sustainability and putting the good life into practice. It’s a space for devising a transition to a world that is able to provide a robust response to the major challenges of the twenty-first century.

Xisela Garcia Moure provides training in organic farming, permaculture and specialised techniques for urban vegetable gardens and sustainable food. Plus, she’s a resident of Móstoles.


Introduction to cultivating an organic garden that produces all year round.

  • Friday 7 February – Vegetables all year round

In this workshop we’ll cover the basics for creating an organic garden that produces all year round. We’ll also try to calculate the spaces and plants you need to obtain your entire vegetarian diet in a single place.

  • Friday 14 February – Irrigation systems

No vegetable garden in Madrid can survive without an efficient irrigation system to compensate for the lack of rain in the hottest months of the year. What’s the best system for watering your garden?

  • Friday 21 February – Green fertilisers and soil fertility

You can't create an organic garden without first examining the soil from which it will grow. What does organic, sustainable cultivation really mean?

  • Friday 28 February – The edible forest

The best way to emulate nature’s wisdom is to create a system as similar as possible to the natural ecosystem. Learn how to combine trees, shrubs and vegetables in the same space.

  • Friday 7 March – Designing a vegetable garden

It’s time to decide what you want to eat this summer and how you are going to organise your spaces. The design is the key to a healthy vegetable garden.

  • 14 March – Spring planting

A garden grows from its seeds. Which are the best seeds for an organic garden? Learn how to prepare seedbeds.

  • 21 March – Aromatic plants

No vegetable or regular garden is complete without a space for colourful aromatic plants. Edible or not, they will complement your garden and attract biodiversity.

  • 28 March – The ornamental garden

A special workshop for those who enjoy having a green space in their home or garden but don’t want to commit to the work involved in growing vegetables every year. An ornamental garden is also a beautiful way to connect with nature.


Growing different families of vegetables and getting the system up and running.

  • 4 April – Planting bulbs

In this workshop we look at the best way to grow bulbs, whether flowers or root vegetables, to ensure they thrive and you can enjoy their beauty and flavour a few months down the line.

  • 11 April – Planting leaf vegetables

Everything you need to know about planting leaf vegetables and other herbaceous plants, from cultivating them to treating the effects of frost, heat waves and pests.

  • 25 April – Planting legumes

No organic garden is complete without legumes. These plants not only help to maintain soil fertility but offer a vital source of vegetable protein.

  • 9 May – Planting fruit vegetables

The quintessential summer vegetables. Learn about the different varieties of tomatoes, aubergines, peppers... and everything you need to know about growing them in a place like Madrid.

  • 16 May – Biodiversity in the vegetable garden

Not all insects are harmful. Some of them will help you to care for your plants if you give them a cosy place to thrive.  Organic treatments for pests and diseases.

  • 23 May – Homemade remedies for diseases in the family vegetable garden

Now that you can identify pests in your garden, we’ll give you some ideas for eradicating them. You’ll also learn how to identify other diseases and make remedies to keep your plants healthy.

  • 30 May – Out and about!

The best way to learn how to cultivate a garden is to visit similar projects so you can pick up new ideas and tips. (Advance registration is required for this workshop. Get in touch with Reception at CA2M to book your place.)

  • 6 June – The organic garden diet I

Organic food isn’t just a fad. It’s a matter of health. But there’s no point going organic if you don't know how to get the full benefit.

  • 13 June – The organic garden diet II

We give you more tips and recipe ideas to improve your diet for healthy eating.

  • 20 June – Healthy picnic

It’s time to put into practice the recipes and knowledge you’ve acquired and share delicious flavours and dishes at an end-of-term meal.


Activity type
Roof-Terrace Garden
Target audience
Anyone interested
FRIDAY 11:30 - 13:30
Event Date
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Attendance open and free while places last


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