- activities

Photography: Patri Nieto.
In the classroom of the CA2M Museum, there are numerous ceramic pieces that were moulded by the groups that visited us in 2022. With great care, Mr Mateo baked each of them in his school kiln. There, they released all their water, which evaporated and dispersed into the air of Móstoles. The textbooks say that when hydrogen bonds are replaced by stronger, shorter oxygen bonds, the clay shrinks and cannot be reused. That it will never be mud again.
We invite pre-school and primary school classes to take part in collective action to imagine an answer to this question. What can we make with that mud? Leave school and come to the museum in order to touch, change, break, make noise and soften.
Adriana Reyes (anthropologist and creator in the field of living arts) and Mateo Añover (teacher and director of CEIP Antonio Hernández, ceramicist and basketball enthusiast) know a lot about this. We have invited them to design this workshop in which children will turn small things into a new creation where the body, collective action and other contemporary artistic forms will be put into practice to turn something small into something extraordinary.