Previous Education

Sub21 team
Registration open until January 2021

The under-21 team is a group of young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one who are interested in culture, art and community life. It focuses on utopian art practices that propose experimental forms of organisation, dissident attitudes and collective processes of creation.

Taller queer secundaria y bachillerato CA2M

Now that normality has finally become strange and we know that strange is normal, we want to celebrate it and continue thinking about it from our bodies (mine and others) and try out new ways of being and of being together.

Grupo de educación y creación audiovisual
Teacher training

A group of teachers and people interested in education who are also fascinated by audiovisuals decided to look out the window together. This is where we wanted to start, looking with fresh eyes, listening with attention to little things and touching film with our own hands.

La última letra es Q
Durante el curso escolar

We are going to put ourselves in an unexpected position. It is possible that we end up teaching something that we didn’t know how to do before and somebody whistles loudly for the first time. This could lead to something odd and makes us think for a moment about ways of teaching removed from the academy and art, or that might drive us crazy trying to separate everything from the rules. Or maybe not. We are going to put ourselves in an unexpected position and see whether something changes.

2 horas y 20 minutos a 20 metros de profundidad
Editorial project

A box of fanzines published by women, a shelf of books classified by weight or colour, an envelope with tiny publications... A library can be almost anything.

Desde un acantilado que vi en una película
All school year 2020 - 2021

This workshop proposes entering those places at school where we have never been before and to reveal them through the camera as undiscovered settings you’ve never seen, or maybe you have, perhaps in a movie.

Árboles de fuego
June 2021

Fire Trees

Clay, earth, can be fired to make all sorts of vessels and containers. Water evaporates and the material hardens, a transformation provoked by fire. We want to undertake a project to experiment with this whole process.

Intemperie ***
Project during Acupunture Phase 4

Intemperie (exposed to the elements) is a travel and expedition project outside the museum to work in the open air, exposed to the elements, to go for walks, to see daylight, to soak up whatever is out there.

Casa Blanda

In a few thousand years a future archaeological excavation will discover what were the limits of the city of Móstoles in 2020 and there they will find, on the site of the Children’s Home, bits of ceramic which, when pieced together, will create objects with no recognizable use purpose.