Previous Education
This activity is aimed at groups of primary school children and their teachers, who will have an opportunity to take part in an action in which communication exists, but in an alternative way, and where attention is based on logics other than conventional ones: What would happen if adults didn’t ask us to be quiet for the next two hours?
Este seminario será un espacio de encuentro en el que muchos de los agentes participantes: artistas, profesores, madres, educadores e investigadores, hablarán de los proyectos para pensar nuevas estrategias de trabajo en colaboración y cuestionar la compleja relación del arte y la educación.
CA2M has invited the filmmaker Pili Álvarez and the researcher Mercedes Álvarez to undertake research on the project by the El Banquete collective within its Artist at Work artist-in-residence programme. The goal is to produce an audiovisual work that will examine the project’s critical and practical challenges. .
Can silence be fun? In this one-session school workshop Nilo Gallego and Magda Labarga will help us to explore the possibilities of listening, rhythm and noise, as well as their connections with the city and urban life.
As part of our ongoing long-term policy, this school year we ran three artist residencies in three public schools on the outskirts of Madrid: María Jerez in CP Parque Aluche, the El Banquete collective in CP Juan Pérez Villamil and Amalia Fernández in CP Beato Simón de Rojas, these last two in Móstoles.
4 minutes and 300 metres is all that separates us from the nearest public school. The closeness with the art centre means that its teachers, students, and parents are part of the very fabric of the museum itself.
The project will involve the whole school, focusing on the work of two different years in primary school as well as the parents who wish to be involved. Together we will all imagine new forms of functioning and of intervention in the space in a primary school.
El pasado curso 2015-2016 el colectivo El Banquete realizó junto con el grupo de sexto curso una construcción colectiva en forma de pirámide en un rincón del Colegio Público Juan Pérez Villaamil de Móstoles. Con su propuesta buscaban generar un espacio que plantease otras formas de habitar y repensar la utopía. Este año desarrollarán un nuevo proyecto con el grupo de tercero de primaria del CP Manuel Sainz de Vicuña en el que propondrán trabajar colectivamente como una forma de producir nuevos aprendizajes desde lo procesual y lo relacional.
For the 2015-2016 school year the El Banquete group and the pupils from sixth year undertook the collective construction of a pyramid in a corner of the Juan Pérez Villaamil public school in Móstoles. Its mission was to generate a space that would afford other ways of inhabiting and rethinking utopia.