Previous Thinking

Image Symposium
5, 6 and th JULY

One year later, the question that underpins these conferences, challenges us, if possible, even more directly For which bodies, for what histories. In the face of the general uncertainty and the absolute lack of historical precedence that we are going through, this question confronts us with the contingency of history in the materiality of our bodies given the very violence that a brutal and savage irruption like this pandemic entails. We are confident that the curatorial threads - which were once amassed with rigour and care, and which are now being taken up again with the understanding of a vital transformation - continue to make sense.

Agua de borrajas, Colección de colecciones
Editorial project

Agua de Borrajas is a joint publishing project run by CA2M’s education department and the Roma printers. We are going to do things that last, that take time and that need time. We will make sure that whatever it is that is coming down the line will find us with our hands busy.

Grupo de trabajo autoplacer
Pensamiento y debate
20, 23, 24 and 25th Novembre (11 to 17h)

The Autoplacer Working Group emerged in order to analyse how the current COVID-19 health crisis has affected the independent music sector.

Grupo de lectura
Grupo de lectura
Jueves alternos de mayo a junio

En este nuevo curso queremos adentrarnos en el mundo de la literatura erótica y vivir la fascinación que provocan sus lecturas. Será de la manera en la que siempre lo hacemos: encontrando textos extraños, ampliando la mirada normativa que se tiene sobre este género, ensanchando sus límites y poniendo el deseo en el centro para volar.

3_Eras de José Luis Brea
Proyecto editorial
Jueves 20 de febrero

3_Eras es el texto inédito de José Luis Brea que nace a partir de la versión fílmica del libro Las tres eras de la imagen, film de María Virginia Jaua y José Luis Brea que incluía imágenes visuales y sonoras.