- educacion
- ARTIST AT WORK 2016 - 2017
ARTIST AT WORK 2016 - 2017

4 minutes and 300 metres is all that separates us from the nearest public school. The closeness with the art centre means that its teachers, students, and parents are part of the very fabric of the museum itself. Right from the beginning, we believed that it was critical for us to work with the schools in our area of influence in the development of projects that would lead to a shared space of research. And so, for the third year running, we are continuing to strengthen bonds by collaborating with the Beato Simón de Rojas public school as part of our artist-in-residence project. The proposals will conceive other forms of productivity removed from those which schools are used to. For the first year we invited Pili Álvarez to come up with an audiovisual project that would rethink the school’s immediate surrounding environs, the experiences that take place there and the relational problems that arise in its classrooms. For the second year Amalia Fernández worked with the body to explore issues related with identity and desire both inside and outside the classroom. This year we wish to continue investigating how artists can affect the educational institution and, more specifically, how this public school can return its experience to artists as well as to CA2M’s education department.