Taller ruido y ciudad 2016
Directed by

Can silence be fun? In this one-session school workshop Nilo Gallego and Magda Labarga will help us to explore the possibilities of listening, rhythm and noise, as well as their connections with the city and urban life.

The workshop activity comprises different stops or stations: in the listening room everything will be amplified: Did you pay attention to the friction of your clothes? And to the hairs on your head hitting against one another? Or the symphony of the zip opening your coat? In the sonic viewpoint we will look out over the city and experiment with its sounds and compose the rhythm of passersby. In the noise room, after listening to the soundtrack of our day-to-day life, the Noise and the City orchestra will rehearse for a street procession. There, other voices will emit new signals, accompanied by pots and pans, cans and whistles, proposing other rhythms for our neighbourhoods.

This activity is aimed at primary school students and their teachers, who will have a chance to take part in an action in which communication exists but in another form and attention is based on other forms of logic different to what we are used to. What would happen if we didn’t ask for silence for the span of two hours?

Nilo Gallego is a musician who gives performances in which experimentation with sound is the starting point. His works, which are always based on a playful component, are based the participation of the audience and interaction with our surroundings and with the everyday.

Magda Labarga was born without realising it and then later, given that she had been born, she learned to talk. She grew to like being born but especially this talking thing. That’s why she dedicates herself to storytelling: for having being born and for the pleasure of telling things.  She has been telling stories for years and talking her whole life.

Max 30 students.

Directed to
Children from 8 to 12
10:30 — 12:30
Dates header text
Ruido en la ciudad 2016
Event Date
Enrolment free

Máximo 30 alumnos