Performative routes 2021

recorridos performativos

Foto Sue Ponce

Triggering impulses, working in an experiential way, promoting critical attitudes through action, involving the body in learning processes ... These educational practices, in tune with the centre’s educational philosophy, are based on the construction of knowledge through experience. Thus, the exhibition’s performative routes focus on the spectator's experience and turn their gaze towards current art. In this way, we create meeting spaces in which to experiment and construct critical discourse regarding contemporary work. 

At this time, we wish to invite you to visit two of CA2M’s exhibitions with us.
On Saturdays at 6:30 PM we propose visiting TRÉMULA, artist Javi Cruz’s exhibition, together. And on Sundays at 12:30 PM, VEROÍR EL FRACASO ILUMINADO (EXPERIENCE THE ILLUMINATED FAILURE) by the artist Cecilia Vicuña. There will be a maximum of 6 people.

To sign up, write to or call 91 276 02 21. You can also come directly to the museum and, if there are not too many of us, join the tour by leaving your details at reception. We take all of these measures in order to take care of ourselves and to take care of you, though we are aware that these measures may change according to the situation. We look forward to meeting up with you again.

Performative Walkthroughs to the exhibition Cecilia Vicuña. Veroír el fracaso iluminado

On Sundays at 12:30 pm, visit the exhibition VEROÍR EL FAILURE ILLUMINATED by the artist Cecilia Vicuña with us at CA2M. For this we will be a maximum of 6 people.

Activity type
Recorridos performativos
Target audience
Anyone interested
Every weekend until the closing of the exhibitions
Saturdays and Sundays
Performative Walkthroughs to the exhibition Cecilia Vicuña. Veroír el fracaso iluminado
Event Date
Enrolment free
More information and contact