«After a very long winter, you see a green parrot perched on a blossoming almond tree. You would never have seen this in Madrid not long ago, but now it’s a common sight. We don’t know how we’re going to get back on track, and one thing we’re left with is celebrating a world that’s not going to be exactly the same. There are many things, even more when celebrating is part of the process of leaving behind, and moving forward. That path that is knowing what we follow. A public place, for everyone, green, high up, free, and specific. A place like a picnic.
This programme was shaped around the theme of tradition in an intuitive way, and we say intuitively because it was not actively sought and it was not until everything had been designed that we actually recognised this fact. Tradition understood in an expanded form, placed between the material and immaterial of this moment we are living. And who says when it is and when it is no longer like that? Throughout the sessions we see the most literal translation represented by craftsmanship, by mythology and inherited customs, but we also see that this whole world is reinterpreted, remixed, subverted, and left open to the air of the tensions of today’s world. In this open sky, questions and suggestions appear about what tradition means, to be tradition but also to make and create it. To believe it. Sometimes the folkloric appears, sometimes the ceremonial. Things that we know exist but that we have never seen also appear, which, because they are part of our dreams, also belong to us. At other times, there are interpretations that are so mixed in their languages and influences that they overflow. Yet, at the same time, when overlapped they create an image in which you can recognise yourself in the background. These are very local picnics. In them, there is a continuous reference to what is part of us and what we cannot be detached from. This happens and is interspersed, and suddenly it brings us to common ground where we can be together. And there is, in all this, a moment of self-reference of what the actual tradition of the picnic is and the place that is this terrace. We want to transfer these two things to other places, to other formats and, in short, to be able to live in the different ways we have always appreciated. A terrace can also be a forest.
We have skipped a spring. This is what we thought before everything happened, now we don’t want to wear shoes. We’re telling you this because it’s true. All that remains is for us to invite you to look together with us at what is coming from what has already passed.
Curated by:
Maral Kekejian and bwelke (Juanito Jones, Lorenzo García-Andrade and María Buey)»
- T 27/05 | OPENING: Javi Álvarez y Javi Pérez Iglesias; Maider López; Enrico Dau Yang Wey.
- T 03/06 | DIRECTOS: Ylia; SLVJ; Bazofia.
- T 10/06 | KATA GURUMA : Aitana Cordero y David Cárdenas
- T 17/06 | EN EL AIRE: Jonás de Murias; Kike García + Jesús Bravo; Lara Brown; Eliseo Parra
- T 24/06 | NOCTURNO: Bosque R.E.A.L y Cuqui Jerez
- T 01/07 | 1th OF JULY: Orquesta; JASSS.
- Recuerda que el aforo es limitado, por lo que cuando realices tu inscripción, te enviaremos un email confirmándote que tienes entrada. Una vez lo recibas, podrás pasar a recoger tu entrada en la recepción del Museo el día de la sesión de Picnic hasta las 21.15h. Si a esa hora no la has recogido, se pondrá a disposición del público.
- Si no puedes venir por alguna razón, por favor avísanos cuanto antes para que alguien de la lista de espera pueda ocupar tu plaza.
- Este evento respeta las medidas seguridad y las restricciones de aforo indicadas por las autoridades sanitarias, por lo que el público estará sentado y con la distancia de seguridad apropiada.
- Cuando vengas, por favor sigue todas las indicaciones del personal de la organización para que tanto el acceso como el desalojo se haga siguiendo las normas de seguridad.
- Por tu bien y el de todos, si tienes síntomas compatibles con el Covid-19, no acudas al Centro.
Prior registration required. Form available one week before each session. LIMITED CAPACITY: 90 people.
As a Picnic Society, the CA2M invites several curators each year to design a program for the terrace of the Center. Every Thursday from the end of May to the beginning of July our terrace will become a space in which we will develop a program of activities in which the physical and the sound are mixed with the educational and participatory.