Previous Exhibitions


Lanceta defends the importance of weaving techniques and advocates placing weaving on a par with painting and sculpture. She argues that the “peripheral position of fabrics is not just metaphorical, but a reality, because societies that still weave are also peripheral


Exposición Miguel Trillo CA2M, 2017. Foto: Andrés Arranz

Miguel Trillo. Doble exposición revisits the artist’s first two solo exhibitions, held at Galería Ovidio (PopPurri. Dos años de música pop en Madrid) in 1982 and at Sala Amadís (Fotocopias. Madrid-London) in 1983. The idea behind the project is to rethink the displays which Trillo used to exhibit his work, removed from the more conventional methods employed to show photography in the few spaces receptive to the discipline back in the early eighties. 

Una exposición coreografiada CA2M, 2017. Foto: Patricia Nieto

A Choreographed Exhibition consists solely of movements. It showcases works choreographed for the exhibition by international artists, choreographers and musicians.

Exposición Allan Kaprow en el CA2M, 2017. Foto: Andrés Arranz

La exposición Allan Kaprow. Comfort Zones. Junio 1975 rescata el hapenning que Allan Kaprow realizó en 1975 en la Galería Vandrés de Madrid, un capítulo fundamental de la historia de las galerías madrileñas, y que contribuyó a la normalización de la innovación en el campo del arte contemporáneo.


In June 1975, 42 years ago, Allan Kaprow staged the Com-fort Zones Activity (word used by Kaprow for his performing actons) at Galería Vandrés in Madrid. The Activity consisted in eight rules or protocols for couples, at a time when demonstrations of intimacy were checked by the authoritarian regime then in place.

Retratos Ewa Lyberten, 1988. Fernando Suárez Cabeza. Foto: Pedro Agustín

Espacio P was founded back in 1981 in a ground floor premises at number 11, Calle Núñez de Arce, in the centre of Madrid, near Plaza Santa Ana. During its first year it was used for rehearsals and workshops in all kinds of practices related with the body, like corporal expression, performance and dance

Exposición Colección XVI: Escala CA2M. Foto: Manuel Blanco

Since museums first came into existence back in the eighteenth century, there has been a tradition of exhibiting that consists in showing sculptures in central courtyards and lobbies, allowing various fragments from the history of art to coexist in the same space, as part of a stage setting designed to be viewed by a comparative gaze.


Since museums first came into existence back in the eighteenth century, there has been a tradition of exhibiting that consists in showing sculptures in central courtyards and lobbies, allowing various fragments from the history of art to coexist in the same space, as part of a stage setting designed to be viewed by a comparative gaze.

Exposición Jorge Macchi CA2M. Foto: Pedro Agustín

A survey show of the work of Jorge Macchi (Buenos Aires, 1963) overviewing 25 years of artistic output covering the whole breath of his practice, including works on paper, videos, paintings, photographs and installations coming from many public and private collections in Argentina, Spain, Portugal and the USA.