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The only requirement to take part is to have read the books before each session, and to attend with a participative disposition. The group will be moderated by Tamara Díaz Bringas

You’re looking at a clock. It has hands, and figures arranged in a circle. The hands move. You can’t tell if they move at the same rate, or if one moves faster than the other. What does 'than' mean?

The crew of the ship Gum –a nickname meaning something like “pet”– is sent to outer space to gather information on unexplored worlds. One of the scientists on board has a special gift, a talent for "wide-range bioempathic receptivity", which allows him to pick up emotions and perceptions from his surroundings. When the group lands on a distant planet on which there seems to be no life forms, they are faced with unexpected events and mysteries in which empathy proves critical. Vaster Than Empires and More Slow by Ursula K. Le Guin will be the starting point for the reading group which will now focus on science fiction.

To give ourselves time, to take time on fiction stories that participants in previous reading groups wanted to share. The first group came together at the end of 2014 with an invitation to Saber con quién se trata (Know Who You are Dealing With) from Bulegoa zenbaki barik, the art and knowledge office located in Bilbao, which proposed a programme of readings on different agreements, contracts and relationships that define our everyday life. The participants in the opening experience played with and transformed the initial programme, and between 2015 and 2016 we opened up a new phase that expanded our desire for collective reading and experimentation. The second group, called El cuerpo como archivo (The Body as Archive) asked itself, among other questions, about the body as a political and cultural archive and technologies –legal, medical, architectural, media– for the production of the body, gender, sexuality.

Although a large part of our reading is based on essays, science fiction has also crossed our paths on numerous occasions. For instance, Albert Meister’s La soi-distant utopie du Centre Beaubourg (1977) argued: "the only way to reject the system is to ignore it, to deny it. Not against it, but beside it, creating a parallel universe, the parallel space-time continuum of science fiction". Or the inspiring political and multi-species history fictions of Donna Haraway that, as she herself as said, have their stem cells in the creators of science fiction.  

In this third season of the reading group scheduled over ten evenings between February and June 2017, we will take our starting point in stories by Ursula K. Le Guin and Octavia Butler, as well as Ted Chiang, Clarice Lispector and Macedonio Fernández. Similarly to previous occasions, our meetings will ultimately be shaped by the affinities and derivations of the group. Without any given destination, we instead propose to collectively gift ourselves the stores we deserve, the time we deserve and perhaps along the way we can also gift ourselves tools for the worlds we wish to inhabit. We might spend three to five sessions on one single story or we could read a different one for each session. In any case, we will strive to stroll leisurely towards the unexpected. And more slow.

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9 and 23 FEB, 9 and 23 MAR, 6 and 20 APR, 4 and 18 MAY, 1 and 15 JUN 2017
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In this third season of the reading group scheduled over ten evenings between February and June 2017, we will take our starting point in stories by Ursula K. Le Guin and Octavia Butler, as well as Ted Chiang, Clarice Lispector and Macedonio Fernández.

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17:00 – 20:00 H.
Is it a cycle?

In 1979, shortly after the date established by Malcolm McLaren as the beginning of punk, a pioneering essay by Dick Hebdige was published, Subculture. The Meaning of Style. In this text, contemporary to some of the movements he wanted to study, Hebdige adopted the methodology of Cultural Studies, which breaks down the hierarchies that separate High and Low Culture, in order to examine how the Post-World War II subcultures in Great Britain had been born, and to define the strategies they had followed in opposing the established order. Hebdige's outlook partly differed from that other, romanticized and nostalgic one, which some later authors projected on their particular constructions of punk and its antecedents, and took up the notion of conflict as a starting point in his analysis.

It was a case, first of all, of a class conflict, since all these movements - the Teddy Boys, the rockers, the mods, the skinheads and the punks - appeared among English working class youths, who were resisting the limitations imposed on their own class, as was the case, especially, with the elegant mods, or the ideals of the middle class, and as, eventually, was the case with everybody. The development of these groups also involved a racial conflict, since they were formed by white people, and were opposed to the subcultures developed in those years among the Afro-British population (even though the later would sometimes be their very base), as was manifested in the confusing relationship between the first wave of punk and the Rastafari movement in the West Indies. Nevertheless, Hebdige ignored another conflict - that of gender - which would reveal itself later, with the texts of Angela McRobbie, who would ask herself about the role played by women in the development of subcultures, the riot grrrls, and the re-appropriation by homosexual collectives of some of the resources used by punk.

In the search for a genealogy of these subcultures, Hebdige traces out links between these groups that would break away from the norm and the avant-garde of the late nineteenth century and the beginnings of the twentieth century, based on the importance of style for them, as something significant, and the consequences that this had in how they used objects, decontextualizing them and turning them into symbols of dissidence. These tactics used by subcultures lead him to work on the notion of bricolage, which, generalized and simplified, could be extended to the use of assemblage, collage, and DIY by punks and other subcultural groups.

In this selection of recent books, magazines, and fanzines, self-published, or released, in their majority, by independent publishers, we have assumed some of the aspects mentioned in Hebdige's essay. On the one hand, we have tried to trace out a history, brief and incomplete as any other, of the subcultures that came before punk, or that appeared at the same time, taking up as a departure point the figure of the dandy, and pointing out its links to the historical avant-garde. On the other hand, we have included editions that revise the publications of the punk movement, and some of its most relevant figures. We have also attempted to show how some current artists contemplate this movement, and what followed it, what has been termed post-punk. He haven't included only nostalgic projects, something we know is over and can never be recuperated, but we have also looked for other publications, that analyze punk with anthropological detachment, or question it from a feminist and queer vantage point.

Sergio Rubira is a Lecturer in History of Art at Madrid's Complutense University, and Academic Secretary of the Máster in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, UAM, UCM, and Museo Reina Sofía. He is an editor at EXIT magazine, and a contributor to El Cultural de El Mundo.

Free entrance.

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FROM 22nd MAY 2015
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In 1979, shortly after the date established by Malcolm McLaren as the beginning of punk, a pioneering essay by Dick Hebdige was published, Subculture. The Meaning of Style. In this text, contemporary to some of the movements he wanted to study, Hebdige adopted the methodology of Cultural Studies, which breaks down the hierarchies that separate High and Low Culture, in order to examine how the Post-World War II subcultures in Great Britain had been born, and to define the strategies they had followed in opposing the established order.

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Is it a cycle?

The strategy might be homespun but the consequences can be industrial. Go into McDonalds. Buy two cheeseburgers. Take the meat from one of the burgers and put it in the other … Voilà! You have a Double Cheese at the economic price of two cheeseburgers. And as a leftover extra, you have a bun to be filled with whatever you want!  
Beneath the thrown-together, amateur look of the Tuplajuustovinkki tutorial lies a finely spun subversive potential. Showing us how to turn two simple hamburgers into a double, the maker of this video uploaded onto Youtube four years ago, “deconstructs” hamburgers and remakes them in his own way, to suit his personal whim and his wallet. He dismantles and toys with the multinational’s commercial philosophy, imagining a shared form of resistance. While, to begin with, the consumer is controlled by the system, he can emancipate himself through his desire to test and to play, but also through his affirmation as a producer and transmitter of unusual contents. He becomes an unexpected agent of knowledge, aware that knowledge is a realm of invention in which “play” is much more that hitting the play button, but an approximation to the creative space of performance by instructions. Nevertheless, here play can be perverse: To what extent is the tutorial able to question the capitalist machinery of the production of desire? Does it not operate unwittingly as a hymn to the commodity and a productive system that it wanted to attack? Who eats who: us or the hamburgers? In short, the FAQ of a world in which capital is not just the title of a book.

Watching others do things that make us believe that we too can do them; we look and learn. In addition, everything looks easy, possible and reproducible in the world of tutorials. As a genre in itself, the tutorial can take the form of videos, manuals, guides, diagrams and leaflets that are distributed in online and offline networks. Often lending more emphasis to images, they require a discursive capacity by association and invite the elaboration of a narrative by intuition. For instance, Tuplajuustovinkki operates under a clearly visual pedagogy. The viewer can easily identify the goal, method and causal relations, even if he or she does not understand a word of Finnish. The interpretation is structured around successive suppositions that are then confirmed, enabling even the inevitable misunderstandings to yield fortuitous discoveries and inventions. The video-tutorials are based on an ability to speak simply about something complex. But, as we all know, speaking simply is never easy, and perhaps that is precisely the source of its popularity, as can be readily seen in the number of views registered below it. As eminently visual materials, video-tutorials stake out a privileged space where theory, and not just visual narrative, is a question of editing. And here, the usual and sometimes mocking expression of “do you want me to draw it for you?” is no longer poking fun but the complete opposite: a serious educational tool.

With their tricks, strategies and recipes, tutorials paradoxically make incursions into two opposing realms. On one hand, they are a format proper to structured forms of knowledge that foster a sense of normativity of rules; on the other hand, they are easily parasited by informal knowledge, creating an ideal terrain for experimental and speculative practice, a place where knowledge is formed, communicated and distributed on the sidelines of official institutions. The uncontrolled circulation of these materials, that seem to be governed by a logic of abundance, leads to multiplication, association and contamination of knowledge, fostering a hybrid field of learning that, at once, encourages the appearance of new ideas to be spread. The supremacy of authorship is questioned and, as a consequence, it becomes a point of intervention, taken over by new communities of knowledge and by their collective productions. Open to comments, whether appreciative or not, to be edited or simply photocopied, they feed off their very own call for participation. As open codes, they demonstrate a sufficiently cheeky flexibility to worm their way into even the most orthodox circuits. Under the logos of multinationals that sell happiness in the form of videos or sandwiches, they perhaps introduce a lingering, niggling doubt: Who do the ideas actually belong to?

Though we are constantly assured that “everything is written in books”, others would say that “if it exists, you’ll find it in internet”. Keeping an open mind about these commonplaces but trusting in the “popular” as a mechanism of making worlds, the exhibition Tutorial: Who Teaches What to Who? wishes to offer a platform for dialogue between the selection of publications presented here in various formats and methodologies of transmitting knowledge. Exploring disparate associations between elements of visual culture, publishing, literature, science and contemporary art, the material on display proposes an overview of the cultural memory of know-how and rethinks the ways of generating, diffusing and imagining new politics of collective learning.

Divided into three categories borrowed from internet parlance – PLAY, SHARE and VIEW – the publication rereads these imperative verbs as an invitation, as instructions and directions for a performance as visitor. (Suggestion: in this shared game, it is equally desirable to visualise tactics for dismantling these same categories. The manual can be rewritten and here coincidence plays a key role).

INDISCIPLINADAS: Based in Madrid and in Cali since 2013, the Indisciplinadas collective develops curatorial, editorial and educational projects that experiment with methods of engaging with the context of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture through practices that lend themselves to cross-contamination, recombination and the diffusion of various codes and forms of knowledge. Its interest in the field of publishing is reflected in the “Cuadernos domésticos” project, in the ”Soft [cover] revolution” exhibition and in pedagogical programmes such as “No Room for Books”. It has also collaborated with institutions such as Museo de Arte de Castilla y León (MUSAC), Instituto Europeo de Diseño (IED-Madrid), Biblioteca de las Conchas at the University of Salamanca and Lugar a Dudas in Cali.

TUESDAY— FRIDAY. 11:00 — 14:00 & 16:00 — 21:00
Holdings can be consulted freely in the library


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26TH NOVEMBER 2015 – 18TH MARCH 2016
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The strategy might be homespun but the consequences can be industrial. Go into McDonalds. Buy two cheeseburgers. Take the meat from one of the burgers and put it in the other … Voilà! You have a Double Cheese at the economic price of two cheeseburgers. And as a leftover extra, you have a bun to be filled with whatever you want!  

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Is it a cycle?

Georg Simmel's sentence "Knowing who you're dealing with is the first condition for the deal to be possible" serves as the starting point of this reading group, and it inspires a debate about the different agreements, contracts and relationships that accompany and define our everyday life. Contracts, whether explicit or latent, configure the different ways of doing, but always under minimum conditions: the first of them being among whom is the pact established; the second, how is the agreement reached; and the third, what does it cover.

In order to answer the first question, we can say that we would like to establish a deal with those interested in reviewing the terms that regulate our day to day lives, and imagining new models of possible agreements. How are we going to do this? Through the constitution of a stable reading group, extended in time. In the group, we will engage in a discussion from the vantage point of four frames - curating, criticism as a literary genre, social theory, and contemporary dance and choreography - through a selection of texts which could include essays, legal proceedings, conferences, poems, prose, critical reviews, news, interviews, films or audio recordings. What are we going to talk about? We are going to talk about how the definitions of these four areas were defined in specific historical moments, making certain forms and values prevail over others; and about how all this has generated the sum total of practices we are part of.

"Knowing who you're dealing with" is an initiative organized by Bulegoa zenbaki barik, an office of art and knowledge based in Bilbao, on the premise of the previous experience of "EL CONTRATO", a two-year long project in collaboration with Alhóndiga Bilbao, developed in two parts: a reading group and an exhibition. The sessions at the CA2M will be moderated by Tamara Díaz Bringas in dialog with Bulegoa Z/B (the members of which will be part of the first four sessions). The texts will be sent out to participants two weeks before each reading session. The requirement to participate will consist in reading the texts before each session, which should be attended in a participatory spirit.

Proposed readings:

Roland Barthes: “Sobre la lectura” in El susurro del lenguaje. Barcelona: Paidós, 1987

Bruno Latour and Émilie Hermant: “Esas redes que la razón ignora: laboratorios, bibliotecas, colecciones”, in Retos de la postmodernidad, Fernando García Selgas y José Monleón, José (ed.). Madrid: Trotta, 1999.

Clifford, James: "Sobre el surrealismo etnográfico", in Dilemas de la cultura. Antropología, literatura y arte en la perspectiva postmoderna. Barcelona: Ed. Gedisa. p.149-188

Gertrude Stein: If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso (Si yo le dijera: un retrato completo de Picasso), 1923.

Ingeborg Bachmann: “Música y poesía” (1959) and “Sobre poesía. Segunda conferencia de Fráncfort” (1959-1960). En Bachmann, I.: Literatura como utopía (Selección de escritos críticos). Pre-textos, Valencia, 2012.

John Cage:Lecture on nothing (Conferencia sobre nada), 1959.

Joseph, Isaac: “Dramas” and "El orden de la interacción y su vocabulario" in Erving Goffman y la microsociología. Barcelona: Gedisa. [p. 51-67 and 119-121]

Kunst, Bojana: "Danza y trabajo: el potencial político y estético de la danza", in Lecturas sobre danza y coreografía, Isabel de Naverán and Amparo Écija (ed.). Madrid: Artea, 2013. 

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20 NOV, 4 DIC, 18 DIC 2014 / 8 Y 22 JAN, 5 AND 19 FEB , 5 AND 19 MAR, 9 AND 23 APR 2015
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Georg Simmel's sentence "Knowing who you're dealing with is the first condition for the deal to be possible" serves as the starting point of this reading group, and it inspires a debate about the different agreements, contracts and relationships that accompany and define our everyday life. Contracts, whether explicit or latent, configure the different ways of doing, but always under minimum conditions: the first of them being among whom is the pact established; the second, how is the agreement reached; and the third, what does it cover.

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17:00 — 20:00 H.
Is it a cycle?

Silence is a polysemy concept that can be used to describe different situations in different contexts. The idea of silence encompasses both literal and symbolical lack of sound in which poetic images, theories and historical analysis on social phenomena, spiritual processes or personal pacts can take part.

Besides, noise is the necessary counterpart of silence noise, sort of an inseparable marriage passing the baton from one to another throughout our perception. Music contemplates silence as a seal between passages, as a dilatation of the space in blank, or as a previous clear call to harmonic change.  In fact, silence can be a communicative resource or a musical measure, but what does it happens when silence comes from a society in conflict?

María Ruído
Fran Meana
Traficantes de sueños -Dream dealers-

13 NOV

18:30 H. Round table: The Politics of science. Perspective from the intellectual and artistic practice.
Presented and moderated by Daniel Granados (Producciones Doradas/ Doropaedia)
Lecturer: María Ruido, Traficantes de sueños (Julia Millán Bermejo), Tres.
This round table aims to deal with the idea of the already suffered silence from politics, understanding politics as all that which make references to the capacity to decide about the subjects of the life in society and found and alter, not only the law which governs human society but the its perception. Lecturer will approach the concept explaining the way they understand and board the idea of silence from their intelectual and creative practice (documentary, artistic or editorial).

19:30 H. Concierto para apagar by Tres -Concert to turn off-
Tres will perform one of its last "concerts to turn off". The audio from DOROPAEDIA will be the result of this performance, which will be live and recorded placing mics around the venue to register the progressive silence which will take over. The “Conciertos para Apagar -Concerts to turn off” are based on the careful listening of the continuous sound set within the venue during the process of gradually turning off and depending on its function and intensity up to maximum possible level of silence. We will then assist the surgical dissection of the background of our auditory life, the shapeless mass of blows and hums that floods the public, working and domestic spaces where there are running machines. Through a gradual turning off process of all sounds, we will witness the discovery of sound landscape increasingly crisp and sharp in line with increasingly presence of the silence. The final destiny of this sonoric journey is the new milieu  resulting from repositionating silence within its natural threshold.  Now, the quality of listening is perfect.

20:30 H. Projection of El Plan Rosebud 2, 2008 by María Ruido
Within her practical investigation on the collective memory, started with “La memoria interior” -"The inner memory"(2002), María Ruido presents a critical maping on the politics of memory finding testimonies, observing them, dialoguing with them and structuring them, in four parts and three intermidiates, so they question  embedded ideas in the public sphere. This second act of Plan Rosebud addresses the last years of Francoism (and the companies which were born with), transition (as elite agreement) and post (with the explosion of the punk and movida movement) viewed from the knowledge of private individuals and of members of the social movements which emerged   parallel to political parties. The study case in centered in  Galicia, although easily extrapolated to the rest of States, which can be also compared to what was happening in the Great Britain of Thatcher.


Multidisciplinary artist focused on the investigation and experimentation with silence. Silence cocktails,  Blackouts or complete turning off of buildings, clandestine actions, videos, exhibitions, installations and all kind of ceremonies are some of the multiple ways that Tres has translated silence in the last 15 years. Today, Tres is focused on the search of a more conceptual mean and less experiential to approach silence. This change of direction mainly follows the interest in considering some negative aspect of this phenomenon which remained unexplored,  mostly those from the political and comunication fields. She is curating  her second and consecutive cycle of exhibitions for Espai del Fundación Joan Miró in Barcelona.

María Ruído
Videomaker, cultural investigator and producer, developing from 1996 interdisciplinary projects about the social elaboration of the body and its placement within the imaginary of works, as well as the mechanisms of memory construction and its relation with the narrative manner of history. Nowadays,  living in Barcelona where she is professor at the Design and Image Department from Universidad de Barcelona, where she also is part of study groups on representation and its contextual relations.

Fran Meana
is artist and has displayed in exhibition such as: Basado en hechos reales, Artium, Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Vitoria-Gasteiz. Antes que todo, CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles, Madrid. Everything is out there, La Casa Encendida, Madrid. 89Km., MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo/ CGAC, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela. When asking him about his contribution to Doropaedia, Fran addresses the experience of John Cage in Harvard in the early '50: “In 1951, John Cage visited the anechoic chamber of Harvard University. Cage entered into the chamber expecting to listen to silence, but, instead, he listened two sounds, a high and a low one. When explaining to the sound engineer, he said:
-'The high sound comes from your running nerve system. The low sound comes from your blood circulation.'“

Traficantes de sueños -Dream dealers-
Traficantes de sueños is a polifacetic project constituted in the nineties with the intention to be a space for training, reflection and meetings for alternative and social movements. Seeking to go beyond  that scope, it is intended to play its part to enrich debates, sensibilities and practices which aim at transforming that stage of things. Nowadays, it is composed by a library, a self-manage distributor ‬and an editorial. The essays have Creative Commons license and are available for pdf downloading  at: 

Activity type
13th NOVEMBER, 2013

Silence is a polysemy concept that can be used to describe different situations in different contexts. The idea of silence encompasses both literal and symbolical lack of sound in which poetic images, theories and historical analysis on social phenomena, spiritual processes or personal pacts can take part. Silence can be a communicative resource or a musical measure, but what does it happens when silence comes from a society in conflict?

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Is it a cycle?

This installment will focus on the legal-philosophical concept of the commons, which refers to all assets that are not privately owned. The commons legislates and defines all assets that may be freely used by all the members of a given community. The commons can be used to describe tangible (forests, squares, etc.) and intangible assets (musical compositions, designs, etc.), as well as social (democracy), natural (ocean floors) and cultural elements (languages), as long as they are publicly and collectively managed.


Los Caveles
Prisma en llamas
Wild Honey


Jordi Claramonte

Miguel Brieva


ANTONNA. Today, technology is advancing at a terrifying pace, and one of the consequences is that nobodies like this guy can record whole albums in their own homes and brazenly offer them to respectable, law-abiding citizens on the web. Accompanied by a raucous drum machine, an acoustic guitar and a moustachioed bassist, Anntona has released En la cama con Anntona, with a style which some have likened to Magnetic Fields and Mojinos Escozíos. Somewhere halfway between these two bands is this incredibly fresh pop pieced together with second-rate rhymes and more than first-rate melodies. Anntona is a good guy and he’s willing to prove it, regardless of who he has to trample on in the process.


LOS CLAVELES. Marcos played the saxophone with Au, but what he really wanted to do was play his own songs, which had a sound somewhere between Golpes Bajos and Josef K, so he started playing with Santos and Jordi, and it turned out that their sound was something more between Monochrome Set and Ciudad Jardín. Later they brought in Papeles and Miguel, and then Papeles and Miguel left and they brought in Sergio, and meanwhile they released two CD-Rs and gave a handful of concerts that won them a lot of fans, because they sound fresh and fun and have a lot of hit songs. 


PRISMA EN LLAMAS. Hugo, formerly of the band Margarita, and Pablo, formerly of Ensaladilla Rusa, are the two halves of Prisma en Llamas. They will soon be releasing an EP with songs that are a perfect genetic cross between Jesus and Mary Chain and El Último de la Fila. They offer us six songs of tension, like a rubber band that is about to break but refuses to snap with the restraint of the satiated glutton. Melodies that slide smoothly into your ears and down to your trachea and stay there, where the acoustics are better. Prisma en Llamas is one of the most agreeable surprises of 2010.

prisma en llamas

WILD HONEY. The official history of pop tends to tiptoe over a lot of albums which the most obsessive music buffs consider true touchstones. Wild Honey, the title of Guillermo Farré’s project, takes its name from the grossly underrated Beach Boys record – an album of marvellous songs where everything falls discreetly into its proper place. But marvels are never really discreet, and even the slightest effort to listen a bit more closely will soon reveal how great this album truly is. Wild Honey is that kind of band. Epic Handshakes and Bear Hug, Wild Honey’s debut album, features music that practically oozes love. You can hear echoes of Brill Building, The Zombies, early Scott Walker, the Sherman Brothers’ Disney soundtracks, Michel Legrand, Curt Boettcher, bubblegum pop, everything along the line from the upbeat sentimental tunes of American music from the first half of the 20th century to a pocket-size Sufian Stevens and Jens Lekman with an innocent voice and gaze. Dressed-up pop that strives to be beautiful and is: solid tunes, impeccable arrangements and tributes.

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Este número versó en torno al procomún (traducción al castellano del concepto jurídico-filosófico anglosajón commons), concepto que designa todos aquellos bienes cuya propiedad no se encuentra en manos privadas. El procomún legisla y determina todos aquellos bienes que pueden ser libremente utilizados por todos los miembros de comunidades dadas. Pueden ser parte del procomún tanto entes tangibles (bosques, plazas…) como bienes intangibles (composiciones musicales, diseños…), entes sociales (democracia), naturales (fondos marinos) o culturales (idiomas), siempre y cuando la gestión de los mismos sea pública y colectiva.

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Is it a cycle?


Produced by Basurama

Emmanuel Rodríguez, publisher and researcher for the Metropolitan Observatory.
Carlos Fernandez Liria, Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid in the Department of Metaphysics and Knowledge Theory.
Jaime Palomera, anthropologist specialising in the conflict situations which emerged in the Parisian outskirts.


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Concerts by Margarita and cohete. Round table with Emmanuel Rodríguez, publisher and researcher for the Metropolitan Observatory; Carlos Fernandez Liria, Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid in the Department of Metaphysics and Knowledge Theory; Jaime Palomera, anthropologist specialising in the conflict situations which emerged in the Parisian outskirts.

Categoría cabecera
Is it a cycle?



New releases by:


Intelligence and approachability come together in this duo, capable of combining electronic music with the most acoustic pop and of delivering everything from poignant ballads to dance-floor hits. Immune to fashions and trends, they spearheaded the revival of Spanish electro-pop from the 1980s, but this has never lessened their enthusiasm for the great pop idols or kept them from playing with every conceivable style. Now elevated to historic status, this duo is one of Spain’s best indie music bands.


Joe Crepúsculo (born Joël Iriarte) is a Spanish singer-songwriter. Though he records as a solo artist, he is also the singer and keyboardist for a band called Tarántula. His work is characterised by unpretentious vocals, profound and surreal lyrics, and homemade instrumental accompaniment, all with a low-fi sound. Another remarkable thing about this artist is that he releases his albums under a Creative Commons licence and posts them on his website for all to enjoy.

Now, after his album SuperCrepus (Producciones Doradas 2008) was hailed by music critics as one of the best Spanish albums of 2008, this October he brings us his third album entitled Chill Out.


In April 2009, this artist released her debut album Romancero, produced by David Rodríguez (LA ESTRELLA DE DAVID). With seven familiar songs from the rough cut and five new ones, Romancero is one of the most eagerly awaited albums of recent years, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it will be one of the most important in the years to come. Ana asked David Rodríguez (BEEF) to produce her work with the idea of blending the superb creativity of LA ESTRELLA DE DAVID (David’s solo project) with clean sounds adapted to the friendly context of her melodies. The result is that Ana’s songs acquire a unique artistic dimension with David’s sonic inventiveness, and his skill shines brighter than ever when tamed by the naturalistic beauty of Ana’s songs.

This work by LA BIEN QUERIDA is one of the most eagerly awaited releases of Spanish indie-pop of recent years, and this is because everyone fell in love with her demo (chosen as the best of 2007 by Mondo Sonoro, featured in Rockdelux and played hundreds of thousands of times on MySpace, where her page is one of the most visited new artist sites). This album is undoubtedly one of the most talked-about debuts in the history of Spanish indie music.


Manos de Topo is a pop band that intones (sur)real Spanish lyrics, a fact which has led some to describe their style as bizarre pop. They recently released their second LP, El primero era mejor [The First One Was Better], and their website offers the following explanation: “The first one was better – or perhaps not, but at least it was less painful.” While the first one raised some blisters, this second album twists the knife in the wound and leaves us convalescing. And while earlier comments highlighted a surrealist intention behind their lyrics, now we have no choice but hyperrealism. A lot of people wondered what Manos de Topo would do next after their acclaimed Ortopedias Bonitas. Well, the answer is here, and we can already hear the ghoulish fascination and a few sharpened pens lurking behind the door. Will they do it again? Even better: they take it one step further.


In progression. Permeable to any variety of pop music. Like history, Extraperlo doesn’t crawl: it advances by leaps and bounds. This is obvious if we consider how they have managed to mutate an uncomplicated, homegrown indie-pop to achieve the global sound of Desayuno continental. This Barcelona-based quartet has assimilated the variability of their restless pop with the ease of individuals who never tire of learning, of moving forward. Now they confidently stride ahead, absorbing the good and rejecting the bad, and embracing a stylistic crossover that knows no bounds.



Venga Monjas is the nom de guerre of Xavier Daura and Esteban Navarro, two students dedicated to the quest for intentions. They are both avid fans of the television programme “La Hora Chanante” produced by Paramount Comedy in Spain. Seduced by the absurd humour, bizarre aesthetics and made-up vocabulary of the “chanantes”, they decided to create their own show at home. Just over a year ago, this odd couple began to make home videos for which they did not use predetermined scripts, preferring instead to draw on their own stores of remarkably polished humour. With no particular aim in mind, they began to record, edit and upload the video clips they made to YouTube. Using rather vague yet suggestive titles like “Infancia prohibida” [Forbidden Childhood] or “Los postres de Tia Edwish” (Aunt Edwish’s Desserts), Venga Monjas continued to post a new chapter each month, building up a community of fans who wait with baited breath for a chance to watch the next ripia (what they call any video that can be seen online). There’s not much we can say about the contents of the videos: situations that jump back and forth from the commonplace to the absurd, grotesque skits, skirmishes, and incomprehensible references.



Manrique is considered one of the leading authorities on contemporary music in Spain and owns one of the most important music collections in the country.

He started out as a journalist with the weekly Triunfo. Manrique initially contacted the magazine to criticise the poor quality of the articles it published on rock music, and the editors suggested that he send them something better. Manrique accepted the challenge. Soon afterwards, he joined the staff of Radio Castilla in Burgos. In the 1970s and 80s he wrote for magazines such as Vibraciones, Rock Especial, Todas las Novedades and all kinds of other publications, provided they had a page dedicated to rock music.

In 1979-80, he worked with Carlos Tena on Popgrama, a show about the musical avant-garde broadcast by Televisión Española. In the following years they would meet again on the sets of Caja de ritmos (1983), for which Manrique was the screenwriter, and Pop Qué (1984). He also worked as a screenwriter for the television programmes ¡Qué noche la de aquel año! (1987) and FM 2 (1988).

Since 1992, he has hosted the show El Ambigú on Radio 3, a station operated by Radio Nacional de España. He combines this work with writing music reviews for the Spanish daily El País and its Sunday supplement El País Semanal.
Manrique still writes occasionally for the magazine Efe Eme, which he founded, as well as for Rolling Stone.

In May 2008 he was appointed deputy director of Radio 3.

He won the National Ondas Prize for radio in 2001.

In February 2009, he received the Backstage Award from the APM (Association of Spanish Music Producers).



The Atlas of Electromagnetic Space is an interactive visualisation of the radio spectrum and a database of artistic and social interventions that have been developed in recent decades which rely on radio technologies. Projects are classified according to the frequency they occupy. The aim of the project is to create a clear and comprehensible visual tool that will allow users to understand how the frequency allocation system is structured and regulated and how it relates to everyday technologies such as radio, television, mobile phones, Wi-Fi networks and many more. But the most important goal of the Atlas is to create an archive of the most important and significant interventions in Hertzian space conceived and implemented by artists, designers, activists, hackers, social movements and other agents of civil society.

We believe that visualising this activity is necessary because it shows how alternative perspectives and interpretations of these technologies, and of the policies that regulate them, enrich their social and cultural potential beyond their designated uses. All of this cultural production is a prime example of how different social forces are demanding a participatory role in the political processes that govern the spectrum, in an arena where the telecommunications industries and the authorities have traditionally called all the shots.

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Target audience

New releases by Astrud, Joe Crepúsculo, La Bien Querida, Manos de Topo and Estraperlo.

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Is it a cycle?



Lidia Damunt

En el cementerio peligroso
(Subterfuge Records)

Lidia Damunt is one of the great names in music. And when I say great, I don’t just mean one of the great names in Spain – I mean one of the great names, full stop.

We Spaniards may find it hard to believe that a composer from the beach town of La Manga del Mar Menor has earned the right to rub artistic shoulders with some of the supposedly unapproachable giants of the international scene, but the vertigo we experience when we listen to her songs leaves no room for doubt. Is it really possible that someone like this grew up in our own backyard? With her remarkable debut album En la isla de las Bufandas, Lidia found a unique niche halfway between Nashville (the cradle of country music) and Olympia (the pop capital of DIY culture). Now, with En el cementerio peligroso, she has taken another giant leap forward and made things a bit more difficult for us.

Lidia Damunt writes the songs others wish they could compose, presents the albums others wish they could record, and gives the concerts others wish they could give. So small that she can barely see us. So great because, for a moment, we can barely see anything but her. Roberto Herreros

(Gssh! Gssh! Records)

GRABBA GRABBA TAPE are the electronic duo from Madrid, comprising Lol-oh-vot on vocals and percussion and Gros-oh-vot on keyboards and vocals.
They have been called the Iberian equivalent of Daft Punk (with a Moranco twist) and their music is simply fantastic: they come on stage dressed like pink snowmen and make music with robotic voices. They have already toured all of Europe several times and their albums have been released in the USA.

The duo were the torchbearers of the new batch of fresh, irreverent bands in Madrid that revolutionised the underground scene.

Tres Pies

Montañas is a new Asturian group that has us worked up to a fever pitch of excitement. Their first live performances have already elicited comparisons to Beat Happening, The Feelies and Bananas. In their press release, they say that “in Montañas, we express what we like and what we don’t like about Asturias”. Quite a statement of intent.

On a carefully designed MySpace page, the list of highlighted friends can also furnish important clues about the band’s identity. On the Montañas page, these include Thelemáticos, Anticonceptivas, Chiquita y Chatarra, Grande-Marlaska and Le Mot, to name a few. It is curious to note that many of these bands have at least one member who lives outside Asturias; this may be a reflection of an Asturian generation forced into a diaspora which, in some cases, has served to strengthen ties of friendship and collaboration within bands despite the distance. In the case of Montañas, it has inspired the private jokes used in the song titles. Just explaining the titles would require a whole other entry. For example, the title of the song appearing in the first video, “Yo conduzco, ella me guía” [I Drive, She Guides Me], is taken from a bumper sticker that can be seen on thousands of cars in Asturias and refers to Our Lady of Covadonga (!). Montañas has not yet recorded any tracks other than the 30-second song posted on their MySpace page, but they should – the sooner the better. Iván Conte (La increíble verdad)

Activity type

Concerts: Lidia Damunt, Grabba Grabba Tape and Montañas Montañas.

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Categoría cabecera
Is it a cycle?

“EXPOGRAPHY is the physical-mental-time space in which the fact of seeing and the fact of being seen converge: what we are and what we experience when looking, what we are and what we experience when we are looked at, and what vision is in itself, as something half way between the capacity of the viewer and what emanates from the viewed object. To be activated, any exhibition needs these three terms—the viewer, the viewed and the vision—which, to a certain extent, converge in one single space-time-event-experience.

On the other hand, EXPOGRAPHY is a reflection on the Museum and on Theatre: what happens in each one of these places; the codes governing time and the audience’s relationship with the work imposed by each individual space. We propose the game of altering these codes and experimenting with what is produced as a result. We propose forcing a certain perspective, situating ourselves in places which are physically and temporally different to the usual, and observing the effects these variations produce in us.

The EXPOGRAPHY project takes the form of two totally different works which are the result of the complete deployment of this whole research: COLLECTIVE EXPOGRAPHY and RETROSPECTIVE EXPOGRAPHY. The first work is presented on Saturday 12 January here at CA2M, playing with the temporality of the museum, which requires a commitment from spectators to remain in the museum for the 8 consecutive hours of the experience. In fact, in COLLECTIVE EXPOGRAPHY, people are actually participants and not spectators. Over the duration of this long event, the artistic proposal is mixed with the need to eat, to visit the toilet, to smoke a cigarette and to cohabit the space with others. All these needs are co-opted into the device, which also opens up to other needs and desires. Although apparently very demanding because of the commitment to remain relatively isolated for 8 hours, this experience in fact offers the freedom to leave behind the “prison” of our habits and ways of looking at the world for the duration of the event.

The second work, RETROSPECTIVE EXPOGRAPHY, is more of a “spectacle” or “show” in the conventional meaning of the word, and will be presented one week later, on 17,18 and 19 January at Teatros del Canal.

This research process has been supported and coproduced jointly by CA2M and Teatros del Canal.

Activity type
12th January, 2019 / 15:00 - 23:00h
Target audience

“EXPOGRAPHY is the physical-mental-time space in which the fact of seeing and the fact of being seen converge: what we are and what we experience when looking, what we are and what we experience when we are looked at, and what vision is in itself, as something half way between the capacity of the viewer and what emanates from the viewed object.

Categoría cabecera
Is it a cycle?