Educational Community

Educational Community

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Schools are places where forms of interrelating and identity are produced. At times, the classroom is governed by a set of rules based on a binary vision of gender, sex and sexuality that limit any other possibility of being in the world. School is not only a place for transmitting learning, but also a place where we learn what things should be like, and what can and cannot be done. This reality is based on a homogenising and normalising ideology that underpins the space and relationships. How can teachers intervene to question this experience of normalisation and ensure that the classroom is a place where each individual can express him or herself freely?

Conscious of the difficulty and the importance of working with these issues in schools, this year we wanted to convey what we have learned in the queer workshops with students to this space for teachers, and to generate new forms of learning through practice. With the help of queer pedagogy and certain artistic strategies, we will imagine ways of joint construction of a classroom where diverse subjectivities coexist and where sexual, racial, functional, religious and other forms of difference are not viewed as a problem. Staying clear of any form of essentialism that reproduces exclusion and violence, we will address how queerness shows us that the order we have naturalised is not fixed, that our positions change and can be displaced and are full of possibilities.

Minimum of 4 people per group



Schools are places where forms of interrelating and identity are produced. At times, the classroom is governed by a set of rules based on a binary vision of gender, sex and sexuality that limit any other possibility of being in the world.

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Is it a cycle?

Aimed at teachers and people interested in education


La Casa is a large, broad, diverse, complex and elaborate project full of ramifications, formats and works, which Aitana Cordero has been working on for the last three years.

La Casa is a quest, a deal, an adventure, a disaster of one’s own making, a practice that refutes that “always is never possible.”

The intimacy of touching a space and allowing a space to touch you. The art of demolition, the choreography involved in laying foundations, the movement of the bird building its nest, the consistency of ruins. Destruction as a constructive ritual.

This workshop or encounter proposes corporal training around the notion of building and living in togetherness. We will relate these practices to our experience in the classroom or in educational or learning spaces, taking into account not only the “what”, but also the “how.”

We’ll play with notions such as the physicality of building, the creation of spaces, the inhabitable, home, collaboration, intimacy, tiredness, repetition and cooking.

Touching, smelling, moving, studying, questioning, updating ourselves, we will construct and knock down ideas and spaces, as a practice aimed at being together, as a way to recycle a certain hope and create a new meaning of what could be inhabitable.

We’ll ask ourselves these questions

What alternative spaces could emerge from the confrontation of shared wishes and from the action of building and breaking?
Where will that leave comfort, roots, intimacy, sharing?
What if putting down roots were a three-dimensional activity, also in motion?
What if our fluids were able to put together bricks that will later be walls, rooms, buildings, streets, neighbourhoods, cities, countries, continents, worlds, universes, constellations…?
In this workshop we will walk, sweat, dance, build, destroy, invent corners, hideouts, shells and amulets, we’ll taste, there will be silences, hollows, voids, tiredness and many objects.

Aitana Cordero is choreographer, creator, performer and pedagogue. Since 2000 she has been developing her own projects as pieces, installations, performances, choreographies, events, films, videos, texts, cooking proposals, and “things”, which she has presented in many European, North-American and Asian cities. Since 2001 she combines her research and artworks with an intense teaching activity in private schools and universities. She also creates theatre works and “company and observation” in processes of other choreographers or creators. You can find her many universes here:

In previous years we held performance and education workshops with Los Torreznos, Tania Bruguera, Pere Faura, Itziar Okariz, Norberto Llopis, Nilo Gallego, Dora García, Aimar Pérez Galí and Luz Broto.

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9 - 12 JULY 2018

La Casa is a quest, a deal, an adventure, a disaster of one’s own making, a practice that refutes that “always is never possible.”.

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Taller de verano
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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10:00 ̶ 14:00
Is it a cycle?

Two 2-hour sessions, times to be decided with the group

Minimum of 4 people per group

r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q.

To meet up, to write, to speak, to read an extract, a sentence, a word, to keep silent, to get up and go to the blackboard, to dither … to think about school once and once again. Then remember that situation and share it. Search for the crossovers between queer and education. Look at the rules, the ones we put in place, and do the opposite …

This year we wish to continue the meetings with teachers we begun last year in order to continue thinking from a practical viewpoint about new ways of imagining the classroom, school subjects and bodies. To keep altering the order we believe to be natural and immutable. To keep imagining new positions.

Aimed at teachers in nursery, primary, secondary, third-level and non-regulated education.

More information on / 912 760 225

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To meet up, to write, to speak, to read an extract, a sentence, a word, to keep silent, to get up and go to the blackboard, to dither 

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Letra Q
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Is it a cycle?

Aimed at 2nd and 3rd year primary school students

This educational program is made up of a commentated screening led by an educator and a direct animation film workshop. The program offers various experimental and fiction creations. Following the debate after the screening, a workshop will take place in which students will work by directly experimenting on cinematographic film. After this workshop activity, the film created by the participants will be shown.

Maximum 30 students per session


Jonas Mekas
1967, 3’02’

Cristina Busto

2007, 4’8’’

Guy Sherwin
1997/8, 3’

Guionne Leroy

1993, 4’41’’

Jacco Olivier

2006, 2’39’’

Segundo de Chomón

1908, 9’

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WEDNESDAY 10:30 — 12:45 H.

This educational program is made up of a commentated screening led by an educator and a direct animation film workshop. The program offers various experimental and fiction creations.

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SCHOOL YEAR 2014 – 2015
Is it a cycle?

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

This educative program consists of a discussed film screening by an educator alongside a cameraless workshop. The program offers many experimental and fiction creations. Following the discussion after the screening, it continues a workshop where students will experience and work directly on the film itself. After the workshop, it will be screened the manipulated celluloid by the students.

This project is embedded in the CA2M audio-visual literacy project which aims to promote attitudes of active perception from an early age. Within this program, the museum space becomes a place for children to discover new references, find new images and talk about new issues other than the usual ones. This workshop comes with a teachers´dossier to work it after in the classroom.

Maximum 30 students per session


Animal Studies, the cat. Guy Sherwin, 1976 -79, 2´ 50´´ 
Vitrail, Olivier Fouchard, 2004, 1´ 10´´ 
El coro, Le choeur, Abbas Kiarostami, 1982, 17’
Flip Film,  Ellen Ugestald, 2005, 1’ 10´´

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TUESDAYS 10:30 – 12:45 H.
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Máximo 30 alumnos por sesión


From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

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Cine sin cámara
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2012 – 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR
Is it a cycle?

This workshop is within the scope of the CA2M long-term activities developed for  educational centers, in particular with those schools surrounding CA2M, with the intent to strengthen collaboration ties with diverse educational agents. For a second year, the activity targets third year students from primary education schools closest to CA2M. This time, La Sonidera will lead this project.

In a society with an audiovisual, radio and sound predominance introduced as exploring means that may provide new sensorial and creative new experiences, this workshop proposed to recover the so popular radio-plays from the 60´ to work aspects such as identity, gender or reality construction. Students from Beato Simón de Rojas will practice listening in search of new perception means. They will also invent stories to be performed using their voices and homemade music and sound effects, working with the body and presence. Through these stories, they could imagine different worlds while develop their capacity to question already-formed ideas about the creation of sound spaces.

La Sonidera is an Ángeles Oliva & Toña Medina´s creation, where they both work in the radio creative field. Thought their radio performances (radio-works designed to be performance with the public), they investigate issues like fears, genders or surviving. Their interest in sound experimentation has taken them to bring back the soundman figure, that person in charge of making the sound effects in radio soap operas, giving a home-made atmosphere to stories with any kind of objects. They claim the radio warmth and its capacity to create mental images as unique means to generate reflection spaces.

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2012 – 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR

This workshop is within the scope of the CA2M long-term activities developed for  educational centers, in particular with those schools surrounding CA2M, with the intent to strengthen collaboration ties with diverse educational agents. For a second year, the activity targets third year students from primary education schools closest to CA2M. This time, La Sonidera will lead this project.

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Alguien me escucha
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Is it a cycle?

Aimed at pupils from 2nd and 3rd years of Primary Education

Workshop by María Cunillera and Alberto Vázquez

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

This educative program consists of a discussed film screening driven by a CA2M educator alongside a cameraless film workshop. The program offers many experimental and fiction creations. Following the discussion after the screening, it continues a workshop where students will experience and work directly on the film itself. After the workshop, the manipulated celluloid by the participants will be screened.

This project is embedded in the CA2M audio-visual literacy project which aims to promote attitudes of active perception from an early age. Within this program, the museum space becomes a place for children to discover new references, find new images and talk about new issues other than the usual ones.

Maximum 30 people per session


Das Modell. Florian Gwinner, 2006, 6’14’’
Moby Dick, Guy Ben-Ner, 2000, 18’
Once Upon a Time , Corinna Schnitt, 2006, 4’28’’
Music for one appartment and six drummers , Ola Simonsson Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, 2000, 9’

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2013 – 2014 ACADEMIC YEAR

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

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Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
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Taller cine sin cámara
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TUESDAYS 10:30 – 12:45 H.
Is it a cycle?

This Project emphasizes the need to work closely with the neighborhood near the museums offering long-lasting activities to generate stable, flexible and lasting relationships. For third year in a row, CA2M strengthen collaboration with Beato Simón de Rojas School, the closest one to the museum. Alongside the activities designed for the school, CA2M will also offer an extracurricular activity for Third cycle pupils. This time, filmmaker Pilar Álvarez will drive the Project together with CA2M educators. Will we shoot a film? Still to know…

Pilar Álvarez, filmmaker, has screened her work in a number of art centers, collective and solo shows as in Madrid Círculo de Bellas Artes, PHotoEspaña Festival and Cervantes Institute for the D-Generación show. Álvarez shot  Experiencias subterráneas de la no ficción española, in collaboration with Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Film Festival, has directed several shortfilms as Sensibilidad, and Arturo y Toma dos were both shot during her studies at the International Film School of Cuba and TV (EICTV).

Collaboration Project with Colegio Beato Simón de Rojas from Móstoles.

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This Project emphasizes the need to work closely with the neighborhood near the museums offering long-lasting activities to generate stable, flexible and lasting relationships. For third year in a row, CA2M strengthen collaboration with Beato Simón de Rojas School, the closest one to the museum. Alongside the activities designed for the school, CA2M will also offer an extracurricular activity for Third cycle pupils. This time, filmmaker Pilar Álvarez will drive the Project together with CA2M educators.

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Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
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Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Workshop-project with Beato Simón de Rojas school pupils together with Pilar Álvarez
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Imágenes del taller con Pilar Álvarez
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16:30 - 18:00
Is it a cycle?

Aimed at 3rd year Primary School students

This school year, we also offer third year primary school groups the chance to take part in a complementary workshop session in their school. This way, the groups will participate in an initial session in CA2M in which they will focus on the Morning Session (screening and direct animation workshop) followed by a film with camera workshop and stop motion in the classroom.

Accompanied by our educators, the students will discover, hands-on, the first cinematographic tricks. We will experiment with illusionism through simple techniques, taking advantage of the full potential of the special effects to introduce fiction and the fantastical into the educational space.

Maximum 30 students

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SCHOOL YEAR 2014 – 2015
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Máximo 30 alumumnos


This school year, we also offer third year primary school groups the chance to take part in a complementary workshop session in their school. This way, the groups will participate in an initial session in CA2M in which they will focus on the Morning Session (screening and direct animation workshop) followed by a film with camera workshop and stop motion in the classroom.

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Sesión continua
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Is it a cycle?

Aimed at 5th and 6th grade Primary education pupils.

Musician Nilo Gallego has created a space of experimentation, where every Tuesday, a group of local children gather. Every week, they work on listening, and learn about the possibilities of experimental sound and of expanded theater. 

Nilo Gallego is a musician. He produces performance pieces in which experimentation with sound is the starting point. In his pieces, which always have a component of play, he looks for audience participation, and interaction with the environment and with everyday life. He plays the drums, percussion, and electronics.

This project is premised on the need to work with the communities that are closest to the museum, in activities the can stretch in time, in order to build stable, flexible, and lasting relationships. For the fourth year in a row, we offer an after-school for third grade primary pupils.

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Musician Nilo Gallego has created a space of experimentation, where every Tuesday, a group of local children gather. Every week, they work on listening, and learn about the possibilities of experimental sound and of expanded theater. 


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Teatro musical
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16:30 — 18:00 H.
Is it a cycle?