Grupos de trabajo

Grupos de trabajo

MAPEAR Madrid is a work group created in response to a shared desire to seek out and identify the artistic structures and various agents involved in the cultural sector of the region of Madrid. Following an initial period of research and investigation, an announcement will be made, and sessions open to the public will be offered on the first Tuesday of each month until July. At a later stage in the project, a tool for public use will be created to provide the agents and intermediaries of the contemporary creation and art scene with an efficient channel for pursuing professional projects.

The goal is to encourage interaction between artistic communities, strengthening professional ties to help the sector operate more effectively and efficiently; to democratise access to and use of information on the art and creative sector, and achieve greater transparency in its professional practices; and to promote dialogue between contemporary creation and civil society.

Following the technical research phase – interviews with sector professionals and cultural agents in the region in order to detect and identify their professional relations with universities, industry, the authorities and the media – a tool has been created which allows us to visualise these interconnections.

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MAPEAR Madrid is a work group created in response to a shared desire to seek out and identify the artistic structures and various agents involved in the cultural sector of the region of Madrid. Following an initial period of research and investigation, an announcement will be made, and sessions open to the public will be offered on the first Tuesday of each month until July.

mapear madrid
Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?

Cambridge dictionary definition for Cluster is a group of similar things that are close together, sometimes surrounding something. Cluster is an eight-contemporary-visual-art organization net located on the periphery of capital cities (it cannot be overlooked Holon, located in an industrial area outside Tel Aviv). Cluster started in June 2011 in order to facilitate internal and public exchange of knowledge about how these types of institutions function and also to establish further collaborations between them. After the cluster meeting, it will take place an encounter-presentation from each of the member which will start an open discussion.

Cluster members include Casco – Office for ArtDesign and Theory, Utrecht; CAC BrétignyLes Laboratoires D’Aubervillers, Paris; Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm,  The Showroom, London; CA2M Centro Dos De Mayo, Madrid; The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon; and Parasite Museum of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana.

During the CA2M meeting, it will be brought up several issues related to  Center working strategies as well as their response to a new institutional frame, conditioned by remarkable adjustments from the public financial support, and, in parallel, by a questioning of the management of  our forms of government. Attention would be mainly focused on the answers generated from  discussion,  rather than on the change of typology from the projects highlighted by a reduction in resources. May be generated a critical response to this situation from  culture? Can a Contemporary Art museum be a place to put into practice other institutionality forms?

This forth meeting between the Cluster member, follows the ones taken placed in London, Utrecht,  Aubervilliers (Bretigny) and Stockholm.

Participating: Maria Lind and Ulrika Flink, Tensta Konsthall; Julien Duc- Maugé,CAC Brétigny; Binna Choi and Sanne Oorthuizen, Casco Utrecht; Barbara Coffy, Les Laboratoires Aubervilliers; Emily Pethick, The Showroom London; Ran Kasmy Ilan, The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon.

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6th November, 2012

luster started in June 2011 in order to facilitate internal and public exchange of knowledge about how these types of institutions function and also to establish further collaborations between them. After the cluster meeting, it will take place an encounter-presentation from each of the member which will start an open discussion.

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Reunión cluster
Cluster meeting
Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?

Chantal Pontbriand, art critic and curator, is currently Tate Modern's Head of Exhibitions Research & Development.

Besides, she is the founding-director of contemporary art magazine Parachute (1975).

After presenting her last projects and researches, Chantal Pontbriand will meet a reduces group of participants for a critic session. It will be the occasion for a debate on issues related to Pontbriand's cultural production. Participants will be able to show their own works to reflect with her and the rest of the group.

Workshop aimed at curators and cultural producers.


MAPEAR Madrid is a work group created in response to a shared desire to seek out and identify the artistic structures and various agents involved in the cultural sector of the region of Madrid. Following an initial period of research and investigation, an announcement will be made, and sessions open to the public will be offered on the first Tuesday of each month until July. At a later stage in the project, a tool for public use will be created to provide the agents and intermediaries of the contemporary creation and art scene with an efficient channel for pursuing professional projects.

The goal is to encourage interaction between artistic communities, strengthening professional ties to help the sector operate more effectively and efficiently; to democratise access to and use of information on the art and creative sector, and achieve greater transparency in its professional practices; and to promote dialogue between contemporary creation and civil society.


Following the technical research phase – interviews with sector professionals and cultural agents in the region in order to detect and identify their professional relations with universities, industry, the authorities and the media – a tool has been created which allows us to visualise these interconnections.

Register now at 

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27th JANUARY, 2011

MAPEAR Madrid is a work group created in response to a shared desire to seek out and identify the artistic structures and various agents involved in the cultural sector of the region of Madrid. Following an initial period of research and investigation, an announcement will be made, and sessions open to the public will be offered on the first Tuesday of each month until July.

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Mapear Madrid 2011
Mapear Madrid 2011
Mapear Madrid 2011
Mapear Madrid 2011
Mapear Madrid 2011
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Thinking
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Is it a cycle?

The Autoplacer Working Group emerged in order to analyse how the current COVID-19 health crisis has affected the independent music sector. So, four days were set aside during the month of November in which different agents (labels, musicians, independent groups, promoters, programmers, self-producers, etc.) related to the Autoplacer festival and its different fields, delved into the current situation with the idea of proposing transversal improvements that could be applied both to live music, as well as to other independent self-production processes.

The Autoplacer working groups were held on 20, 23, 24 and 25 November from 11 AM to 5 PM and included the participation of: Collective AC Autoplacer, formed by Manuel Moreno, Adolfo Párraga and Roberto Salas; Mar Rojo, Dani Cantó, Andrea Galaxina, Patrizia di Filippo, Alberto G. Pulido, Eduardo García Gil (Giradiscos), Elisa Pérez Caliza, María Eguizabal, Sara Brito (Chicotrópico), José Salas, Sonsoles Rodríguez, Marcos García (Ayuken), Francisco Meneses, Tommaso Marzocchini, Natalia Piñuel, Gonzalo Sanz and Estrella Serrano Tovar.

As a result of this joint analysis, the Autoplacer collective published a complete report – following a diagnosis and a subsequent exhaustive list of conclusions – that addressed the different problems faced by the most independent musical activity with regard to policies, resources, formats, etc. There is also a short essay on the definition of submerged music that defends its inclusion in cultural institutions. The 67-page document features the illustrations created by Daniel Puiggròs for the Autoplacer 2020 festival, photographs of the working groups and all attendee profiles. 

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20, 23, 24 and 25th Novembre (11 to 17h)

The Autoplacer Working Group emerged in order to analyse how the current COVID-19 health crisis has affected the independent music sector.

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Grupo de trabajo autoplacer
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Thinking
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4 Sessions
Is it a cycle?