Niñas y niños de 6 a 12 años

Niñas y niños de 6 a 12 años

This year, in the CA2M Summer Cabin, we spent four unforgettable days playing at being fish. We moved and danced in our own coral reef, the museum, and without realising it we turned into mute butterflies that dreamed when they were moving. We asked such curious questions as: Can a grandmother be a professional dancer? Can we dance in a museum? If we stay still, will we be dancing? These questions stayed with us and are still inspiring us.

This is why we decided to continue this adventure throughout an entire school year with this extracurricular activity. We’re going to keep playing and moving like animals to explore these and many more questions. Imagine everything you can discover and create in one year if fifteen fishes can turn into butterflies in just four days!

We are beginning with investigating our bodies and all the possible ways they can move.  We’ll dance together, with time and space, and we’ll create a place of artistic expression enriched by the group’s generational diversity.

The activity will be led by Alba Sáenz-López Aumente and Mar Sáenz-López Aumente. They are dancers, choreographers, sisters, cultural mediators and founders of the Baiven collective, an organisation that uses dance to foster the horizontal exchange of experiences, perspectives, knowledge and critical thinking. They develop exploratory activities around the performing arts and education. They seek engagement and interaction with communities and regions and try to expand the professional field of art by creating accessible, diverse spaces where anyone fits, no matter their situation, body or mind.


Activity type

In this workshop for girls and boys from 6 to 12 years old, we will begin by investigating our body and all its possibilities in movement. We will dance in company, with time and space, and we will create a place of artistic expression enriched by the generational diversity of the group.

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Picture: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?
TUESDAY 17:30 - 19:00