The strategy might be homespun but the consequences can be industrial. Go into McDonalds. Buy two cheeseburgers. Take the meat from one of the burgers and put it in the other … Voilà! You have a Double Cheese at the economic price of two cheeseburgers. And as a leftover extra, you have a bun to be filled with whatever you want!  
Beneath the thrown-together, amateur look of the Tuplajuustovinkki tutorial lies a finely spun subversive potential. Showing us how to turn two simple hamburgers into a double, the maker of this video uploaded onto Youtube four years ago, “deconstructs” hamburgers and remakes them in his own way, to suit his personal whim and his wallet. He dismantles and toys with the multinational’s commercial philosophy, imagining a shared form of resistance. While, to begin with, the consumer is controlled by the system, he can emancipate himself through his desire to test and to play, but also through his affirmation as a producer and transmitter of unusual contents. He becomes an unexpected agent of knowledge, aware that knowledge is a realm of invention in which “play” is much more that hitting the play button, but an approximation to the creative space of performance by instructions. Nevertheless, here play can be perverse: To what extent is the tutorial able to question the capitalist machinery of the production of desire? Does it not operate unwittingly as a hymn to the commodity and a productive system that it wanted to attack? Who eats who: us or the hamburgers? In short, the FAQ of a world in which capital is not just the title of a book.

Watching others do things that make us believe that we too can do them; we look and learn. In addition, everything looks easy, possible and reproducible in the world of tutorials. As a genre in itself, the tutorial can take the form of videos, manuals, guides, diagrams and leaflets that are distributed in online and offline networks. Often lending more emphasis to images, they require a discursive capacity by association and invite the elaboration of a narrative by intuition. For instance, Tuplajuustovinkki operates under a clearly visual pedagogy. The viewer can easily identify the goal, method and causal relations, even if he or she does not understand a word of Finnish. The interpretation is structured around successive suppositions that are then confirmed, enabling even the inevitable misunderstandings to yield fortuitous discoveries and inventions. The video-tutorials are based on an ability to speak simply about something complex. But, as we all know, speaking simply is never easy, and perhaps that is precisely the source of its popularity, as can be readily seen in the number of views registered below it. As eminently visual materials, video-tutorials stake out a privileged space where theory, and not just visual narrative, is a question of editing. And here, the usual and sometimes mocking expression of “do you want me to draw it for you?” is no longer poking fun but the complete opposite: a serious educational tool.

With their tricks, strategies and recipes, tutorials paradoxically make incursions into two opposing realms. On one hand, they are a format proper to structured forms of knowledge that foster a sense of normativity of rules; on the other hand, they are easily parasited by informal knowledge, creating an ideal terrain for experimental and speculative practice, a place where knowledge is formed, communicated and distributed on the sidelines of official institutions. The uncontrolled circulation of these materials, that seem to be governed by a logic of abundance, leads to multiplication, association and contamination of knowledge, fostering a hybrid field of learning that, at once, encourages the appearance of new ideas to be spread. The supremacy of authorship is questioned and, as a consequence, it becomes a point of intervention, taken over by new communities of knowledge and by their collective productions. Open to comments, whether appreciative or not, to be edited or simply photocopied, they feed off their very own call for participation. As open codes, they demonstrate a sufficiently cheeky flexibility to worm their way into even the most orthodox circuits. Under the logos of multinationals that sell happiness in the form of videos or sandwiches, they perhaps introduce a lingering, niggling doubt: Who do the ideas actually belong to?

Though we are constantly assured that “everything is written in books”, others would say that “if it exists, you’ll find it in internet”. Keeping an open mind about these commonplaces but trusting in the “popular” as a mechanism of making worlds, the exhibition Tutorial: Who Teaches What to Who? wishes to offer a platform for dialogue between the selection of publications presented here in various formats and methodologies of transmitting knowledge. Exploring disparate associations between elements of visual culture, publishing, literature, science and contemporary art, the material on display proposes an overview of the cultural memory of know-how and rethinks the ways of generating, diffusing and imagining new politics of collective learning.

Divided into three categories borrowed from internet parlance – PLAY, SHARE and VIEW – the publication rereads these imperative verbs as an invitation, as instructions and directions for a performance as visitor. (Suggestion: in this shared game, it is equally desirable to visualise tactics for dismantling these same categories. The manual can be rewritten and here coincidence plays a key role).

INDISCIPLINADAS: Based in Madrid and in Cali since 2013, the Indisciplinadas collective develops curatorial, editorial and educational projects that experiment with methods of engaging with the context of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture through practices that lend themselves to cross-contamination, recombination and the diffusion of various codes and forms of knowledge. Its interest in the field of publishing is reflected in the “Cuadernos domésticos” project, in the ”Soft [cover] revolution” exhibition and in pedagogical programmes such as “No Room for Books”. It has also collaborated with institutions such as Museo de Arte de Castilla y León (MUSAC), Instituto Europeo de Diseño (IED-Madrid), Biblioteca de las Conchas at the University of Salamanca and Lugar a Dudas in Cali.

TUESDAY— FRIDAY. 11:00 — 14:00 & 16:00 — 21:00
Holdings can be consulted freely in the library


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26TH NOVEMBER 2015 – 18TH MARCH 2016
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The strategy might be homespun but the consequences can be industrial. Go into McDonalds. Buy two cheeseburgers. Take the meat from one of the burgers and put it in the other … Voilà! You have a Double Cheese at the economic price of two cheeseburgers. And as a leftover extra, you have a bun to be filled with whatever you want!  

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Is it a cycle?

Artists in Residence is a joint program by CA2M and La Casa Encendida. Its goal is to support creation by dance artists and other artists working with their body. The program offers artists spaces to experiment, to think and to present their proposals.

Acento is a program linked with a Artists in Residence. Projects carried out during 2013 stays will be resented and a meeting space with 2014 artists will be created. Both institutions want to stress the reflection resulting from artistic production that happens through the body. Body is hereby understood as social body, as a political construction that that transforms sensitivity into knowledge.

Artisits selected in 2013 were: Elisa Arteta,  Cristina Blanco, Pablo Esbert, Carmen Fumero, Martín Llavaneras, Cecilia Lisa Eliceche, Elpida Orfanidou and Juan Perno,  Ángela Peris, Jesús Rubio Gamo and Navidad Santiago.

Admission free while seats are available.



20.30h. Building Ropes, by Carmen Fumero

This is a journey made with sensations. Two people relate with each other using intuition represented by their hands, able to express desire and impulse. Sometimes they feel a spontaneous and intuitive need to follow the same direction; sometimes guiding is their objective, and some others they let themselves go. The hands answer the need to recover that emotion. As a result, a past sensation.

Carmen Fumero has carried out several solo projects, among which a work from 2011, with the support of Laura Kumin and Daniel Abreu stands out. In 2010 she received a residence grant in Teatros del Canal through Madrid Choreographic Contest, and that is when she creates her first big format work, Irony, which opened at Teatro Pradilo in 2011. In 2013 she received two choreographic residences, one in Teatros del Canal and another one in La Casa Encendida.


21.30h. SuperFicials, by Navidad Santiago

This work is a reflection on matter’s communication capacity, starting from elemental particles until reaching human behavior. Because behind modern science, behind fractures and unions, behind love and unease, behind social change, poetry and fiction, our behavior patterns convey the conduct of the most essential matter, of the most superficial matters.

Navidad Santiago (Madrid, 1975) holds a Sociology degree by the UCM. Madrid; a post-graduate degree in Political History by Palachejo University. Olomouc. Chec Republic, and a degree in Classical Dance by África Guzmán, SCAENA, Madrid Dance Center.


19.00 h. Elpid’arc, by Elpida Orfanidou and by Juan Perno

Elpida Orfanidou and Juan Perno decide to plunge into an impossible adventure: to copy and recreate one of the most important works of the history of cinema, the silent movie La passion de Jeanne d’Arc (1928) directed by C.Th.Dreyer and featuring María Falconetti as main actress. Elpid’arc is a film-performance where cinema and theatre become an alchemical solution. The unexpected encounter between mysticism, everyday life and sense of humor makes this work fascinating.

Elpida Orfanidou (Greece, 1981) is a Greek choreographer and performer; she studied dance and performance in Athens, Arnhem, Montpellier and London. She has created several solo projects that were gathered in “One is almost never”. She has worked with Herman Heisig (United States) and Juan Perno ( Elpid’arc). As a performer she has worked with Gui garrido, Tim Etchells, Mahela Rostek and Meg Stuart among others.

Juan Perno (Madrid, 1980) holds a degree in Philosophy (UAM Madrid) and a PhD in Aesthetic, Photography and Audiovisual Communication (Fine Arts College. Universidad Politécnica of Valencia). He has been a teacher of real and live cinema and video in several centers. He worked as a creative director of digital advertisement in Italy for four years. At the time he works in projects mainly focused on appropriation in different fields such as video, photography and theatre. Elpid'arc is his last work. It’s a co-production between HAU Theatre Berlin and the Onassis Foundation in Athens, together with La Casa Encendida and CA2M.



20.30h. Vortex agitator, by Cristina Blanco

Vórtex agitator is Cristina Blanco’s brand new project. Starting with the wish to work with different genres (cinema, opera, theatre, musical, etcetera…) the artist researches on each genre’s conventions in order to question their rules and to surprisingly combine them. A live collage of genres that talk to each other and break their own codes, questioning their own nature and playing at changing the rules. Why do we associate a symphonic orchestra playing dissonant music with a scary movie? What happens if the credits at the end of a James Bond movie have a background of traditional bagpipe Galician music? How do E.T. and a bishop live together in the Far West? What about a Sevillana dancer and a ninja fighter in a spaceship?

After getting a degree in Mime Theatre by RESAD, Cristina Blanco works as an actress in several theatre companies. She gets interested in dance and follows a few workshops, plays different roles in a few short films and sings in a few bands. In 2004 she creates her first solo project: cUADRADO_fLECHA_pERSONA qUE cORRE (square, arrow, person who runs). In 2006, she creates caixa preta_caja negra together with Brazilian choreographer Claudia Müller. In 2008 she opens The Nevestarting Story, a project by Cuqui Jerez, María Jerez, Amaia Urra and Cristina Blanco. In October 2009 she opens The Croquis Reloaded in Madrid, a work by Cuqui Jerez with Cristina Blanco. In September 2010 she features TELETRANSPORTATION installation/piece created for Mapa festival, and in October she opens ciencia_ficción (science-fiction), a solo chat-process-blog-concert.



17.30h. Impermanence, by Elisa Arteta

The artist proposes a corporeal, visual and sound experience that refers to constant change and no-return. The artist’s movements are limited in this situation and she needs to adapt her body to a new habitat. When time passes by, a well-defined trail is left behind which becomes the memory of what happened there. Meanwhile the audience can freely walk around the installation and choose the duration of their experience.

Elisa Arteta is a dancer in the broad sense of the term. Her work shows many layers and interests, ranging from video camera use, to proprioception study or the search of ways to integrate different themes on stage. At the moment she questions the intentions of a body that is displayed on stage and the meaning of the concept of choreography itself. She always looks for very different contexts to present her work. http://elisaarteta.com/

18.30h. Sound-sensing the space, by Ángela Peris Alcantud

This work is about inventing a new sound reality. This reality exists and it’s right here, around us. In order for this world to come into light, it needs to be vibrated, told, noted down, whispered, broken down, played and displayed. The idea of sound-sensing results from the need of creating movement through sound. Our own imagination or an external factor (all the sounds around us) could be creating this sound. In both cases and both through the internal and the external sound, sentences are created with the body and the voice that finally become a rhythmic score, a piece of sound and movement. Sound-sensing means to experience sound islands that together make a noisy and invented archipelago.

Ángela Peris Alcantud holds a degree and a master in Audiovisual Communication; she studied choreography and dance in Martha Graham School and Dance Space Center (now DNA), New York; in SNDO, School for New Dance Development, Holland, and in Institut del Teatre, Barcelona. Her work is a quest for a meeting point between movement, voice and thought. Together with artist Alma Söderberg, in 2012 she created ALLES, a piece designed for children. Also, since 2011 she works as a collaborating artist in Yehudi Menuhin Foundation in Spain, as part of the Mus-e program, art for coexistence. http://angelaperis.blogspot.com.es/

20.00h. The rape of Europa (2013 - ad infinitum), by Jesús Rubio Gamo.

Searching for a subjective-collective non-historical memory

Jesús Rubio Gamo aims at creating a meeting point in Madrid city with the goal of building a collective memory that is both subjective and emotional. A "memorial emotional and dramatic monument" would be created to be shared with others through samples of this very monument and additional activities (such as round tables and debates) revolving around this process.

Jesús Rubio Gamo (Madrid, 1982) holds a Master in Performing Arts and Visual Culture by Alcalá de Henares University and Reina Sofía National Museum, 2011-2012. He is a play-wright. Co-author of texts presented by the Sala Cuarta Pared, Madrid, in 2010 "White Night" event; guest choreographer, Spanish representative in Das 6 Tagen Rennen International Festival. Creation of a piece with residence in Pact-Zollverein, Essen. Shows in Madrid, Lucerne and Essen. German-Spanish-Swiss co-production, 2010.


21.30h. Going nowhere together, by Pablo Esbert

Going nowhere together is performance that seems to be a concert, a ritual that seems to be a ballet solo, and a collective experience that seems to be a show. During two months I have invited other artists, friends, relatives and strangers to spend a day with me; a day to share physical and sound practice, to reflect and discover together going nowhere.

Pablo Esbert Lilienfeld creates his own theatre and audiovisual works since 2005. He closely works with Alessandro Sciarroni and with other European choreographers. At the same time, he works as a musician and video-creator. He studied Audiovisual Communcation in Universidad Complutense, Contemporary Dance in RCPD and music in the Creative Music School.

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13rs, 14th y 15th february 2014
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La Casa Encendida and CA2M want to stress the reflection resulting from artistic production that happens through the body. Body is hereby understood as social body, as a political construction that that transforms sensitivity into knowledge.

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At CA2M, we believe that attention to gender diversity should be central to the programme of any contemporary art museum. This new pandemic year marks 40 years since the emergence of HIV, and touching has once again become something forbidden. This is why this project by choreographer Aimar Pérez Galí seemed a particularly apt choice to open LGTBQ+ Pride’s spotlighted week of demands, to which our programming tries to give voice and, above all, body in a sustained way throughout the year.



When you start with a creative process, you never know where the path will lead. That is why we say that the act of creation is a kind of dialogue with the unknown, a close relationship with that of which we are unaware. In 2015, when Aimar Pérez Galí first began work on his project The Touching Community, he only knew that he knew too little about the impact of the AIDS pandemic on the dance community. He embarked on a project of research, seeking out survivors, reflecting and questioning himself, reading and writing letters to the dead dancers whose names and stories he learned. This was his way of confronting the silence that, over the years, has been used to conceal and forget the horror and pain caused by that pandemic, which still continues today. The project grew and branched in surprising directions as Aimar encountered people and their stories, as silenced names were spoken by the mouths of witnesses, as he received answers. First came the lecture-performance A system in collapse is a system moving forward (2016); then the stage performance The Touching Community (2016); followed by the exhibition The Touching Community / Correspondencia and the active work The Touching Community / Greenberg_1992, both in 2017. Next came the tactile research laboratories of the Touching Improvisation Lab (2017-2020), followed by the publications Lo tocante (2018) and Cuadernos sobre el tocar (2019). Finally, in an unexpected and almost surprising contribution, he released the video Touching Blues (2021) during the new pandemic.

Touching Blues, like the rest of the project, is made for commemorative reasons: we keep doing these things, we keep returning to the topic, because we still need to remember, listen to and celebrate the bodies of those who suffered and suffer from HIV/AIDS.  Blues is a laid-back, melancholy kind of music. And blue anchors the chromatic universe of this work of art. We learned about this blue from Derek Jarman and his ‘blue boys’; although this blue has something sad about it, strangely enough, it also has a bright, festive and celebratory note.

Before, we clung to living things and the inevitable vanishing that gives dance its natural quality because that is what allows us to relate directly to the bodies of the dead and to celebrate them through our skins. But now, given everything we are learning with this new pandemic, suddenly video - the ability to transform our bodies into a playable image - has taken on a whole new meaning.

Touching Blues is a two-dimensional image projected onto a vertical plane. This does not have all the complexity, infinite variety of points of view and foci that are possible with a live performance. It condenses all the multidimensionality of the present into a perfect square that appears to hang on a wall like a painting, like a two-dimensional image that can appear over and over again identically. Here, our bodies become patches of light that move on a screen, hypnotic textures that make us see what is no longer there, what has already happened and is already gone.

To do this, we first had to establish a single point of view; this point, suspended above our bodies, allowed us to see ourselves from above, an impossible spot from which no one had ever observed us before. But that was not enough; once our bodies became an image, pace Jackson Pollock, we had to once again ‘hang’ the (blue) floor that we had used as the ‘sand’ base of the action on the wall. In a way that might be called innocent, we have hung the picture on the wall once again, bringing a strange peace to it. It appears almost as if the time for struggle were over, as if a deep and unexpected calm had settled over the whole project once its weight was lifted off the ground.  It seems, therefore, that the rotation of the point of view and the shift to a vertical plane have given Touching Blues the ability to create a type of contemplation that almost becomes a subtle form of devotion. All of this only deepens the memory-focused nature of this project and our decision to honour and celebrate the bodies that came before us, those who were mortal victims of what we still call the ‘HIV/AIDS epidemic’ today. This mission took on a new shape thanks to the appearance of this new work and, of course, thanks to the Cultural Communication Bureau of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México through the following: El Aleph - Arts and Science Festival; Ingmar Bergman Special Programme in Cinema and Theatre; the UNAM Theatre Department; the UNAM Dance Department; the Chopo University Museum; and thanks also to the Espai d'Arts Escèniques Casal d'Alella (Barcelona). To them we extend our deepest gratitude for inviting us to continue imagining new dimensions of this project, a project that has done nothing but bring joy, happiness and knowledge to our bodies. 

Aimar Pérez Galí and Jaime Conde-Salazar s.u.s.

May 2021



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In late 2015, the Spanish choreographer and performer Aimar Pérez Galí began to study the impact of the AIDS epidemic on the dance community in Spain and Latin America. The resulting work, which makes use of the practice of ‘contact improvisation’, was built as a conversation with the ghosts of those who are no longer with us. This year, in which we are in the midst of a new pandemic, marks 40 years since HIV’s first emergence; once again, touch has become forbidden. This fact brings a fresh relevance to this project, which first took shape at a performance workshop for teachers at CA2M three years ago.

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Touching Blues
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Is it a cycle?
18:30 – 21:00

"There are other worlds, but they are in this one”. We wish to apply this sentence by the surrealist poet Paul Eluard to our neighbourhoods, to our towns and cities, to our everyday surroundings. Which is why we claim that “There are other Móstoles, but they are in this one”.

The lockdown restrictions that came on the back of the Covid pandemic helped us to rediscover just how true this redolent statement is. When the healthcare circumstances forced us to live life within our immediate surrounding environs, proximity held in store for us all kinds of surprises in things we had never paid much attention to before. We want to invite you to explore and discover together all these other Móstoles.

Its hidden history, the logic behind its city planning, its struggles and rebellions, its legends, its imaginaries, the way in which Móstoles is built day by day in the thousands of ways that people use it, enjoy it, experience it and suffer it. And when we are talking about Móstoles we could just as well be talking about Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada or Leganés, other cities to the south of Madrid, still looked down on as dormitory towns around Madrid where it is supposed you only go to sleep and nothing worth mentioning ever happens. But this was never true. And in 2021, it is even less true than ever.

Ciudad Sur (South City) is a shared experimental space in which, taking Móstoles as a point of departure, we wish to explore the many faces and the vast wealth produced by the sense of belonging in cities in the metropolitan area surrounding Madrid. City because we defend that status, with all the meaning of the word, for places which other people downgrade to a kind of holding ground for manual labour. South because we wish to compensate the weighing scales and weave a story that refuses to give Central Madrid the monopoly on innovation, meaning and interest.

In this space, reflection will be combined with art practices, but always under the premise that what is really important for discovering a city is not thinking about it but experiencing it. To this end, we will not just be holding discussions, but will also go on walkabouts, strolling, mapping, playing and inventing individual and collective forms of action. The idea behind Ciudad Sur is to compose an open group of 12 people who will meet once a month over the course of the year 2021. Each session will be collectively shaped and steered towards the subject matter of the following session. The sessions will be coordinated by Tamara Arroyo, Emilio Santiago and Estrella Serrano, who can be joined by anyone interested in taking part until fulfilling the required number. The concerns to be examined will be defined by the interests expressed by members of the group and by the successive collective discoveries we make about all those other Móstoles we will be looking for.

With a PhD in Anthropology, EMILIO SANTIAGO MUIÑO (Ferrol 1984) is a researcher, activist and resident in Móstoles, and a former director of the City Council of Móstoles’s Environment Department (2016-2019), a parliamentary adviser in ecological transition, a faculty member of PEI Obert at MACBA, lecturer in philosophy at the University of Zaragoza and a founding member of the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo collective. Among other books, he has penned Rutas sin mapa (Premio de Ensayo Catarata 2015) and ¿Qué hacer en caso de incendio? Manifiesto por el Green New Deal, co-authored with Héctor Tejero (Capitan Swing, 2019). His interests include the updating of surrealist and situationist practices of playing poetically with the urban space and the context of eco-social crisis. In this line, he has written the book Sentir Madrid como si existiera un todo. Geografía poética y etnografía reencantada de una ciudad (La Torre Magnética, 2016). He is currently being incorporated into the Language, Literature and Anthropology Institute at CSIC.

With a BA in Fine Art from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, TAMARA ARROYO is currently a PhD candidate at the same university, combining her docent activity there with her art practice. Her work is focused on the inhabitability of spaces, grounded in a questioning of the “domestication” of the modern dweller, the consumption of certain formalizations and objects in the interiors of housing today, as well as an autobiographical reference around which a discourse on individual and collective memory is articulated. By means of different formalizations, inspired by architectural elements and objects rescued from her immediate environs, she addresses how we are influenced by our surroundings and its architecture, making a distinction between the lived, experiential or existential space that operates on an unconscious level, and the physical, geometric space. Within this focus, the city and the public space are the privileged setting of the everyday, with all its wealth, signs of identity and creative potential. In 2019 and 2020 she had solo shows, Pura Calle and Relaciones, at Galeria NF Nieves Fernández and at Galería Nordés, and her work has been seen in various group shows, like AragonPark, (intervention in an abandoned building on the outskirts of Madrid), Intruso en Salón and Querer parecer Noche at CA2M. She has had a residency at ArtistaxArtista in Havana, Cuba, as part of the Ranchito programme, Matadero Madrid and has also received the Universidad de Nebrija acquisition prize in 2019 and first prize at Ciutat de Fanalixt in 2017. In 2015 she was awarded the BilbaoArte production grant and in 2013 had a scholarship at Academia de España in Rome.

Ciudad Sur is included in HUMENERGE (PID2020-113272RA-I00,), the Energetic Humanities R&D project directed jointly by Jaime Vindel and Emilio Santiago at the Human and Social Sciences Centre at CSIC, which, among other lines of investigation, explores the emergence of new post-fossil cultural imaginaries.


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"There are other worlds, but they are in this one”. We wish to apply this sentence by the surrealist poet Paul Eluard to our neighbourhoods, to our towns and cities, to our everyday surroundings. Which is why we claim that “There are other Móstoles, but they are in this one”.

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Fotografía: Patri Nieto.

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From 18:00 to 20:00H
Is it a cycle?

In May several birthdays are celebrated in Madrid, and we are going to make a gift-tribute to our region. Through two workshops, the artist Clara Moreno Cela shows the public the process of her research on the identity of Madrid. In order for everyone to enjoy this activity, the first day is aimed at families, and the second and third days are aimed at teenagers and adults.

During the two get-togethers we will explore our relationship with the city through music, performance and games in workshops that aim to be a reunion with other people, and is also outdoor fun that makes the most of our terrace. A Chotistón to commemorate the festivities and traditional festivals – called verbenas – that are celebrated on these particular days. A celebration that also belongs to Móstoles – the 2nd of May – that has given us our name; a festivity we want to partake in as spring awakes.

During this workshop we will think, sing and dance about the region we live in. What do we like most about Madrid? What would we change? How would we make it more ours? What if we could answer these questions by having a super-quick party? Sign up with your family and come to the museum’s terrace. Together, we’ll create a collective imagination of Madrid by dancing and singing.  


Workshop by Clara Moreno.

Clara Moreno Cela (1993, Madrid) is the daughter of woman who is a bookseller, artist and cultural mediator. Her work bounds between drawing, performance and music, and she loves using literature as a starting point for the creative process. Her solo musical project, called Clara te canta (Clara Sings for You), brings all her passions to light in a straightforward punk way. She likes producing pieces using everyday things and pours her energy into thinking about the function of intuition in Art, the relationships between different species, and supermarket conversations.


Activity type
30th of April
Acceso notas adicionales

Capacity: 8 families


In May several birthdays are celebrated in Madrid, and we are going to make a gift-tribute to our region. Through two workshops, the artist Clara Moreno Cela shows the public the process of her research on the identity of Madrid. In order for everyone to enjoy this activity, the first day is aimed at families, and the second and third days are aimed at teenagers and adults.

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Chotiston familia
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Fotografía: @Raume116

Is it a cycle?
6:30 - 7:30 PM

The Autoplacer Working Group emerged in order to analyse how the current COVID-19 health crisis has affected the independent music sector. So, four days were set aside during the month of November in which different agents (labels, musicians, independent groups, promoters, programmers, self-producers, etc.) related to the Autoplacer festival and its different fields, delved into the current situation with the idea of proposing transversal improvements that could be applied both to live music, as well as to other independent self-production processes.

The Autoplacer working groups were held on 20, 23, 24 and 25 November from 11 AM to 5 PM and included the participation of: Collective AC Autoplacer, formed by Manuel Moreno, Adolfo Párraga and Roberto Salas; Mar Rojo, Dani Cantó, Andrea Galaxina, Patrizia di Filippo, Alberto G. Pulido, Eduardo García Gil (Giradiscos), Elisa Pérez Caliza, María Eguizabal, Sara Brito (Chicotrópico), José Salas, Sonsoles Rodríguez, Marcos García (Ayuken), Francisco Meneses, Tommaso Marzocchini, Natalia Piñuel, Gonzalo Sanz and Estrella Serrano Tovar.

As a result of this joint analysis, the Autoplacer collective published a complete report – following a diagnosis and a subsequent exhaustive list of conclusions – that addressed the different problems faced by the most independent musical activity with regard to policies, resources, formats, etc. There is also a short essay on the definition of submerged music that defends its inclusion in cultural institutions. The 67-page document features the illustrations created by Daniel Puiggròs for the Autoplacer 2020 festival, photographs of the working groups and all attendee profiles. 

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20, 23, 24 and 25th Novembre (11 to 17h)

The Autoplacer Working Group emerged in order to analyse how the current COVID-19 health crisis has affected the independent music sector.

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4 Sessions
Is it a cycle?

In May several birthdays are celebrated in Madrid, and we are going to make a gift-tribute to our region. Through two workshops, the artist Clara Moreno Cela shows the public the process of her research on the identity of Madrid. In order for everyone to enjoy this activity, the first day is aimed at families, and the second and third days are aimed at teenagers and adults.

During the two get-togethers we will explore our relationship with the city through music, performance and games in workshops that aim to be a reunion with other people, and is also outdoor fun that makes the most of our terrace. A Chotistón to commemorate the festivities and traditional festivals – called verbenas – that are celebrated on these particular days. A celebration that also belongs to Móstoles – the 2nd of May – that has given us our name; a festivity we want to partake in as spring awakes.

On the first two mornings of May, we’ll create a show-gift to the city we live in. We’ll consider Madrid as a subject to pay tribute to through music, a show, a form of scripted madness. Madrid’s identity will be looked at from a folkloric and playful point of view during a two-day workshop, the result of which may be presented – time permitting – to friends and family.

1st MAY: 10:00 –14:00h | 2st MAY:10:30 – 13:30h

Workshop by Clara Moreno Cela.

Clara Moreno Cela (1993, Madrid) is the daughter of woman who is a bookseller, artist and cultural mediator. Her work bounds between drawing, performance and music, and she loves using literature as a starting point for the creative process. Her solo musical project, called Clara te canta (Clara Sings for You), brings all her passions to light in a straightforward punk way. She likes producing pieces using everyday things and pours her energy into thinking about the function of intuition in Art, the relationships between different species, and supermarket conversations.

Activity type
1st and 2nd of May (mornings)
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Capacity: 15 people


In May several birthdays are celebrated in Madrid, and we are going to make a gift-tribute to our region. Through two workshops, the artist Clara Moreno Cela shows the public the process of her research on the identity of Madrid. In order for everyone to enjoy this activity, the first day is aimed at families, and the second and third days are aimed at teenagers and adults.

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Chotiston adultos
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Fotografía: @Raume116

Is it a cycle?
The workshop lasts 2 days

This Project emphasizes the need to work closely with the neighborhood near the museums offering long-lasting activities to generate stable, flexible and lasting relationships. For third year in a row, CA2M strengthen collaboration with Beato Simón de Rojas School, the closest one to the museum. Alongside the activities designed for the school, CA2M will also offer an extracurricular activity for Third cycle pupils. This time, filmmaker Pilar Álvarez will drive the Project together with CA2M educators. Will we shoot a film? Still to know…

Pilar Álvarez, filmmaker, has screened her work in a number of art centers, collective and solo shows as in Madrid Círculo de Bellas Artes, PHotoEspaña Festival and Cervantes Institute for the D-Generación show. Álvarez shot  Experiencias subterráneas de la no ficción española, in collaboration with Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Film Festival, has directed several shortfilms as Sensibilidad, and Arturo y Toma dos were both shot during her studies at the International Film School of Cuba and TV (EICTV).

Collaboration Project with Colegio Beato Simón de Rojas from Móstoles.

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This Project emphasizes the need to work closely with the neighborhood near the museums offering long-lasting activities to generate stable, flexible and lasting relationships. For third year in a row, CA2M strengthen collaboration with Beato Simón de Rojas School, the closest one to the museum. Alongside the activities designed for the school, CA2M will also offer an extracurricular activity for Third cycle pupils. This time, filmmaker Pilar Álvarez will drive the Project together with CA2M educators.

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Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Taller con Pilar Álvarez
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Taller con Pilar Álvarez
Workshop-project with Beato Simón de Rojas school pupils together with Pilar Álvarez
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Imágenes del taller con Pilar Álvarez
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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16:30 - 18:00
Is it a cycle?

Aimed at 3rd year Primary School students

This school year, we also offer third year primary school groups the chance to take part in a complementary workshop session in their school. This way, the groups will participate in an initial session in CA2M in which they will focus on the Morning Session (screening and direct animation workshop) followed by a film with camera workshop and stop motion in the classroom.

Accompanied by our educators, the students will discover, hands-on, the first cinematographic tricks. We will experiment with illusionism through simple techniques, taking advantage of the full potential of the special effects to introduce fiction and the fantastical into the educational space.

Maximum 30 students

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SCHOOL YEAR 2014 – 2015
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Máximo 30 alumumnos


This school year, we also offer third year primary school groups the chance to take part in a complementary workshop session in their school. This way, the groups will participate in an initial session in CA2M in which they will focus on the Morning Session (screening and direct animation workshop) followed by a film with camera workshop and stop motion in the classroom.

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Sesión continua
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Is it a cycle?

This year we will begin a new line of work in which two artists will undertake two art projects in two public centres in the suburbs of Madrid. Given the disappearance of art teaching from formal education, we consider it an interesting challenge to introduce artists into educational institutions with a view to developing multidisciplinary projects involving subjects that, in theory, are not associated with art. At the same time, one of the fundamental goals of this project is to reflect on the long-term impact capacity of the projects undertaken by these artists. This is why we are interested in researching how the artists might affect the education centre and viceversa, how the public school in particular can give back its experience to both the artists and to the education department of CA2M itself. In this sense, these two projects will be assessed by external researchers with the aim of prototyping and analysing these experiences in detail.

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SCHOOL YEAR 2014 – 2015

This year we will begin a new line of work in which two artists will undertake two art projects in two public centres in the suburbs of Madrid. Given the disappearance of art teaching from formal education, we consider it an interesting challenge to introduce artists into educational institutions with a view to developing multidisciplinary projects involving subjects that, in theory, are not associated with art.

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Aquí trabaja un artista
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Is it a cycle?