In a few thousand years a future archaeological excavation will discover what were the limits of the city of Móstoles in 2020 and there they will find, on the site of the Children’s Home, bits of ceramic which, when pieced together, will create objects with no recognizable use purpose. The experts will try to guess where they came from, as they are neither utilitarian or decorative objects. The forms would suggest some kind of mysterious practice closer to the rituals and customs of the former inhabitants of this place.

During this school year, together with the inhabitants of the Children’s Home, we will make loads of extensible, ephemeral, detachable or permanent attachments, traces and remains for the future, sounds that will fill the space and slowly become echoes and then memories. We will create a set of sculptural pieces, hybrids between musical instruments and masks, monstrous fixtures that will be the memory of experiences that took place in this house over the course of these months.

We want to invent our own biography, who we want to be together and how we want to be remembered.

Activity type
Target audience

During this school year, together with the inhabitants of the Children’s Home, we will make loads of extensible, ephemeral, detachable or permanent attachments, traces and remains for the future, sounds that will fill the space and slowly become echoes and then memories.

Categoría cabecera
Fiesta Futuro
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Is it a cycle?

We are going to do things that last, that take time and that need time. We will make sure that whatever it is that is coming down the line will find us with our hands busy. This year we want to actually make the paper on which next year’s education notebook will be printed, so that we are engaged in the present and with what comes later. And also to pick up again what we have not been doing or doing just a bit, looking at how the plants in the roof terrace change and make an almanac of all those cycles, return to the Europa secondary school and its art workshops. To resume and to do again.

Agua de Borrajas is a joint publishing project run by CA2M’s education department and the Roma printers.

More information: / 912 760 225


Agua de Borrajas is a joint publishing project run by CA2M’s education department and the Roma printers. We are going to do things that last, that take time and that need time. We will make sure that whatever it is that is coming down the line will find us with our hands busy.

Publishing project
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Agua de borrajas, Colección de colecciones
Agua de borrajas
Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?

Now that normality has finally become strange and we know that strange is normal, we want to celebrate it and continue thinking about it from our bodies (mine and others) and try out new ways of being and of being together. To see how we can touch each other without touching and, with the help of art, to infect each other with ideas, with ways of doing, copying each other, imitating what works for our well-being.

Now that everything can be different, we will support each other and create chains of queer transmission so that each one of us can be who they want to be and have their own space.

Divided into two sessions, this workshop experiments through action and performance.

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Maximum number of students: 30


Now that normality has finally become strange and we know that strange is normal, we want to celebrate it and continue thinking about it from our bodies (mine and others) and try out new ways of being and of being together.

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Taller queer secundaria y bachillerato CA2M
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Photography: María Eugenia Serrano Díez

Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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2 sessions
Is it a cycle?

“At first it seems like a particularly useless act, outlandish and out of the ordinary, but as one discovers that it is a mere manipulation of objects like any other it becomes easy and natural. Looking for barbiturates is like looking for aspirins for a cold and preparing the gas entails the same difficulties as preparing it for a shower.”

In 1967 the Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña founded Tribu No and penned the No Manifiesto, a text that proposed not-doing as an action. Starting in the month of March, we will organize a workshop-visit to Seehearing the Enlightened Failure, a retrospective exhibition by the visual artist, poet, filmmaker and activist. Aimed at groups of secondary school students, this activity will engage with the work and strategies of the Chilean artist in order to think and to act through her work.

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March 2021
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Maximum number of students: 30. Registration from September 18


 Aimed at groups of secondary school students, this activity will engage with the work and strategies of the Chilean artist in order to think and to act through her work.

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Cecilia Vicuña, Quipu menstrual, 2019
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Cecilia Vicuña, Quipu menstrual, 2019. Photo: Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, 2019.

Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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11:00 - 13:30 h.
Is it a cycle?

Image removed.


A laboratory in which we transform our fears, our longings, our best qualities into a body that lives, dances, dreams and moves.

A chance to let our desires flow freely and to understand ourselves as part of an organism that transcends our individual bodies, to subvert our roles, to create a shared being that lets us question, through sound, visuals and movement, the reality in which we live and how we inhabit it.

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Número de alumnos: máximo 30.


Danzónico is a workshop in which we create our own carnival. We transform ourselves into sonic beings, into magnificent beasts, alongside the performing artists Ismeni Espejel and Laura Bañuelos and the musician Julián Mayorga.

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Danzónico, foto M Eugenia Serrano Diez
Danzónico 2019
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Fotografía: María Eugenia Serrano Díez

Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Is it a cycle?

After months without being able to be physically present in the museum, we are now returning to our performative walkthroughs in order to recover a shared closeness in our exhibitions. We will have to relearn how to move simultaneously through the exhibition halls, to keep our distance while remaining close, to invent new ways of looking after each other, of listening to one another and to share. To this end, the walkthroughs will be limited to a maximum of 10 people. Wednesdays at 7:00 pm and Sundays at 12:30 pm we will explore the exhibition Absurd Humour: A Constellation of Folly in Spain and Saturdays at 7:00 pm Francesc Ruiz. Panal.

To enrol, send a message to or call 91 276 02 21. You can also turn up personally at the museum and, if there is still room, you can join the walkthrough, simply leaving your personal details at reception. We are taking all these measures in order to look after one another, and we must be aware that they may be modified with the changing situation. We’re really looking forward to taking these walkthroughs of the museum with you once again.


From the collection catalogued on our web, we propose ways of looking and position-taking, of listening to one another, and to thus mutate into a body that takes shape among the images. Through motion, making with your hands, thinking in a low voice, giving it your all dancing, stopping for a pause, losing yourself, reading with other authors, answering questions, we propose a series of places and images to look at the collection as much together as we can.

Activity type
Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays
Acceso notas adicionales

To enrol, send a message to or call 91 276 02 21.


After months without being able to be physically present in the museum, we are now returning to our performative walkthroughs in order to recover a shared closeness in our exhibitions. We will have to relearn how to move simultaneously through the exhibition halls, to keep our distance while remaining close, to invent new ways of looking after each other, of listening to one another and to share. To this end, the walkthroughs will be limited to a maximum of 10 people.

Categoría cabecera
Recorridos performativos CA2M
Performative Walkthroughs
More information and contact
Is it a cycle?
One session per day

CA2M’s Education and Public Activities department will take on the functions of a customer services department, inasmuch as undertaking an effective management of ideas, at its offices located at no. 23 Avenida de la Constitución in Móstoles.

We were going to provide people with support in the overall structuring, drafting, analysis, planning and compliance of their projects or goals, as long as they entered within the field of this Oficina de Gestión de Ideas (Ideas Management Office), a field which admittedly was and is extremely broad. The remit would be similar to the first iteration of the Ideas Management Office implemented by Isidoro Valcárcel Medina at Galería Fúcares in Madrid between 26 February and 26 March 1994, an experience recorded in 2019 in a joint publication between CA2M and the publishers Entreascuas, with a report on all the cases resolved during that first office, which had remained unpublished up until then.

As an essential element of this 2nd Office, we were also going to bring on board a team of professionals made up of members of the aforementioned department, María José́ Ollero, and Isidoro Valcárcel Medina as special advisor.

After carefully evaluating the possible implementation of the Office under the present circumstances, and consulting our advisor and first precursor, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, we have come to the conclusion that we cannot implement such a complex undertaking telematically. According to the advisor: “I don’t have an email or smartphone. I profoundly detest the idea of teleworking. I worked on the phone back in 1973 but it was not under the regime of teleworking... just wait and we will make a more human office.”

The 2nd Oficina de Gestión de ideas will open to the public from 28 September to 2 October from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

You can also send us your ideas before 30 September.
_ Postal address: 2ª OGI CA2M, Avenida de la Constitución 23, 28931 Móstoles
_ Email:

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From 28 September to 2 October from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

CA2M’s Education and Public Activities department will take on the functions of a customer services department, inasmuch as undertaking an effective management of ideas, at its offices located at no. 23 Avenida de la Constitución in Móstoles. We were going to provide people with support in the overall structuring, drafting, analysis, planning and compliance of their projects or goals, as long as they entered within the field of this Oficina de Gestión de Ideas (Ideas Management Office), a field which admittedly was and is extremely broad.

Associated activities
2 Oficina de Gestión de Ideas
2nd Ideas Management Office
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Last spring we started a workshop for all kinds of bodies which, at the same time, have had all kinds of experiences on dancefloors, parties and festivals. The proposal consists in practicing in trios a series of classic dances for two. We will try to imagine what it is like for three people to dance a tango, a pasodoble or any other dance step. Perhaps it will be much more difficult to follow the rhythm and the steps, but maybe in doing so we will discover new ways of moving.

Tania Arias Winogradow is a dancer, choreographer and now a mother. She works collaboratively with other artists and continues looking for allies to improve her Russian.

Activity type
14 April - 26 May 2020
Target audience

A workshop for all kinds of bodies which, at the same time, have had all kinds of experiences on dancefloors, parties and festivals. The proposal consists in practicing in trios a series of classic dances for two.

Images gallery
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
Taller de baile impar. Sue Ponce
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Baile impar_Foto María Eugenia Serrano Diez
Odd-Numbered Dance Workshop
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Fotografía: María Eugenia Serrano Diez

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Fotografías: Sue Ponce.
Is it a cycle?

We invite groups of secondary school students, who wish to jolly in folly, to take part in this workshop-visit which will explore pieces on view in the exhibition Absurd Humour: A Constellation of Folly in Spain, made up of comic artefacts from, among others, Flavita Banana, Francisco de Goya, Chiquito de la Calzada and Gloria Fuertes.

We seriously believe in the importance of laughing hysterically, from the tips of our toenails, taking us to our wits end and going even further until we come out the other side. Jandemorenawer.

Instructions for absurd actions at home:

_ Day 1: At 7:45 pm applaud a member of your family for 3 minutes (PDF)

_ Day 2: Sing a song to a plant (PDF)

_ Day 3: Write an absurd petition on a big piece of paper. Hang the banner out your window and carry out a silent demonstration march at home (PDF)

_ Day 4: Draw your dreams. Give them to someone close by and ask them to interpret them for you (PDF)

_ Day 5: Only use the vowel ‘a’ during lunch. For instance, “pass ma tha salt plaasa” (PDF)

_ Day 6: Silence the television and try to guess what’s being said (PDF)

_ Day 7: Make a list of the food you have eaten over the last 24 hours and put it in the freezer (PDF)

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Maximum number of students: 30.


We invite groups of secondary school students, who wish to jolly in folly, to take part in this workshop-visit which will explore pieces on view in the exhibition Absurd Humour: A Constellation of Folly in Spain,

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Jarl visita-taller exposición Humor absurdo
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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11:00 - 13:30 h.
Is it a cycle?

At the beginning of each new school year the education team at CA2M and the Pablo Neruda vocational education and training school meet up again. And we always have the same feeling that we don’t know exactly what is going to happen. This has given rise in the past to creating images for the end of the world and sounds never heard before in the carpentry, electricity and hairdressing workshops.

This year, working alongside the team of teachers at the school, we will continue creating a space where the process of collective creation will move and excite the students. Following a proposal by the artist and choreographer Cuqui Jerez we will play with wood, short-circuit the wiring and turn on the hairdryer to see what happens.

Throughout the 2019-2020 school year

At the beginning of each new school year the education team at CA2M and the Pablo Neruda vocational education and training school meet up again. And we always have the same feeling that we don’t know exactly what is going to happen.

Madera, chispas y una ráfaga de aire
Wood, sparks and a gust of wind
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Is it a cycle?