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Enrolment free

Hache, i, jota, ka, 
ele, eme, ene, a, 
que si tú no me quieres, 
otro niño me querrá.

[‘H, I, J, K,

L, M, N, A

If you don’t love me

Another boy will.’

Spanish children’s song called El Patio de mi Casa]


Children’s songs serve as the common thread of memories, generations and lives separated in space and time. They are clearly meant to be fun, but they can also be educational. What do children’s folk songs teach us? What reality do they reflect? We are not trying to constrain creativity but instead aim to analyse what the lyrics of these songs from another era say, a time when girls were frightened away by spiders, men put their wives in a pumpkin shell, and ladies trotted but gentlemen galloped.[AS1] 

We’ll mix elderly people’s memories and young people’s intuition to turn those perennial children’s songs into songs of our lives today by changing the lyrics, trying out new instruments and inventing a dance for any age. We’ll have fun with the entire family as we use music and play to help us reconsider those intergenerational tunes and make them more ours, more open, more contemporary, in a bid to give them many more years of life.



Saturday 17 February from 4:30—6:30 pm

Saturday 24 February from 11am—1 pm


Saturday 9 March from 4:30—6:30 pm

Saturday 16 March from 11am—1 pm

NOTE:  We recommend this activity for children aged 5 and older. However, any younger children in your group/family are more than welcome. We will try to adapt the pace to all participants.

In 2016, Atilio González and Elia Maqueda set up a group (Ruiseñora) and had a daughter, and these two events have largely determined their lives since then. They have published several records on the Raso Estudio label, a mix of electronic and traditional music, the project’s hallmark and one of the first in the new line of work to revive folklore by looking at the past in order to face the future. They have held family concerts with audiences and often hold concerts for their own family (they always compose, rehearse and record at home). They have also coordinated workshops and artistic projects in museums like the Reina Sofía and the Vostell Malpartida.

In this programme, we are inviting different artistic collectives who are families to imagine the shared space where they can pool their creative processes and interests and create together with other people, a space where age and skill don’t matter, a new space-time where you can share with your people, neighbours, chosen families, grandparents, grandchildren.


Activity type
Target audience

Children's songs function as a connecting thread of memories, generations and lives separated in space and time. We will put the memory of the older people to play with the intuition of the younger ones, and so turn a nursery rhyme into a song of our lives today: altering the lyrics, trying out instruments and inventing a dance for any age.


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taller ruiseñora
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Picture: Ruiseñora.

Is it a cycle?

Directed by Inés Plasencia, Noemí de Haro and Patricia Mayayo.

The Conference on the Study of The Image is an event dedicated to collective reflection on the theory, practice, semantic openings and contemporary demarcations of visual cultures. It includes a forum for debate, seminar and workshops, as well as a public call for research projects (details below).

This conference is an encounter of artistic, theoretical and activist perspectives on mental health and attempts to address these intersections through specific collaborative artistic practices as well as public participation. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic unleashed a wave of depression and anxiety-related disorders, the question of its impact on particular, very specific communities, as well as critiques of certain medical positions related to their diagnosis and treatment, have increasingly come into the spotlight, overwhelming traditional spaces of legitimisation.

Mental health and its connection to neurodivergence are part of a dialogue that is often tense when it comes to treatment methods and curative principles, as well as with denial strategies used against collective causes: particularly critical areas, such as grassroots activist movements and artistic practice, defend personified positions and denounce the violence and the stigmatisation of a great deal of psychiatric practice.

At the same time, “over-diagnosis” is prone to critique, among other things, because it excludes the most socially marginalised groups, making them invisible. Artistic and activist practices propose definitions and approaches to mental health that focus on more intimate, affective aspects of mental health, as well as the vindication of visions read as neurodivergent and the importance of networks for overcoming collective discomfort.

These spaces and feelings built around the idea of community self-management of mental health find that creating is not only a tool for healing, but also for protest. The conference, directed by Inés Plasencia, Noemí de Haro and Patricia Mayayo, will include talks, participatory workshops, dialogues between artists, presentations of projects and communications selected through open calls, as well as a screening and subsequent conversation with the director.

UAM Coordination: Mónica Salcedo Calvo. This conference is part of the project The audiences of contemporary art and visual culture in Spain. new forms of collective artistic experience since the 1960s (PID2019-105800GB-I00, Agencia Estatal de Investigación). Participants in the programme include: Fernando Balius, Clara López (Mesa Camilla), Ana CSC, María Ruido, Inés Molina, Alicia Utiyama, David Crespo, Sasha Warren, Costa Badía, Silvia Maestre Limiñana, Jesús Etxart, Gemma B. Palacios, Rebecca Tolosa, Toxic Lesbian, Irene García Molina, Rafael Sánchez-Mateos, Fátima Masoud.


  • Registration is required in order to attend the conference.
  • You can attend individual sessions, but priority will be given to registered participants
  • To attend the workshops, you must register for all the conferences. Each workshop lasts 2 mornings. It is only possible to register for one.
  • We ask that those who have registered be punctual. If, ten minutes after the start of the first afternoon session, there are empty seats, these may be taken by anyone who has not registered until all the seats are filled.
  • Certificates of attendance will be issued for those who attend 80% of the sessions.


Thursday 16 November.

11:00-14:00 Workshop: From painting mandalas to stories that tell stories. Part 1. Conversations on madness and collective meaning Fernando Balius*

11:00-14:00 Podcast workshop. Pain as a gift: strategies and rituals for mental health care. Part 1. Clara Lopez (Night Table)*

16:30 Start and presentation of the programme.

16:45 A crazy opening conference. Ana CSC (Locus)

17:30 Debate

18:00-18:15 Break

18:15-20:00 Presentation of projects. Session 1. The world as diagnosis.

  • It’s not you, it’s ableism. Costa Badía.
  • Clinical Report: F84.1. Silvia Maestre Limiñana.
  • “DropExpander” (psycho-magnetic embodiment of interferon on basic biological mechanisms). Jesús Etxart.

Friday 17 November.

11:00-14:00 Workshop: From painting mandalas to stories that tell stories. Part 2. Conversations on madness and collective meaning Fernando Balius.

11:00-14:00 Podcast workshop: Pain as a gift: strategies and rituals for mental health care. Part 2. Clara López (Bedside Table).

15:30-17:15 Presentation of projects. Session 2. The shores of art

  •  “What to cure?” Poetry behind the antiseptic tunnel in Anne Sexton, Unica Zürn and Alejandra Pizarnik. Gema B. Palacios
  • Sanctity and neurodivergence: minor artistic practices between the abject and the sacred. Rafael Sánchez-Mateos
  • Art brut, bruta tú 100mg. Fatima Masoud.

17:15 Break

17:30-19:15 Presentation of projects. Session 3. Own repair

  • (Im)possible images. Rebecca Tolosa.
  • Tales that are Never Told and In the Wind. Toxic Lesbian.
  • Stories of autistic mothers. Research, dissemination, action. Irene García Molina.

19:15 Break

Saturday 18 November

11:00-12:00 Critical positions from the perspective of artistic practice. Conversation with David Crespo and Alicia Utiyama

12:00 Debate

12:15 Break

12:30 The workshop of the mad. Talk by Sasha Warren

13:15-14:00 Debate

14:00-16:00 Lunch break.

16:00 Public presentation of the workshop: From painting mandalas to stories that tell stories. Conversations on madness and collective meaning Fernando Balius.

17:00 Public presentation of the podcast workshop: Pain as a gift: strategies and rituals for mental health care. Clara López (Night Table)

18:00 Closing speech at the end of the conference.

18:15 Screening. State of discomfort. María Ruido.

19:15-20:00 Debate with María Ruido.

Activity type
16, 17 AND 18 NOVEMBER
Target audience

The Conference on the Study of The Image is an event dedicated to collective reflection on the theory, practice, semantic openings and contemporary demarcations of visual cultures. It includes a forum for debate, seminar and workshops, as well as a public call for research projects (details below).

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jei 2023
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Laura Ramírez Palacio, "Un elefante blanco", 2021.

Is it a cycle?
Soundcloud with description
Nosotras dolemos. Clara López (Mesa Camilla)

Over the course of the school year, we offer an activity designed for groups of secondary-school students that revolves around exhibitions and focuses on generating meaningful experiences.

Our project seeks to establish a direct link between contemporary artistic practices and students with the aim of revitalising and livening up the museum's spaces. For this reason, we like to approach exhibitions as spaces for collective creation and research.

Taking this focus into account, we invite artists and creators to think with us about strategies to activate exhibition spaces. In this process, we seek to encourage curiosity and interest among students, as well as to promote collective creation. Our main purpose is to generate spaces for students to think critically. This encounter was designed on the basis of a desire to share knowledge, know-how, experiences and to debate on the content of the exhibitions together.

To hoist our own flag on the façade of the museum for one minute. To invent names and colour palettes with which to build the landscape of Móstoles at exactly 12:30 at night. Bringing our bodies very, very close together until we become one big rock. Meditating on the roof of the building and imagining the sunset-coloured evening sky. These are some of the things that the students who visited the museum last year experienced.


An activity designed for groups of secondary-school students that revolves around exhibitions and focuses on generating meaningful experiences and establishing a direct link between contemporary artistic practices and students, encouraging curiosity and collective creation.


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quitarse el miedo
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Photography: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?

In the classroom of the CA2M Museum, there are numerous ceramic pieces that were moulded by the groups that visited us in 2022. With great care, Mr Mateo baked each of them in his school kiln. There, they released all their water, which evaporated and dispersed into the air of Móstoles. The textbooks say that when hydrogen bonds are replaced by stronger, shorter oxygen bonds, the clay shrinks and cannot be reused. That it will never be mud again.

We invite pre-school and primary school classes to take part in collective action to imagine an answer to this question. What can we make with that mud? Leave school and come to the museum in order to touch, change, break, make noise and soften.

Adriana Reyes (anthropologist and creator in the field of living arts) and Mateo Añover (teacher and director of CEIP Antonio Hernández, ceramicist and basketball enthusiast) know a lot about this. We have invited them to design this workshop in which children will turn small things into a new creation where the body, collective action and other contemporary artistic forms will be put into practice to turn something small into something extraordinary.

Activity type

In the classroom of the CA2M Museum there are numerous ceramic pieces that were moulded by the groups that visited us during the year 2022. We invited infant and primary school classes to take part in this collective action in which we imagine an answer to this question: What can we do with those clay pieces? Leave the school and enter the museum to touch, change, break, make noise and soften.

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Photography: Patri Nieto.

Is it a cycle?
TUESDAY 10:30 - 12:30

Last year, with the help of Costa Badía and Julia Ayerbe, we thought long and hard about the entrance door of the CA2M Museum.  About how it could and could not be opened, about the implicit rules behind that, about the illusion of architectural neutrality and on how discourses on inclusive education are almost always empowering and celebratory. That door is now accessible, and we want to think slowly, without taking anything for granted, about what inclusion really means in a museum, in the history of these practices and whether it is still possible to broaden their imaginary.  

This course will focus on the concept of easy reading, i.e. a method that brings together a set of guidelines and recommendations regarding the drafting of texts, the design and layout of documents and the validation of their comprehensibility, aimed at making information accessible to people with reading comprehension difficulties. 

Far from taking for granted their meaning-translating intention, for example of works of art, we wish to make both the information we provide and the mediator’s role more complex. We will think about these norms and highlight what lies behind the eloquent, closed discourses of some bodies over others. Together, we will open up new ways of understanding and simultaneously standing up for what is not understood. 

Activity type

We will focus on the concept of easy reading, i.e. the method that brings together a set of guidelines and recommendations on the drafting of texts, the design and layout of documents and the validation of their comprehensibility, aimed at making information accessible to people with reading comprehension difficulties.

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lectura facil
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Photography: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?

One of the fundamental missions of the CA2M Museum is to work with young people. Over the years, the participants in our youth programmes have built up a network of relationships and affection not only among themselves, but also informally and intensely with the museum itself.

In this project, we want to rethink the survival of fragile and sensitive programmes like youth projects. To address questions such as what the role of young people can be in the institution's policies, what new concerns and preoccupations should constitute these projects, what transformations are necessary for their survival over time, and what new relationships the institution can establish with its participants.

Where Things Continue is a group formed by young people interested in culture and art and who have been a part of these programmes. The project aims to redefine the relationship with the museum, encouraging self-management by its members and fostering self-directed learning among its participants.

During the months of October through to February, the group will meet regularly, hold working sessions and meetings with artists and creators.

In this first phase, the group will be able to address themes such as the processes of disappearance, immortality, flowering and regeneration.

The aim of the group is to think about collaborative working strategies within the institution and to get involved in the construction of programming aimed at other young people.

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Where Things Continue is a group formed by young people interested in culture and art and who have been a part of these programmes. The project aims to redefine the relationship with the museum, encouraging self-management by its members and fostering self-directed learning among its participants.

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antiguos sub21
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Photography: Patri Nieto.

Type Thinking / Community
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Is it a cycle?

‘Maybe you can show us that TikTok that you saved ages ago that you thought was so funny/curious/interesting. Maybe we’ll want to stroll, rest, re-do.

I think we'll be a chaotic but creative group. Or maybe we'll get bored, but that's not bad either, right? We’ll visit friends, artists... people who’ll tell us their latest secret and, together, we’ll do something with it.’

Nails and Tacks is an activity aimed at young people aged 13 to 21, where they can discover new creating methods related to contemporary creation. It’s an open, collective space in which to investigate artistic strategies based on the principles of do-it-yourself and self-publishing.

On Fridays and weekends, we will hold workshops and meetings with artists, exploring our personal universes and seeking new ways to observe everyday life from an artistic perspective. You can sign up for a one-off session or for our ongoing sessions,  all of which will be different. Over the next few months, we would love to build a space in which to create, think and imagine together.

Quiosco Clandestino are Angie de la Lama and Leo D'Elio. As a collective, it was born in 2020 in the post-pandemic context from a reflection on the cultural circuits in which both organisers were part of. It was born as an organisation that supports artists or people interested in artistic creation, as well as creating their own projects related to self-publishing.

Angie de la Lama is an artist and designer from Seville based in Madrid. Her work moves between comics, illustration and experimental cinema. She also works as a cultural manager and, within this field, has created Skisomic fest, the first fanzine festival in Seville, and has set up the association Quiosco clandestino de promoción cultural. Angie combines her work as an artist and manager with the development of educational projects for different public and private institutions.

Leo D'Elio is an artist and cultural manager from Madrid. His practice revolves around the personal, the everyday, the public space and practices related to self-publishing such as fanzines, comics and sound experimentation. He is a staunch defender of amateurism and doing it 'badly'. He developed in his youth in the youth group of the 'sub21' museum following 'Duchamp & Sons' at the Whitechapel Gallery in London until he created with Angie in 2020 Quiosco Clandestino and Yina + Eol.

Activity type

Nails and Tacks is an activity aimed at young people from 13 to 21 years old, where they can discover new ways of doing things related to contemporary creation. An open and collective space in which to investigate artistic strategies based on do-it-yourself and self-publishing.

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Photography: Patri Nieto.

Is it a cycle?
EVERY OTHER FRIDAY 17:30 - 19:00

This year, we want to focus on the books that inhabit our shelves. As ours is a library within a contemporary art museum, it is full of rare books, artist's books, fanzines and countless publications that explore other possible ways of reading and understanding the subject. These publications also tell us about exhibitions and activities that have given the library an unprecedented and extraordinary life. Under the guidance of the library manager, Sonia Seco, we will bring to light some bibliographic oddities; these, in turn, will lead us to an endless number of possible texts and readings. 

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Target audience

This year, we want to focus on the books that inhabit our shelves. Under the guidance of the library manager, Sonia Seco, we will bring to light some bibliographic oddities; these, in turn, will lead us to an endless number of possible texts and readings. 

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Photography: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?

Uneven Dance is a workshop where you can practise typical partner dances as part of a trio. It is designed for all body types and for those who have had all kinds of experiences on dance floors, in nightclubs and ballrooms. Dancing in threes means we have to arrange ourselves in a different way, and the resulting movements and dances become radically new.  

Throughout this workshop, many of the binary assumptions that have accompanied the history of dance and dancing will be questioned. Its main objective is to find other ways of connecting with dance and its history, in order to enjoy the most beautiful and vital aspects that dancing as a community offers us: the pleasure of feeling part of something shared, the joy the body feels when it is moved, the surprise felt when the invisible and the unknown become manifest, the magic that comes from bodies being in tune with the world and the sensation of creating meaning as we dance.  

Oihana Altube is a dancer and choreographer who is trained in Dance Movement Therapy. She works on the margins of Dance and the Living Arts.



Activity type
Target audience

Uneven Dance is a workshop where you can practise typical partner dances as part of a trio. It is designed for all body types and for those who have had all kinds of experiences on dance floors, in nightclubs and ballrooms. Dancing in threes means we have to arrange ourselves in a different way, and the resulting movements and dances become radically new.  

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Photography: Sue Ponce.

Is it a cycle?
TUESDAY 11:00 TO 13:00H

Ciudad Sur (‘Southern City’) is a space for shared experimentation launched in 2021 which, taking Móstoles as its starting point, aims to explore the many facets and many riches that generate a sense of belonging in the cities that make up the Madrid’s metropolitan area.   

In this third edition, we will approach Móstoles as post-tourist guides, travelling together through a series of architectures composed of layers of time, experiences and lived moments around what we call free time, based on a proposal of shared experimentation in which this dormitory town will become a holiday destination. 

Leisure, what we call ‘free time’, is one of the things we desire most, a place where we indulge in experiences - lived or projected – which are associated with enjoyment.  

There is a leisure with which we live every day, that which marks the pauses in the flow of daily activity, such as the time we dedicate to sport and its promise of a balanced, healthy, desirable life. But there is also leisure that functions as an escape route, a time and a place where limits are widened: popular festivals, nights out... and of course, the idea of true leisure, and the search for total disconnection: holidays. A long pause that allows us, at least for a while, to pretend to live under another logic, to try to be other people.                                                                                                                

As dormitory towns grew, low-cost ‘getaway’ flights multiplied, definitively linking holidays with the idea of travel. To this end, the tourism industry offers us a myriad of destinations to match our dreams and our wallets, deploying a whole travel imaginary in which this desired ‘freedom’ can take shape. A catalogue of beautiful scenes often constructed in contrast to everyday spaces, based on a play of opposites. From urban grey to the infinite blue skies and seas; from the brick of the city to the white of the Costa Brava, or the warm gold of the sun... But never the ‘brown coast’. This ‘coast’ is Madrid’s metropolitan area, which will be the setting for the activities proposed in this programme, where we will reflect on the evolution of the urban, political and social criteria that have built this city’s landscape of leisure infrastructures. 

The sessions will take place between October 2023 and May 2024: 3rd of October, 7th of November, 12th of December, 16th of  January, 20th of February, 12th of March, 16th of April and 7th of May 2024. 

Coordinated by: Irene de Andrés, La Liminal and Estrella Serrano.

Irene de Andrés was born in one of the world’s most desirable destinations - the island of Ibiza - which has inevitably led her to investigate the evolution of the concept of leisure and the very meaning of travel throughout history, from the first settlers to today’s tour operators. Spas, cruise ships and nightclubs are the key settings for the artist who, through film, sculptural pieces and graphic work, creates journeys through time and through different waters, connecting different historical events that make us reflect on the model of tourist consumption, especially designed for the working class. 

La Liminal is a cultural mediation collective that investigates the city and uses the urban tour as a tool to analyse public space collectively. Our aim is to experiment with the urban landscape in order to propose new readings that focus on those stories that have been made invisible over time, those we have not sufficiently valued, in order to construct alternative discourses that are based on collective learning and that allow for a re-appropriation of the idea of public space as a common good. 

Activity type
Target audience

Ciudad Sur (‘Southern City’) is a space for shared experimentation in which we will approach Móstoles as post-tourist guides to tour a series of architectures made up of layers of time, experiences and experiences around what we call free time. The dormitory town will become a holiday town.

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Ciudad Sur mayo
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Photography: “Verano en Móstoles”, 1994. Collection "Madrileños". Regional Archive of the Comunidad de Madrid.

Is it a cycle?