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Image: spectrogram, the usual way of cleaning soundtracks of noises that get into recordings and which are detected on the basis of colours of different intensity and place on the spectrum.

In the summer of 1959 the Estonian non-fiction film producer and opera singer Friedrich Jürgenson and his partner tried to record the birdsong of a finch in order to use it in one of their documentaries. In the forest near their home Friedrich placed a tape recorder and remained silent as he tried to record the birdsong. On returning home, he played back what he had recorded.

The sound was clean and clear, the wind, the leaves as they moved, the song of the finch, but... there was something else. On the recording he could also hear a human voice imitating the sound of the finch which then started talking in Norwegian, commenting on the birdsong. Jürgenson supposed that it must have been someone who was also in the forest at the time who he had not been aware of. So, the following day he returned to the forest, but first checking the area to ensure that there was nobody about, and once again he placed the tape recorder beside the finch’s nest. When he returned home satisfied, Friedrich played back the recording. This time there was no one whistling but there was a voice. A voice which he recognized as his own dead mother calling him. Friedel … my little Friedel …. Can you hear me?

In this two-day workshop we will experiment with the boundaries between art and magic in order to defy the logic of our surrounding world.

A workshop led by Raisa Maudit, a multidisciplinary artist whose work is defined by representations of individual and collective desires, needs and expectations in conflict with socio-political standards, generating experiences that are transformed into little acts of subversion.

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Acceso notas adicionales

Capacity: 15 people


In the summer of 1959 the Estonian non-fiction film producer and opera singer Friedrich Jürgenson and his partner tried to record the birdsong of a finch in order to use it in one of their documentaries. In the forest near their home Friedrich placed a tape recorder and remained silent as he tried to record the birdsong. On returning home, he played back what he had recorded.

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Pequeño Friedel
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Imagen: espectrograma, el modo habitual para limpiar la pista de sonido de ruidos que se cuelan en la grabación y que se revelan en base a colores de diferente intensidad y situación en el espectro.

Is it a cycle?
SATURDAY 4:30-7:00 p.m. SUNDAY 11:30-2:00 p.m.

In May several birthdays are celebrated in Madrid, and we are going to make a gift-tribute to our region. Through two workshops, the artist Clara Moreno Cela shows the public the process of her research on the identity of Madrid. In order for everyone to enjoy this activity, the first day is aimed at families, and the second and third days are aimed at teenagers and adults.

During the two get-togethers we will explore our relationship with the city through music, performance and games in workshops that aim to be a reunion with other people, and is also outdoor fun that makes the most of our terrace. A Chotistón to commemorate the festivities and traditional festivals – called verbenas – that are celebrated on these particular days. A celebration that also belongs to Móstoles – the 2nd of May – that has given us our name; a festivity we want to partake in as spring awakes.

On the first two mornings of May, we’ll create a show-gift to the city we live in. We’ll consider Madrid as a subject to pay tribute to through music, a show, a form of scripted madness. Madrid’s identity will be looked at from a folkloric and playful point of view during a two-day workshop, the result of which may be presented – time permitting – to friends and family.

1st MAY: 10:00 –14:00h | 2st MAY:10:30 – 13:30h

Workshop by Clara Moreno Cela.

Clara Moreno Cela (1993, Madrid) is the daughter of woman who is a bookseller, artist and cultural mediator. Her work bounds between drawing, performance and music, and she loves using literature as a starting point for the creative process. Her solo musical project, called Clara te canta (Clara Sings for You), brings all her passions to light in a straightforward punk way. She likes producing pieces using everyday things and pours her energy into thinking about the function of intuition in Art, the relationships between different species, and supermarket conversations.

Activity type
1st and 2nd of May (mornings)
Acceso notas adicionales

Capacity: 15 people


In May several birthdays are celebrated in Madrid, and we are going to make a gift-tribute to our region. Through two workshops, the artist Clara Moreno Cela shows the public the process of her research on the identity of Madrid. In order for everyone to enjoy this activity, the first day is aimed at families, and the second and third days are aimed at teenagers and adults.

Categoría cabecera
Chotiston adultos
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Fotografía: @Raume116

Is it a cycle?
The workshop lasts 2 days

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

This educative program consists of a discussed film screening by an educator alongside a cameraless workshop. The program offers many experimental and fiction creations. Following the discussion after the screening, it continues a workshop where students will experience and work directly on the film itself. After the workshop, it will be screened the manipulated celluloid by the students.

This project is embedded in the CA2M audio-visual literacy project which aims to promote attitudes of active perception from an early age. Within this program, the museum space becomes a place for children to discover new references, find new images and talk about new issues other than the usual ones. This workshop comes with a teachers´dossier to work it after in the classroom.

Maximum 30 students per session


Animal Studies, the cat. Guy Sherwin, 1976 -79, 2´ 50´´ 
Vitrail, Olivier Fouchard, 2004, 1´ 10´´ 
El coro, Le choeur, Abbas Kiarostami, 1982, 17’
Flip Film,  Ellen Ugestald, 2005, 1’ 10´´

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TUESDAYS 10:30 – 12:45 H.
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Máximo 30 alumnos por sesión


From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

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Cine sin cámara
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2012 – 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR
Is it a cycle?

Aimed at pupils from 2nd and 3rd years of Primary Education

Workshop by María Cunillera and Alberto Vázquez

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

This educative program consists of a discussed film screening driven by a CA2M educator alongside a cameraless film workshop. The program offers many experimental and fiction creations. Following the discussion after the screening, it continues a workshop where students will experience and work directly on the film itself. After the workshop, the manipulated celluloid by the participants will be screened.

This project is embedded in the CA2M audio-visual literacy project which aims to promote attitudes of active perception from an early age. Within this program, the museum space becomes a place for children to discover new references, find new images and talk about new issues other than the usual ones.

Maximum 30 people per session


Das Modell. Florian Gwinner, 2006, 6’14’’
Moby Dick, Guy Ben-Ner, 2000, 18’
Once Upon a Time , Corinna Schnitt, 2006, 4’28’’
Music for one appartment and six drummers , Ola Simonsson Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, 2000, 9’

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2013 – 2014 ACADEMIC YEAR

From its start, cinema has been known as one of most fascinating educative means, not only for the subjects and issues raised, but for its imaginary creation capacity and for encouraging new habits of active and critical perception. For the purpose of providing an alternative to those audiovisual dominant products, those that reinforce that consumption behavior and few times lead to reflection, CA2M has created this activity.

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Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
Taller cine sin cámara
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Taller cine sin cámara
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TUESDAYS 10:30 – 12:45 H.
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Aimed at 3rd year Primary School students

This school year, we also offer third year primary school groups the chance to take part in a complementary workshop session in their school. This way, the groups will participate in an initial session in CA2M in which they will focus on the Morning Session (screening and direct animation workshop) followed by a film with camera workshop and stop motion in the classroom.

Accompanied by our educators, the students will discover, hands-on, the first cinematographic tricks. We will experiment with illusionism through simple techniques, taking advantage of the full potential of the special effects to introduce fiction and the fantastical into the educational space.

Maximum 30 students

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SCHOOL YEAR 2014 – 2015
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Máximo 30 alumumnos


This school year, we also offer third year primary school groups the chance to take part in a complementary workshop session in their school. This way, the groups will participate in an initial session in CA2M in which they will focus on the Morning Session (screening and direct animation workshop) followed by a film with camera workshop and stop motion in the classroom.

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Sesión continua
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Is it a cycle?

Hearing is widely believed to be the most invasive of our senses, because it is almost impossible to prevent a powerful noise from penetrating our body. We can stop ourselves from looking, from tasting, from touching and even from smelling. But we cannot deactivate our hearing even while asleep. In addition, the hearing involves the whole body: the deep sounds of techno music make the whole body vibrate, pop music forces you to move your feet and it is even claimed that classical music can soothe wild beasts. But our relationship with sound responds to a cultural construct: if the sound of a cow mooing in the countryside is not considered to be noisy, then why do we think that the sound of a car in the city is?

In this workshop we will be borrowing from the Situationists to rethink what noises have to tell us and how they relate to our everyday experience. Hearing, the drift, the museum and the city will be our main tools to explore the limits of sound.

Maximum 30 students.

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Máximo treinta alumnos.


In this workshop we will be borrowing from the Situationists to rethink what noises have to tell us and how they relate to our everyday experience. Hearing, the drift, the museum and the city will be our main tools to explore the limits of sound.

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Taller de ruido en la ciudad 2015
Type Thinking / Community
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10:30 — 12:30
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For the 2015-2016 school year the El Banquete group and the pupils from sixth year undertook the collective construction of a pyramid in a corner of the Juan Pérez Villaamil public school in Móstoles. Its mission was to generate a space that would afford other ways of inhabiting and rethinking utopia. The pyramid was built as a possibility for establishing other orders, a space of fluctuating collaborations in which to build and rebuild.

For the current school year of 2016-2017, a new group of pupils from sixth year will be in charge of the construction and deciding on its use. Once again this year, El Banquete will carry out a project at the school in which play will be given a transformative role, giving students an opportunity to adopt roles that will open up processes of reflection on identity, territoriality, the public sphere, autonomy, power, negotiation and disobedience. The project is underpinned by an interest in generating an autonomous and self-managed pedagogy from a position of conflict, at once creating a space of friction within the educational institution, where pupils will take decisions collectively for the self-construction and self-management of the space.

LAlejandría Cinque, Raquel G.Ibáñez and Marta van Tartwijk are the members of the El Banquete research and creative group which develops projects related with everyday experience as an artistic value. Their projects are addressed as playful appropriations and subjective experiences that wish to act as triggers for reflection, critical thinking and individual empowerment.

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2016 — 2017 SCHOOL YEAR

For the 2015-2016 school year the El Banquete group and the pupils from sixth year undertook the collective construction of a pyramid in a corner of the Juan Pérez Villaamil public school in Móstoles. Its mission was to generate a space that would afford other ways of inhabiting and rethinking utopia.

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Aquí trabaja un artista
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Is it a cycle?

During this school year María Jerez, accompanied by an artist who does not speak Spanish, will attend the school with the intention of getting the children to teach the language to this “illiterate” individual; as such, this process will turn the usual logic and roles of teaching inside out. For this project, the artist and her companion will explore along with the children how a language can arise from the encounter between people who do not speak the same language. During the process, the wish to break down the distance separating them will make it possible to communicate between different worlds. This artist’s residency will seek to develop a “third language” derived from the impossibility of immediate communication, and to this end they will explore the inefficacy of language in situations where translation does not exist, where teaching and learning take place at the same time, where nobody is in control of the teaching process, where there is an exploration of fragility and roles are reversed, in order to discover things within failure and to make the most of and enjoy mistakes.

María Jerez is an artist who uses a borderline language in her practice because it allows her to be more mobile. In fact, she likes speaking through others. She builds like Lego and takes a kamikaze approach to rebuilding. In her first piece she turned her back on the public in order to see reality from a different angle and be able to position herself in many places at once. In the second piece she built a space where everybody could fit. In the third she appears in two dimensions. In the fourth she disappears. In the fifth she is expanded. In the sixth she is transformed into Alma de Rímel.

Following the experience during the 2014–2015 school year, this year we will continue and expand the Artist At Work program in which the artists develop an art project in collaboration with the local community in a school, including teachers, students and families. In the face of the disappearance of art classes within the official school curriculum we believe that it is an interesting artistic challenge to bring artists to schools with the purpose of developing multidisciplinary projects that work with materials that are not generally associated with art practice. One of the main goals of the project is to think about the possible long-term effects of projects developed by artists. In this regard, we are interested in researching into how artists can affect schools and vice versa, how educational institutions, and more specifically public schools, can return the experience to the artists and to the CA2M education department.

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SCHOOL YEAR 2015 — 2016
Directed by

During this school year María Jerez, accompanied by an artist who does not speak Spanish, will attend the school with the intention of getting the children to teach the language to this “illiterate” individual; as such, this process will turn the usual logic and roles of teaching inside out. For this project, the artist and her companion will explore along with the children how a language can arise from the encounter between people who do not speak the same language.

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Aquí trabaja un artista
ARTIST AT WORK 2016 - 2016
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Is it a cycle?

Can silence be fun? In this one-session school workshop Nilo Gallego and Magda Labarga will help us to explore the possibilities of listening, rhythm and noise, as well as their connections with the city and urban life.

The workshop activity comprises different stops or stations: in the listening room everything will be amplified: Did you pay attention to the friction of your clothes? And to the hairs on your head hitting against one another? Or the symphony of the zip opening your coat? In the sonic viewpoint we will look out over the city and experiment with its sounds and compose the rhythm of passersby. In the noise room, after listening to the soundtrack of our day-to-day life, the Noise and the City orchestra will rehearse for a street procession. There, other voices will emit new signals, accompanied by pots and pans, cans and whistles, proposing other rhythms for our neighbourhoods.

This activity is aimed at primary school students and their teachers, who will have a chance to take part in an action in which communication exists but in another form and attention is based on other forms of logic different to what we are used to. What would happen if we didn’t ask for silence for the span of two hours?

Nilo Gallego is a musician who gives performances in which experimentation with sound is the starting point. His works, which are always based on a playful component, are based the participation of the audience and interaction with our surroundings and with the everyday.

Magda Labarga was born without realising it and then later, given that she had been born, she learned to talk. She grew to like being born but especially this talking thing. That’s why she dedicates herself to storytelling: for having being born and for the pleasure of telling things.  She has been telling stories for years and talking her whole life.

Max 30 students.

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Máximo 30 alumnos


Can silence be fun? In this one-session school workshop Nilo Gallego and Magda Labarga will help us to explore the possibilities of listening, rhythm and noise, as well as their connections with the city and urban life.

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Taller ruido y ciudad 2016
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10:30 — 12:30
Is it a cycle?

4 minutes and 300 metres is all that separates us from the nearest public school. The closeness with the art centre means that its teachers, students, and parents are part of the very fabric of the museum itself. Right from the beginning, we believed that it was critical for us to work with the schools in our area of influence in the development of projects that would lead to a shared space of research. And so, for the third year running, we are continuing to strengthen bonds by collaborating with the Beato Simón de Rojas public school as part of our artist-in-residence project. The proposals will conceive other forms of productivity removed from those which schools are used to. For the first year we invited Pili Álvarez to come up with an audiovisual project that would rethink the school’s immediate surrounding environs, the experiences that take place there and the relational problems that arise in its classrooms. For the second year Amalia Fernández worked with the body to explore issues related with identity and desire both inside and outside the classroom. This year we wish to continue investigating how artists can affect the educational institution and, more specifically, how this public school can return its experience to artists as well as to CA2M’s education department.

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2016 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR

4 minutes and 300 metres is all that separates us from the nearest public school. The closeness with the art centre means that its teachers, students, and parents are part of the very fabric of the museum itself. 

Aquí trabaja un artista
ARTIST AT WORK 2016 - 2017
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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Is it a cycle?