CA2M has invited the filmmaker Pili Álvarez and the researcher Mercedes Álvarez to undertake research on the project by the El Banquete collective within its Artist at Work artist-in-residence programme. The goal is to produce an audiovisual work that will examine the project’s critical and practical challenges. It is viewed as a kind of device for the critical analysis of an art project at a school. The film will be based on sequences recorded as live cinema that follow up the main characters: teachers, artists, educators and students.

As the students begin to appropriate the space and the pyramid begins to gain in presence, conflicts start to arise that not only affect the children involved in the construction of the pyramid. The frictions question other agents in the school that are affected by the autonomy of the group that inevitably questions the existing power structures in the school.

This audiovisual proposal looks into film’s ability to evince and to take part in educational processes and thus multiply the ways in which practices that operate on an relational level can be followed, shared and explored.

The process of postproduction will be finished during this school year and the film will be presented and distributed in 2017.

Programme for primary schools with the support of Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso

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2016 — 2017 SCHOOL YEAR

CA2M has invited the filmmaker Pili Álvarez and the researcher Mercedes Álvarez to undertake research on the project by the El Banquete collective within its Artist at Work artist-in-residence programme. The goal is to produce an audiovisual work that will examine the project’s critical and practical challenges. . 

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Is it a cycle?

Can silence be fun? In this one-session school workshop Nilo Gallego and Magda Labarga will explore the possibilities of listening and of noise, as well as their connections with the urban space and life in society. What does listening to the city mean? Is it possible to listen in the middle of chaos? What different kinds of silence are there? How many different kinds can we listen to? In this third edition of the workshop we will be looking to expand the limits imposed up until now in the practice and will push back new boundaries for silence. Operating in parallel to The Triangle project, the Noise and the City workshop will partake in the reflections that arise and will establish a dialogue on the various forms that silence can adopt in the school space.

The session is divided into different stations or stops. First of all, everything is amplified in the Listening Room. Have you paid attention to your clothes rubbing together? Have you listened to the hairs on your head as they hit off one another? Or to the symphony produced by the zip on your coat? In the Sonic Viewing Room we will take a look at the city and experiment with its sounds and use them to compose the rhythm of passers-by walking on the streets. In the Noise Room, after listening to the soundtrack of our everyday lives, the Noise and the City orchestra will rehearse for a street parade. In it, other voices that emit new slogans, accompanied by pots and pans and whistles, will propose other rhythms for our neighbourhoods.

This activity is aimed at groups of primary school children and their teachers, who will have an opportunity to take part in an action in which communication exists, but in an alternative way, and where attention is based on logics other than conventional ones: What would happen if adults didn’t ask us to be quiet for the next two hours?

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This activity is aimed at groups of primary school children and their teachers, who will have an opportunity to take part in an action in which communication exists, but in an alternative way, and where attention is based on logics other than conventional ones: What would happen if adults didn’t ask us to be quiet for the next two hours?

Audiovisuales with description
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Ruido y ciudad
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Topics Educational Community
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10:30 — 12:30
Is it a cycle?

Car na val ien te ne bro so rrrr pre sa cu di da nn za mm bu llir se mi lla mar cia no ché que re do si la sol fa mi re tum bar bas to nes sssshhhh

During carnival, communities come together to celebrate. Each individual engenders a cell within a greater organism that comprises ritual, embodying some powerful being, a monstrous character, a mystic queen, or a magical fish that, generally speaking, represents the arrival or departure of a key moment for the community when darkness and light go hand in hand.

This is a workshop to create our own carnival; to transform ourselves into sonic beings, into wonderful creatures with fantastic movements. A workshop that encourages desires to flow freely, to reimagine how we can move, how we can dream; to create other roles and new realities that allow us to question—through sound, visuals and movement—our surrounding reality and how we live in it.

3rd to 6th year primary school students

Maximum number of students: 30

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Número de alumnos: máximo 30


This is a workshop to create our own carnival; to transform ourselves into sonic beings, into wonderful creatures with fantastic movements. A workshop that encourages desires to flow freely, to reimagine how we can move, how we can dream; to create other roles and new realities that allow us to question—through sound, visuals and movement—our surrounding reality and how we live in it.

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Danzónico 2018
Danzonic 2018
Type Thinking / Community
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10:30 — 12:30
Is it a cycle?

Now that normality has become the strangest of things and we know that strangeness is normal, we adapt like chameleons to propose an activity aimed at primary school students.

Danzónico moves into outdoor spaces. Carnival is now held in darkness. The new fertile space gives birth to the most fantastic beings in the galaxy: creatures with impossible bodies that howl, scream and chirp with sounds never heard before by human ears. The new organism gives off dancing lights and is driven by a communal desire, expressed in the bond between the bodies. Bodies that touch each other through light. Darkness and light go hand in hand.

Danzónico is a workshop-laboratory in which we will generate our own carnival. We will transmute ourselves into sound beings, into magnificent creatures with fantastic movements. A laboratory in which we will transform our desires, our fears, our longings, our best qualities into an animal from outer space that inhabits a museum. A laboratory that lets desires flow free, to re-imagine our movements, to understand ourselves as part of an organism that transcends our own individual bodies; to subvert our assigned roles and to create new ones, new realities that allow us to question the reality we live in and how we experience it, through sound, movement and visuals. A carnival that is always different every time.

This activity was conceived to adapt to the current circumstances we are living through.

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April- May2021

Now that normality has become the strangest of things and we know that strangeness is normal, we adapt like chameleons to propose an activity aimed at primary school students.

Images gallery
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
Danzonico. Sue Ponce.
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DANZÓNICO 2020-2021
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Picture: Sue Ponce.

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Fotografías: Sue Ponce.
Type Thinking / Community
Topics Educational Community
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10:30-12:30 h
Is it a cycle?

The U21 team is a group made up of young people from 16 to 21 years of age who are interested in culture, art and community life. We focus on utopian practices of art that promote experimental forms of organisation, dissident attitudes and collective creative processes. Our way of working is to continuously evolve: right now it seems almost miraculous to be able to meet at a museum to spend time together but we feel that this is very important. This year, we aim to bring back museums, meetings, artists and group meet-and-greets, travelling to the future, becoming nomads and mountaineers, doing magic and adapting to the circumstances like true chameleons.

In this first stage of the year, called Start of the End of the World: Youth, we begin a collective research laboratory with the artist Paz Rojo, in which we radically experiment with speculation and the future.

Currently the U21 team is made up of: Diego Alonso, Alicia Arévalo Gallego, Cristina Bermúdez Garrido, Paula Díaz Cano, Miriam Domínguez García, Sandra Esteban López, Nadia Ettahri, Claudia Fernández Concepción, Marina Lillo García, Irene Lloret Miguel, Elisa Lozano Triviño, Fabiana Marques Abatemarco, Richard Moreno Campechano, Marina Olympia Rodríguez Ibáñez, Rosario O'Kelly, Hugo P, Daniel Perera García, Iris Perpiñá Fabra, Rubén Reyes Carrasco, Tamara Serrano Cabello and Marina Viñarás Germano.

The new team members will be: Marina Díaz, Adrián David Ferrer Cinta, Carolina Vizcaíno Serrano, Chris Alzamora Martínez, Claudia Mangas Gómez- Álvarez, Eleana Mayra Fernández Barcellona, Esly Reyes Germán, Valentina Herrera Otálvaro, Brallan Josué Ramos López, José Javier Hernández Escudero, Ana Rodríguez and Clara Isabel de Pedro Lizarazu.

Activity type
All year
Target audience

The U21 team is a group made up of young people from 16 to 21 years of age who are interested in culture, art and community life.

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Equipo Sub21
U21 team
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Is it a cycle?

This activity is continuing online among all participants.

We are going to build a fort in the middle of the hall in the Children’s Home in Móstoles. For the floor we will use mattresses, for the ceiling we will hang sheets with clothes pegs and we will build walls with piles of pillows so that nobody can see what we are doing inside.

Once a month, different artists will be invited inside this space to that they can share their practices with us. The programme for The Fort will include dance, sound and projections and it will have its own set of rules: the only things allowed inside are what we like and what we don’t like have to be left outside.

Activity type

We are going to build a fort in the middle of the hall in the Children’s Home in Móstoles. For the floor we will use mattresses, for the ceiling we will hang sheets with clothes pegs and we will build walls with piles of pillows so that nobody can see what we are doing inside. Once a month, different artists will be invited inside this space to that they can share their practices with us.

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Is it a cycle?



We invite you to bid farewell to 2019 with this exciting audiovisual event based on sound improvisation and projected images. Everything is brought together in an unreal Dada-like retrofuturist atmosphere combined with live experimentation by the multi-instrumentalist Severine Beata and the visual artist Beatriz Sánchez.

Together with Severine and Beatriz we will transform aluminium foil into thunder, pinecones into fire and tin cans into beats. Bring with you whatever you can find at home that we can use collectively to create a soundscape to accompany a series of visual games that arise from all kinds of gadgets: photos, objects, dolls, textures, engines...

Severine Beata is a multi-instrumentalist who experiments with the western concert flute, saxophone, synthesizer, drum machines, vocals... She is currently based in Andalusia, where she combines her work as a teacher with concerts and sound research.

Beatriz Sánchez is a drawing artist, performer, audiovisual creator and digital activist who works on many different levels, analysing the impact that heteronormative discourses and the information society have on us.

Activity type
26th December, 2019
Target audience

We invite you to bid farewell to 2019 with this exciting audiovisual event based on sound improvisation and projected images. Everything is brought together in an unreal Dada-like retrofuturist atmosphere combined with live experimentation by the multi-instrumentalist Severine Beata and the visual artist Beatriz Sánchez.

Categoría cabecera
Concierto fin de año 2019
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Is it a cycle?

There is a desert
at the back of our
we see nothing
unless it is
his disguise
the distant confused whisper
in an unknown language

It has happened to us all. That feeling, though short-lived, is very beautiful: you are with your friends and you play a song that you love, you read an excerpt from one of your favourite books, or you want to share a photograph that has meant something to you for many years. You feel that desire to share the delight of an obsession, to share its magnetism.

This project arose from exploring an obsession that morphed over time and that many people throughout history have experienced. We are referring to invisibility. Where does it come from? How can we become invisible, manage to vanish – dissolve – to not be seen or detected?

This will be the starting point from which, together, we will explore different notions that, precisely, do not fit purely within the physical realm. Voice, a whisper, breath. Their rhythms. Magic and escapism. Leaping into the unknown. Camouflaging ourselves in the night. Accepting the risk of listening to our intuitions. Other ways of being close, although these – apparently – are invisible.


Project developed by the artist Raquel G. Ibañez

Activity type
Alternate Wednesdays from March 3
Target audience

This project arose from exploring an obsession that morphed over time and that many people throughout history have experienced. We are referring to invisibility. Where does it come from? How can we become invisible, manage to vanish – dissolve – to not be seen or detected?

Images gallery
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
Cuadrilla imperceptible. Sue Ponce.
An invisible fire that calls us, that burns us
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Cuadrilla imperceptible
Imperceptible gang
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Fotografías: Sue Ponce.
Is it a cycle?

At the beginning of 2020 we will be opening the exhibition Absurd Humour: A Constellation of Folly in Spain and, similarly to other occasions, we have invited an artist to prepare what we call a Positioned Visit. This time Alba Rihe has created an audio-guide that will take us on a trip through the exhibition, with what could be considered a soundtrack which is a kind of pastiche, a chimera of voices, a word whispered in your ear that caresses the eardrum and which we hope will make us break out in hysterical laughter in the exhibition hall.

The audio-guides are available free of charge at the museum reception desk during the course of the exhibition. You can also listen the audio on Soundcloud or download in your devices here:

Activity type

At the beginning of 2020 we will be opening the exhibition Absurd Humour: A Constellation of Folly in Spain and, similarly to other occasions, we have invited an artist to prepare what we call a Positioned Visit. This time Alba Rihe has created an audio-guide that will take us on a trip through the exhibition.

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Visitas posicionadas
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Is it a cycle?
Soundcloud with description
Audioguía 00_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 01_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 02_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 03_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 04_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 05_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 06_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 07_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 08_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 09_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 10_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 11_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 12_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 13_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 14_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 15_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 16_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe
Audioguía 17_Exposición ‘Humor absurdo’, realizado por la artista Alba Rihe

Enrolment free HERE.

This year we wish to see and to make film collectively and, with this purpose in mind, we have invited Chus Domínguez to design a workshop. Focused mainly on practice, it will be a space aimed at teachers and educators who want to use audiovisuals to question their workspace and to find new forms of images and sounds in the classroom. To listen and look again like never before.

Chus Domínguez is an audiovisual creator specialized in documentary film. Together with the Department of Education and Cultural Action at MUSAC (Museum of Contemporary Art of Castile and Leon), he has set up LAAV (Laboratory of Experimental Audiovisual Anthropology) to develop a range of collaborative research-creative projects. He is also a member of the experimental action group Orquestina de Pigmeos and is a lecturer in the Documentary Film degree course at ECAM film school.

Aimed at teachers and other people interested in education.

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20, 21, 22 & 23 APRIL | 17:00 — 20:00

This year we wish to see and to make film collectively and, with this purpose in mind, we have invited Chus Domínguez to design a workshop. Focused mainly on practice, it will be a space aimed at teachers and educators who want to use audiovisuals to question their workspace and to find new forms of images and sounds in the classroom.

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Reminiscencias de un viaje a Lituania
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4 sessions + further session to be agreed with group
Is it a cycle?